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Chapter 97 Ji Feiyun decided to hire someone.

Chapter 97 Ji Feiyun decided to hire someone.

When it was getting late, Gao Lanxiang said, "Don't sell chickens and ducks. Kill and eat them yourself, and give the chicken legs to Feiyun."

He hurried back to the village.

Too tired during the day and want to rest at night.Who knew there would be repeat customers asking for BBQ.

No matter how small a mosquito is, it is still meat.When guests come to the door, there is no reason to refuse.Everyone is busy again.

At night, Nan Yongpeng said to lie down first.He was so tired that he lay down and fell asleep.

Ji Feiyun decided to hire someone.He couldn't kill Nan Yongpeng just to make money and delay the studies of his younger siblings.

When he told his younger siblings the news, the fourth child's eyes lit up and he immediately said, "A friend of mine had a car accident at home and just dropped out of school to find a job."

Uh, Ji Feiyun is a little embarrassed.

As the fourth brother, his friend isn't a bad guy, but he has nothing to do with hard work.

Before Ji Feiyun said this, Ji Feiming refused, "No, who is your friend?" We hire people to work, not to cause trouble. "

"Brother, what happened to my friend?" Jiang Junyong was very angry. "Why are you against everything I do?" You haven't met my friend yet.Why do you say people are bad people? "

Ji Feilong has endured his second son for a long time.He considered himself the eldest son of the family and was always critical of him.Last night, he invited his classmates to have a barbecue.His face was always black.His classmates seem to be monsters.

Jiang Junjie was really dissatisfied.His fourth son is becoming more and more popular.In the past, he liked to cause trouble and fight.Now he likes to make faces and talk gibberish.Please help him today and tomorrow.He doesn't know how much he weighs.

Nan Yongpeng and his sister work hard in the barbecue restaurant.Don't think that the barbecue shop is really his Ji Feiyun.

If you invite his friends over, it's a bunch of pig friends and dog friends.It was weird not getting into trouble then.

brothers, you and I won't let anyone.

Ji Feiyun covered his ears. "Brother, stop arguing. Just to recruit new people."

Jiang Jun said angrily: "Sister, my friend's family is really in trouble, so I won't say anything. Isn't this slapping myself in the face?"

"Okay, let your friend try it tomorrow." Ji Feiyun rolled his eyes and said with a smile: "But there are still bad things to talk about in the future. The work in the store is heavy, so we can't waste time." Then Find a reason to push it, that is, the family will not quarrel.

Ji Feilong patted his chest, "Don't worry, my friend is very hardworking and will not be lazy."

Ji Feiming didn't like his stupidity, but his sister said it, and he didn't say anything more.

That's it.Everyone goes home, washes up and sleeps.

Monday morning was another busy day.

Just after breakfast, Ji Feiyun squatted in the backyard washing dishes.Li Pingan rushed over excitedly.

Cooperation with pharmaceutical factories has been very successful.Li Pingan was radiant and said excitedly: "Nan Yongpeng, you helped me a lot this time. At first, several companies were equal. I didn't expect your plate to help me. This is a legitimate victory."

What's more, when he walked out of the mansion that night, he took this group of people home to see his collection of the Medicine God's Golden Armor and show them his strength.

In short, Nan Yongpeng and Ji Feiyun have made great contributions.

"Please sit down tonight. I have to celebrate." Li Pingan took out 20 yuan and said, "This is the budget. I trust your skills. Look at these plates. Besides, my grandfather's students are coming to see him in a few days .At that time they will still do it with you. The number of people will be the same as the budget."

Ji Feiyun shouted in the backyard: "Uncle Ping An, I have listed all my private dishes, don't forget to help me sell them."

"I have the final say. Just wait for the guests."

(End of this chapter)

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