"Xiaolin, pay attention to your image." The man in the middle reprimanded me.

"Hmph." The girl walked past Tian Chi and let out a soft hum.

Looking at the backs of those two people, Tian Chi was at a loss.

It was also the first time for him to be ruthlessly laughed at by strangers, and he did not expect that there would be such uneducated people in this big city of Mingxiao.

He scratched his head, blushed and said embarrassedly to Jiang Ran, "I'm sorry, Sister Jiang, I've embarrassed you."

"Don't worry about them." Being laughed at a few times is indispensable, Jiang Ran is not the only one who will be wronged, but he is not idle and cares about such trivial matters.

Besides, it wasn't herself who was ridiculed.

Patting Baimei's back, Jiang Ran found that there were soft burrs growing on its back, which were not obvious yet, just a layer of light white hairs.

But she knew that the Cangmoon Tyrannosaurus had reached adulthood, and the spikes on its back could be more than ten meters long. They were as sharp as swords, as hard as rocks, and possessed powerful thunder power.

Bai Mei's body is already three to four meters long, with the thick waist and belly of an adult. If Jiang Ran wanted to, Bai Mei could take her flying.

However, this is just a baby dragon less than one year old.

Some thoughts flashed in his mind, and Jiang Ran said to Tian Chi, "Let's go, choose your spiritual pet slowly, it doesn't matter if you don't find a suitable one today, you can come often in the future, anyway, don't let it go."

Hearing these words, Tian Chi felt even more grateful to Jiang Ran, and they quickened their pace and entered Ziyun Palace.

In fact, this is not the first time Hong Yuan has come to Purple Cloud Palace, but every time he enters this place, he will be shocked by its ecology.

Why is Ziyun Temple built so exaggeratedly, just a gate is more than a hundred feet high?
In order to improve the survival rate of young pets and maintain their wildness and combat effectiveness, Ziyun Temple simulates the environment of mountains, rivers and sky!

So from the outside, Ziyun Palace is an incomparably gorgeous palace, but when entering inside, it is like entering a mixture of jungle, field, river....

"There are so many spiritual pets here!"

There are so many spiritual pets in Ziyun Palace, it's hard to see everyone.

Tian Chi couldn't wait, and walked quickly to the first mountain area, staring at a group of bulging little beasts through the special glass. The little beasts were still in their infancy, and their fur hadn't even grown yet, so it was difficult to identify their species.

So Tian Chi naturally couldn't see anything. Tian Chi didn't know many monsters, at most he knew the common monsters around Suling Town.

Jiang Ran also followed the paved road, with Bai Mei sticking to her side, followed by Jiang Nancheng and Hong Yuan who kept looking around, observing slowly.

There are many types of spiritual pets in Ziyun Temple, powerful beasts on the ground, birds under the dome, wandering spirits floating in the rivers, monsters in the shadowy vegetation...

"Yo, it's you, you really came in." When Jiang Ran and the others were concentrating on choosing a spiritual pet, a barbed female voice came.

The voice was somewhat familiar, Tian Chi was taken aback for a moment, then turned his head to look, it was the woman who said he was a country bumpkin.

She looks very young, about fifteen or sixteen years old, she looks pretty, and there is a middle-aged man in fancy clothes by her side.

A pair of skillful eyes looked up and down at Tian Chi for a while, looking at Tian Chi in the rough clothes, the blue silk girl finally turned into a look of disgust.

Uh... Tian Chi, known as the little overlord of Suling, was speechless and aggrieved.

Otherwise, he just wanted to choose a spiritual pet, who did he mess with today?

"Heh, what kind of good spiritual pets can be found in the outermost periphery, they are all placed outside to show off!" The girl's tone was both disdainful and savage, "But it is quite suitable for you, anyway, seeing how poor you are, I can only pick outsiders These useless pets!"

Tian Chi was okay, but the sellers who heard that their spiritual pets were bad were not happy, and looked at the blue silk girl angrily.

The girl talked to herself, and said to Tian Chi, "If you are willing to be my servant, it will make me happy. Maybe this lady can reward you with a good spirit beast!"

"Hmph, it's your honor to be my servant, Wang Xiangxiang!" The girl puffed out her chest proudly.

Be a servant?
The humiliation in these words was too strong, Tian Chi thought he did not do anything to offend Wang Xiangxiang, but this man's mouth was as smelly as if he had sprayed feces, and he insisted on taking the initiative to come over, Tian Chi was so angry that his face turned red "Didn't your parents teach you how to be a human being!?"

Does this mean that she is uneducated?
Is it so amazing to have parents?
Well, all of you are educated, but I am self-willed and rude!
Wang Xiangxiang's jealousy turned red, and suddenly a green whip appeared in his hand, carrying a wind blade, and lashed straight at Tian Chi.

The wind is flying fast, bringing the sound of gasping.

Just when the whip hit Tian Chi's face, Jiang Ran grabbed the whip, with cold eyes, but ignored Wang Xiangxiang, but looked straight at the man in Chinese clothes, "As an elder, you will indulge her like this?"

The man in the fancy dress who was watching, seemed to have just realized it, and quickly stood up and clasped his fists and said, "I'm really sorry, my niece has caused you trouble. She is still young and loved by the family, but she has absolutely no bad intentions."

"Let go!" Wang Xiangxiang whipped the whip, but Jiang Ran held it too tightly and couldn't pull it out. She stomped her feet angrily.

No repentance at all.

Jiang Ran looked at the two of them with cold eyebrows, and a thick purple mist flashed in her dark and heavy eyes. Wang Xiangxiang's head was stabbed sharply, and the whip fell to the ground with a flick of his fingers. Horrified, he quickly backed away.

Spiritual supernatural powers.

Seeing this, the man in Chinese clothes paused for a while, then took out an indigo blue wristband from his bosom, and handed it to Tian Chi, "I gave this to my little friend to make amends, please forgive our careless words."

The wristband is exquisitely crafted, with a yellow aura floating around, and it looks extraordinary at first glance. Tian Chi looked at the wristband handed in front of him, and hesitantly cast his gaze at Jiang Ran.

Does he accept it?

Jiang Ran saw that there was an apology, and it was not a loss to be scolded a few times, so she didn't plan to care about it, and glanced at the blue soft whip in her hand, it was probably a prefecture-level magic weapon, and she put it in her pocket naturally Li, "Since it's an apology, keep it well."

Only then did Tian Chi put away the wristband.

Wang Xiangxiang looked at his own green whip with a dazed expression, "Hey, that, that's my thing, I didn't say I would give it to you!"

"Huh? You threw the whip at me, didn't you intend to give it to me?" Jiang Ran tilted her head and glanced at her with her eyes slightly closed. The lines at the end of her eyes became narrower, longer and more colorful.

Facing Jiang Ran's face, Wang Xiangxiang stood still, and then panicked, hurriedly covered his face with his wide sleeves, and hid behind the man in the fine clothes, so as not to allow others to look at her.

Wang Xiangxiang said in a low voice, buried his head behind his uncle, pointed at Jiang Ran with green fingers and said, "I didn't throw the whip at you, I threw it at that man, and you go away! I don't want to see You, in this world, there is no need for someone who looks better than me!"

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