As a lord, I was forced to farm

Chapter 239 Auntie, put down the sword!

Chapter 239 Auntie, put down the sword!

Qi Yu didn't play with him, and he couldn't meet any good-looking women, so he felt more and more boring recently.

Suddenly, Feng Chi noticed a woman in a black dress standing in front of his shop, without makeup, she was already stunning.There was interest in Merry's eyes, as if he smelled the scent of prey, Feng Chi walked towards the man, walking like a tiger, his magic robe flying, and a gust of wind was blowing up.

"Are you going in?" Feng Chi Taohua said nonsense with a smile in his eyes.

His face is indeed superior, with three-dimensional features and suave manner, most women can't resist such charm.

Feng Chi has a wide range of hobbies, but his first hobby is to make friends with all kinds of women. As for what kind of posture this friendship is...

Wow~ This skin, these eyebrows, this figure, are really amazing~
He looked closer, his nose twitched, and he couldn't help sniffing.

The smell is also great~ Feng Chi's heart was trembling with joy.

Wow, this man looks so good even when he frowns, and the sword flower is so good that he almost cut his neck.


A black ink sword exuding a cold and murderous aura rested on his shoulder, and Feng Chi's neck felt cold, and his whole body froze.

What a fast sword!

"Misunderstanding..." Feng Chi raised his hands, begging for mercy bitterly.

But he was horrified in his heart. Although Feng Chi usually behaved a bit playful, he was not such an unreliable person.

Although he seemed to be led away by the nose just now, well, he was indeed led away for a while, but his peripheral vision was always paying attention to the movement of the sword.

But why, just for a moment, the sword disappeared out of thin air, and then suddenly slammed across his neck? !

Jiang Ran looked up, her eyes were heavy and her face was cold, "I heard that you are a genius? Doesn't that seem to be the case?"

It's over, I kicked the iron plate...

"Genius, who said that? Everyone is talking nonsense, haha, haha..." Feng Chi laughed awkwardly. The sarcasm of genius uttered by this person made him very embarrassed.

I thought that if someone called him a genius in the future, the grandparents who beat him would not know him!

Jiang Ran sneered.

"Grandma, I really have no evil intentions, I just think you are pretty." Feng Chi licked his face and flattered him, "Put down the sword first, okay?"

"I know I'm good-looking, so you don't need to emphasize it." Jiang Ran slowly put away Chi Yuan, this sword with a little wisdom was not too happy to go back before it saw blood.

The cold wind breathed maliciously, and Feng Chi lowered his head to look at Jiang Ran one more time in the hazy intertwined light and shadow, but felt that the way the other party gave him reminded him of a person.

The same deflates him, the same chokes him speechless.

Damn it, it's that fellow Qi Yu!

Feng Chi's head flashed, and when he thought of something, the corner of his mouth twitched, his face turned black.

Almost flaccid, now Feng Chi really doesn't have the slightest thought of being charming.

"Please." Amidst the surprised expression of his clerk, Feng Chi restrained his debauchery, stood up with a gentlemanly attitude, and invited Jiang Ran into the shop.

Although Jiang Ran was a little taken aback by Feng Chi's behavior at the beginning, but the business was ahead, and he apologized, so she didn't really care. She was not in her own territory anyway, so it's not good to pursue it too seriously.

When Jiang Ran threw a sword across Feng Chi's neck, the commotion nearby stopped suddenly. He thought there was a good show to watch, but it ended so suddenly.

After the two of them entered the store, the whole street suddenly became agitated, "Did you see that sword clearly?"


"What do you want to buy, if I give you a [-]% discount, it's equivalent to apologizing to you?" Feng Chi said seriously.

Seeing that there are many kinds of weapons in the store, Jiang Ran is not very interested in the magic weapons in Jiang Ran's ink ring, but he is interested in the formations and talismans that occupy half the area of ​​the store. .

Seeing Jiang Ran turn his gaze to that side, Feng Chi waved away the buddies who came over, and greeted him personally, "This is a silence formation, a miniature formation, which works on individuals and is very helpful for stealth."

The sound suppression formation is only a low-cost formation, but it is often used when hunting monsters in the wild, so it is very popular among monks, and it is also among the top ten sales in Yuchi Linghuo Store.

Feng Chi continued to introduce, and mentioned the names of several arrays in a row. Jiang Ran had never heard of most of them, but these arrays have strong practical functions, such as ice array, ground fire array, and Vientiane gun. The formation... until Jiang Ran was familiar with a formation, "This is a miniature spirit gathering formation, which can draw the aura of heaven and earth and help monks practice."

The system had rewarded Jiang Ran with a spirit gathering array before, and it cost [-] to buy it with reputation points.

Seeing that there is also a gathering spirit formation here, she couldn't help but wonder about the price, "How much is this gathering spirit formation?"

Feng Chi glanced at it, and came casually, "The miniature spirit gathering array can accommodate three people to practice together at one time, can be used five times a day, half an hour at a time, can be used for about five years, and costs [-] spirit crystals. "

"This is refined by our shopkeeper. The aura it draws is more refined than most of the Spirit Gathering Arrays on the market. You don't lose money if you buy it. One hour of cultivation inside is worth ten days of hard training outside." Feng Chi Extending a thumbs up to Jiang Ran, "It's worth having."

There can never be too many spirit-gathering formations. At the beginning, the system rewarded her with three spirit-gathering formations. One was installed in the mansion for her and Xiaowen to use together, one was installed in the army base, and the other was installed in Suhong College.

But not enough.

In addition, although Jiang Nancheng went to be a demon spirit master, his cultivation talent is actually not bad. It would be a pity to waste his cultivation, so he waited until he bought a house in Mingxiao, and set up a gathering spirit formation for Jiang Nancheng. A training room is also good.

Jiang Ran fumbled for her savings, if she could sell the spirit gold powder, she could buy a few.

So Jiang Ran asked Feng Chi about the price of the Lingjin powder, "How do you charge the Lingjin powder?"

The topic turned quickly enough, Feng Chi shrugged, "Then you have to let me see it first."

Jiang Ran didn't talk nonsense and took out the things directly.

Last time, Jiang Ran packed more than 50 catties of spiritual gold powder in the Lingjin Mine, leaving [-] catties for Bai Lifei, and now Jiang Ran still has a lot left.

Spiritual gold powder is a commonly used and relatively precious material for training tools. It is usually sold by gram, and one gram of gold powder can sell for ten spirit crystals.

The spiritual gold powder in Jiang Ran's hand was of higher quality - after all, it was processed by gold-eating ants. As for how much it could sell, it depended on what the person in front of him said.

If the price given by this person does not meet her expectations, then she can only find another buyer.

The golden powder shone with a very stable and soft light, the color was very pure, and there were no impurities.

Feng Chi's eyes glowed, and he became interested all of a sudden, "Wow, this color is very good, the powder is very fine, and ordinary spirit gold powder is incomparable."

Feng Chi himself is a craftsman, and he strictly controls the materials. Although it is just a gram or two of spiritual gold powder, this thing can quickly transmit the spiritual power of a monk and strengthen its power.

(End of this chapter)

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