Reborn 1980 group favorite little hot wife

Chapter 98 Starting a business is easy, but managing it is difficult.

Chapter 98 Starting a business is easy, but managing it is difficult.

After washing the dishes, Ji Feiyun sat down to discuss with Nan Yongpeng.Because private kitchens are made, they must be famous.Passively waiting for customers to come to your door is not the way to go.

But having said that, starting a business is easy but running a business is difficult.The profit of private dishes is much larger than that of fried sauce noodle restaurants, but the cost of ingredients is also much higher.If there are no customers, the loss will be great.You can't prepare ingredients ahead of time, and you can't keep guests when they come.

Seeing Ji Feiyun frowning, Nan Yongpeng thought: "It's better to divide the dishes into three levels: medium and high." High-end products are time-consuming and labor-intensive.Guests can book in advance if needed.The mid-range ones are only chickens, ducks and fish, which can be raised in the yard of a bungalow.The wild boar was not finished yet.If necessary, you can pick it up at my classmate's house.Low-end fried sauce noodle restaurants and barbecue restaurants can generally be used, and the loss will not be too great. "

I didn't expect him to have everything.Ji Feiyun heaved a sigh of relief.The other party finally found the right one.

Anyway, it's not far from the vegetable market.When it doesn't scale in the early stages, it's no big deal to run it a few more times.When you make money later, you can buy a big refrigerator.

After solving the problem of material preparation, they began to think about how to promote it.Jiuxiang is also afraid of the deep alley.We have to fight it out.

Today, there are no ads, and the traditional word-of-mouth effect has slowed down.Ji Feiyun felt that to do commercial publicity and attract people's attention, one must start by distributing leaflets and posting telegraph poles.

Nan Yongpeng has no objection, his handwriting is very good, so the difficult task is left to him.

Discussion is pretty much the same.Just about to go to the market to buy something, suddenly a timid voice came from the door of the store: "Are you Nan Yongpeng and Feiyun?"

The girl looked fourteen or fifteen years old.She washed the white light-colored shirt, gray trousers and old cloth shoes.She was thin and had a sallow complexion.At first glance, she knew she was chronically malnourished.

Ji Feiyun thought she looked familiar, but he couldn't recognize her right away.

"Sister, what can I do for you?"

The girl blushed. "My name is Liu Qianqian. I'm Ji Feilong's classmate. I'm here for an interview today."

Liu Qianqian?Ji Feiyun almost didn't jump up.That was the fourth sister-in-law of the original owner.

yes i didn't.The fourth sister was generous and generous in her previous life, had a lot of rotten peach blossoms, liked to fight and make trouble, and was looked down upon by many people.Only Liu Qianqian accompanied him silently for ten years.Later, when Jiao Weimin finally calmed down, the third sister committed suicide by drinking medicine before talking about marriage, and the fourth sister stabbed Jiao Weimin to death on impulse.

At that time, Liu Qianqian was pregnant and ran around begging for help for her fourth brother.Her fourth brother was sentenced to death and shot, she didn't keep her children because she was too sad.

Liu Qianqian's deep-rooted love for Lao Si was saved by Lao Si when she was bullied by Lao Si at school, but because of her plain appearance and low self-esteem, she dared not express her feelings and wasted ten years in vain.

In any case, the fourth child has disappointed her, and she has been taking care of the Ji family for the past ten years.

"Sister Qianqian, you are finally here." Ji Feiyun warmly welcomed her in. "I'm looking forward to your arrival. I'm a bit of a sucker here. I hope you don't hate it."

Nan Yongpeng was surprised.He agreed to get rid of the fourth child.What's happening now?
Ji Feiyun didn't care.He took Liu Qianqian around to find out the situation, "Sister, can you make noodles?" No, it doesn't matter.I can teach you.The best thing we sell here is Liangpi.If you come, I will teach you..."

Nan Yongpeng: "..." Who said that this craft will never be passed on.

This conversation cannot stop.It's all about the winter melon cups.

Nan Yongpeng suddenly felt a sense of crisis.She doesn't want to train another chef, does she?

In her heart, what is he!
After the new store opened, the trial market procurement officially started.

(End of this chapter)

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