Chapter 8 Are You Sick?

Ji Feiyun just laughed, "Brother Yongpeng, what happened to you just now?"

Nan Yongpeng couldn't explain it, so he could only pretend to say, "I had a high fever when I was young, and then I fell ill. Can you help me keep a secret?"

Ji Feiyun nodded briskly, "Well, I won't tell anyone!"

Covered in chicken soup, Nan Yongpeng returned to the house to change, but was pleasantly surprised to find that the scar on his arm had scabbed over.

This kind of wound cut by a woodcutter could not heal without raising it for ten days and half a month. How could it heal so quickly?

Recently, there are so many strange things happening around me that Nan Yongpeng really can't figure it out.

After changing into clean clothes and washing his face, Nan Yongpeng found Ji Feiyun squatting in the yard, looking at the herbs drying on the bamboo sticks, "Brother Yongpeng, can you give me some of these herbs?"

Ji Feiyun was afraid that Nan Yongpeng would not give it, so he explained, "This herbal medicine can cure Dad's leg injury."

Nan Yongpeng picked a lot of medicinal herbs and filled the whole yard to dry, "You can take whatever you use!"

It was still early in the sky, Ji Feiyun said again, "I still lack elderberry and panax notoginseng, can you take me to the field to look for them?"

She was lost by Tian Weidong just now, and the family watched closely, so it was impossible to let her run outside again.Nan Yongpeng is currently the most trusted person in the Ji family, following him to collect medicine in the mountains, the family should be at ease.

Nan Yongpeng hates Ji Feiyun, but the Ji family has been kind to him and can help pick some herbs for Ji Shuxing to heal his wounds.Moreover, the two kinds of herbs that Ji Feiyun was looking for were found in the mountains, he had seen them before, so he directly carried Ji Feiyun into the mountains with a basket on his back.

Because of poor health, Ji Feiyun was out of breath just after walking a short distance, "Brother Yongpeng, I can't walk anymore."

Nan Yongpeng couldn't see Ji Feiyun's hypocrisy, so he put her in the basket and carried her up the mountain.

Ji Feiyun put his arm around Nan Yongpeng's shoulder, and the energy of the ancient ginkgo tree was sucked away by the touch, but this time it was not so violent and much softer.

Ji Feiyun has just become a human being and hasn't learned how to express, "Brother Yongpeng, are you sick?"

Nan Yongpeng was almost choked by Ji Feiyun's words, and he was stunned for several seconds before slowly saying, "En!"

"What disease?"


Ji Feiyun grinned, "I promise you will sleep like a dead dog tonight!"

Nan Yongpeng, "..."

Dead dog?

Who is the dead dog?

She is a dead dog!
Ji Feiyun remembered the time when Nan Yongpeng rescued him, and couldn't help but want to find herbs for him, "The last time you went into the mountains, what kind of herbs did you come here for?"

"Bai Ziren and Polygonum multiflorum." Not wanting to talk to Ji Feiyun, he simply replied.

These two herbs are used to treat insomnia, but due to geographical and seasonal restrictions, it is impossible to find them at the foot of the mountain. No wonder Nan Yongpeng went to the mountains to find them.

As a dryad, Ji Feiyun is very familiar with the growth environment of various plants.Judging from various environments, it will soon be possible to tell which two kinds of plants may exist in that location.

She supported Nan Yongpeng's shoulders, stood up and looked around, then pointed to a small hill on the mountainside, "There are cypress trees over there!"

How could there be?
Nan Yongpeng has passed by that small hill eight hundred times.

Nan Yongpeng was familiar with Dashangou, and quickly collected all the herbs Ji Feiyun needed, and was about to turn around and walk back, but saw Ji Feiyun climbed out of the basket and ran away.

This little girl ran so fast that she thought the clouds would fly away.

(End of this chapter)

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