As a lord, I was forced to farm

Chapter 240 Trap Formation

Chapter 240 Trap Formation
There may not be much spiritual gold powder used on each magic weapon, but this thing is definitely a very core blind material.

Good spirit gold powder can help the magic weapon refined by the craftsman to a higher level.

Feng Chi hadn't seen such high-quality spiritual gold powder for a long time.

Feng Chi looked Jiang Ran up and down, and thought, "I can give you 13.8 spirit crystals for one gram of spiritual gold powder of your quality. How about that? It's fair."

There is also a tail of crystals in the back. The price given by this letter is very diligent and thrifty. Jiang Ran has no expression on her face, and her words cannot be refuted, "Fifteen spirit crystals are one gram."

"I'm going, you're a lion." Feng Chi frowned, and seeing her dark eyes, he felt that it was not easy to talk, but this spiritual gold powder was really good, and he didn't want to let it go, "No, at most 14.3 spirit crystals per gram."

"Okay, how much do you want?" Jiang Ran stretched out his right hand, and handed him a bag containing spiritual gold powder.

Feng Chi: "..."

Oh shit.

was played.

Feng Chi felt that the woman's slash just now cast a shadow over him, otherwise how could he have any sympathy, so he suddenly understood.

Except for Qi Yu's nemesis, he had never been so wronged in front of anyone before. He shrugged his nose, and Feng Chi said unhappily, "It's all over."

"Next time, don't use such a rough bag to hold the spirit gold powder. It's stuck a lot and can't be pulled out. It's a waste." Feng Chi weighed it and said that Jiang Ran wasted everything, "Grandma, we really can't do it, so we just go to waste." Put it in a smooth satin bag."

Excluding the bag, the total weight of Lingjin powder is 14432 grams, which is a little over 29 catties.

Jiang Ran earned 20 seven spirit crystals and six hundred pure crystals just by selling spirit gold powder, which is almost enough to buy a small house in the lower city.

Faced with Feng Chi's nagging, Jiang Ran actually felt in a good mood, and even looked at it with this idle and dissolute kid.

"The next time I have such spiritual gold powder, come to me again, at the same price!" Feng Chi looked aggrieved just now, but now it is very straightforward to give the money.

"Do you want to collect the Fire Tears Stone?" Jiang Ran asked, holding out a red stone.

The fire tear stone is as big as a washbasin, but its shape is a relatively round drop shape.

If the Fire Tears Stone is valuable, then she must find a way to get rid of the ancient red antler at the peak of the Mystic Bone Realm in the sea.

No one can cut off her money.

The red tears that precipitated in the turbulent blue sea seemed to be wrapped in a glazed shell, emitting a warm glow of fire.

Fire tear stone, its heat is still persistent after the vicissitudes of life, it not only accepts all kinds of hot injuries from the outside world unconditionally, but also expresses its attitude softly and silently.

"It's so beautiful." Feng Chi was in a daze for a moment. He is a monk with a single fire element, and he wants to go to the extreme. He has a natural liking for the fire element. Happy, and this fire tear stone really touched his heart.

With this Firetear Stone, he imagined that the magic weapon could be refined.

want to get.

"Take it!" Feng Chi was categorical, "The size and shape of this Kuaihuo Lai Stone are superb."

Isn't it true that when digging this fire tear stone, Jiang Ran dug it according to the texture of the rock, and it didn't damage the whole fire tear stone at all.

Most of the craftsmen are relatively soft. Although some broken spirit stones can also be used, when trading spirit stones, they have to care about the size and integrity of the spirit stones.

Jiang Ran was an outsider, so he didn't dare to say anything, so he could only complain in his heart.

Feng Chi said: "I can give you 11 spirit crystals for this Quick Fire Tears Stone."

"Okay." The price was much higher than expected, and Feng Chi could handle it.

Jiang Ran was also straightforward, and asked curiously, "Do you only accept raw materials? You don't accept magical artifacts?"

"Only accept raw materials such as spirit stones, and do not accept finished products such as magical artifacts." After all, the Yuchi Linghuo Store is not too big, and the magical artifacts refined by Feng Chi and several colleagues in the academy are just a few. There is something to sell.

Jiang Ran was not disappointed either. With the spirit crystal in his hand, he could choose the formation he liked as much as he wanted.

"Give me three miniature spirit-gathering formations, four silence formations, and two ice formations..." Jiang Ran paused, then looked up at Feng Chi, "Are there any formations like traps? They don't need to be too powerful. Big, but wide-ranging."

Suling Town is surrounded by mountains on three sides, which indeed blocks other territories from prying eyes on it, but one thing is particularly bad, that is, there will be many ferocious beasts and monsters coming down the mountain to harass the border.

"A large-scale trap formation... Yes, the earth thorn formation."

Feng Chi bent down, clamped his slender index finger and middle finger, and casually took out a palm-sized brown plate from a cabinet and handed it to Jiang Ran.

"After the layout is completed, it can cover about a thousand acres of land. The shape is square, and the length and width can be adjusted appropriately. If any prey steps on the 'singularity', the ground will instantly send out soil spikes about one meter high. , the power is not particularly great, it should meet your requirements."

"It's quite cheap." To Feng Chi, this formation was a bit tasteless, and the soil thorns of the monks and monsters at the first level of the Spirit Gathering Realm couldn't be hurt.

That guy Qi Yu was also refining and playing with tattered raw materials, and Feng Chi didn't expect that there would be people wanting the tattered things, "It's hard to say how long this formation will last. It depends on the degree of wear and tear. It wears out quickly, and it will be gone in half a year."

Feng Chi looked down on the soil thorn array in his words, but it was just right for Jiang Ran, "How much is it?"

Feng Chicai waved his hand boldly, not caring at all, "If you want 50 spirit crystals, you can take all of the more than [-] earth thorn formations here."

An average of less than four hundred spirit crystals, Jiang Ran didn't want so many.

But he lost himself in Feng Chi's "sincere" eyes.

Jiang Ran has always spent money lavishly, and this thing is really useful, so she wants it all.

The fire talisman and the explosive talisman are relatively cheap, about one piece of three crystals. This talisman is very useful in battles and mountain openings. The last time I faced Xiaoxuan and the others, the broken fire talisman helped her a lot, so This time Jiang Ran took thousands of sheets at once.

Other talismans were also picked.

Jiang Ran looked at it for a long time, and suddenly asked, "Don't you have a teleportation array here?"

Feng Chi tilted his head to look at Jiang Ran, "Teleportation array? Do you know how precious space materials are?"

His gaze shifted to her finger, the pitch-black color glowed with a cold light, simple and deep - this is not an empty ring that ordinary women like to use, Feng Chi squinted his eyes, and always felt that this ring looked familiar.

Feng Chi couldn't help but take a few more glances, and said at the same time: "A teleportation array needs at least raw materials worth thousands of space rings. Even if we can refine it, we can't find so many space system raw stones."

"Okay." Jiang Ran also asked.

 Dropped the rankings, babes

(End of this chapter)

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