As a lord, I was forced to farm

Chapter 249 Choosing a Cub

Chapter 249 Choosing a Cub

Damn, this girl is sick!
Even if you target me, you are still rude to his beautiful Jiang Jie?

Don't look at Tian Chi like this, he has realized the gap between people since he was a child. As the son of a general, he has always been placed with high hopes, especially like to compare him with Jiang Ran, who was raised as a future lord.

'You will become a general in the future, and guard Suling Town together with the young lord! '

"Is he really the son of Commander Tian? He only opened his veins at the seventh level when he was 17 years old. I heard that the young lord who is two years younger than him has already gathered his spirit..."
Although he had always regarded Jiang Ran as a competitor before, his talent was not good enough, and until now, his cultivation had not reached the spirit gathering state.

Other people's vision and language really put him under a lot of pressure, and sometimes he even complains, why 'she' has such a good talent, and why I am the son of the commander.

In such a mood, until this year, when Uncle Jiang passed away, Suling changed drastically. It was originally thought that Suling Town would be torn apart.He was really scared.

But the lord appeared, and the whole person solved the crisis with a more dazzling posture and thunderous force as a butterfly that broke out of the cocoon.

When Tian Chi went to look again, he realized that with the change of title, the young lord had long been an existence that he dared not climb.

——Although no more comparisons, Qi Qiran is still a little lonely.

The aptitude crystal brought by the lord suddenly gave him self-confidence, saying: "You are born to be a spirit beast master!" Moreover, the lord chose him to come to Mingxiao Academy, and even personally brought him to choose a spiritual pet .

Apart from his parents, it seems that only the lord is willing to do so much for him.

This is kindness.

Unrequited kindness.

So, it seems that in the dark night, suddenly there is a direction to work hard, to chase after her, to worship her, to listen to her, and not to listen to the slightest bad word from others. Even Tian Chi himself can't explain this feeling clearly.

It turned out that he would think so much, but instead of being pushed and shoved by his parents and coerced by outsiders' words, the emotion of wanting to follow someone spontaneously from the heart is really great!

So Wang Xiangxiang's words directly angered Tian Chi. Don't look at Tian Chi's temperament has restrained a lot after he came to Mingxiao. Go away, it is a loss for this world to lose me, Sister Jiang, you are an ugly monster who came here to pollute the environment, I advise you, reincarnate as soon as possible, and start a new life!"

Ugly, ugly...

Wang Xiangxiang's beautiful face, like a white shrimp curled up in the boiling heat, turned red visibly to the naked eye, showing an angry crimson color when ripe.

"Hmph! Don't let me see you again!"

In the past, Wang Xiangxiang would definitely knock off his dog's head, but now he just wants to leave this place that embarrasses her as soon as possible, so he stomped his feet in a brainless fury, and ran away towards the gate of Ziyun Palace!

The middle-aged man in fancy clothes frowned, and then chased him out.

This farce ended so nonsensically, a bystander who had watched the whole scene came over and said with a smile, "You have also suffered an unreasonable disaster. But you are so brave, it belongs to Mingxiao Wang's family, and there are people behind you. That Wang Xiangxiang is the only daughter of the thirteen elders in the Beast Academy."

Seeing Jiang Ran cast a puzzled look, the visitor explained, "The thirteenth elder is a hero. Ten years ago, in order to protect the safety of the academy, one person and three beasts resisted thousands of menacing mysterious bone realm beasts. It's just a pity that a person with both talent and appearance fell on the battlefield in the end."

Therefore, Mingxiao Beast Academy will not ignore Wang Xiangxiang.

The little brother who came over was about the same age as Tian Chi. He seemed to be a local, and he knew the situation of the Wang family better. And depressed, she left within two years. So this eldest lady lost her parents since she was a child, and was brought up by her uncle's family... Should this uncle say that he takes pity on this girl? She spoiled her a little too much."

The last sentence was a bit subtle, and the visitor introduced himself as if suddenly reacting, and smiled politely, "By the way, my name is Zhou Xiao, and I am a student of the Beast Academy who entered Mingxiao this year. Today I am here to see if there is any good spiritual pet of."

Jiang Ran was a little surprised why this person had to say so much to them, but Wang Xiangxiang's family was obviously from the Beast House, and this person had a grudge with Wang Xiangxiang, so he still had to listen to this reminder, so he thanked him immediately and reported himself The name of this group of people is taboo, "Thank you little brother for reminding..."

Zhou Xiao waved his hand, "Actually, I don't like that girl's temperament, but she is right in saying that the little spirit beasts around here are okay to buy back as ornamental pets, but if you want to choose a partner to fight side by side, you have to Keep looking inside."

He looked into Jiang Ran's eyes with a good smile, and warmly invited, "Girl Jiang, I have some insights into spiritual pets, but unfortunately I am alone, and there is no one to talk to, so it is very deserted. If you mind, can I be with you?"

Jiang Nancheng/Tian Chi: "..."

Shit, why is it deserted? It's so hot today, you've just taken a fancy to me, Sister Jiang!
The scene was quite anxious.

Jiang Ran refused without any fluctuation, but Zhou Xiao was cheeky.

According to his words, he is also here to pick a spiritual pet, and he wants to take this path. They can't be the only ones who can walk this path, can they?

So they kept Jiang Ran and Bai Mei in front, Jiang Nancheng, Tian Chi and Hongyuan in the middle, and Zhou Xiao followed behind with a smile.


Ziyun Temple has extremely rich resources of spiritual pets. Entering the middle stage of Ziyun Temple, there are countless small areas, all of which are used to sell different types of spiritual pets.

Wang Xiangxiang and Zhou Xiao are not lying, the quality of the pets in the middle is obviously much better than that of the young pets in the outer layer.

This kind of goodness does not refer to the race, like the pink cats, ice bears and other spiritual pets seen outside before, you can still see them in the middle, but in comparison, the qualification potential of these pink cats and ice bears is higher The ones at the front of Ziyun Temple are several grades better.

A bulging little beast with light golden hair howled at Jiang Ran and the others. It looked at them expectantly with golden eyes. It was very cute. Zhou Xiao, who had been following Jiang Ran, finally gave up. The vice-selector looked like he muttered, "Golden Wolf, a metallic monster, well, it matches my attributes, teeth..."

Zhou Xiao raised his head and said to an animal guard wearing white gloves, "Give me a pair of gloves, I want to check the dizziness of its claws and teeth myself."

The beasts in Ziyun Palace are the owners of these cubs, and they put their cubs here for sale, and they personally watch them here.But most of the animal guardians are animal trainers in the animal yard, hired by Ziyun Palace to take care of the cubs.

 Although the ranking fell out, let's struggle for a monthly pass.

  There will be two more chapters tomorrow.

(End of this chapter)

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