As a lord, I was forced to farm

Chapter 250 Strength and Wisdom

Hearing Zhou Xiao's request, the animal guard took out a pair of gloves from a basket behind him and handed them to him, and then instructed, "Although the cubs here are gentler than those in the wild after long-term contact with humans, monsters are just monsters, and they are fierce in their bones." Sex is immortal, guests be careful."

Animal protection is very official, and the tone is both polite and tough, "In addition, every cub here is very precious, please make sure not to hurt the cubs during inspection, otherwise you will be responsible for them."

Zhou Xiao is probably also a frequent visitor, and while listening to it, he put on the mask neatly, first pressed the little golden greedy wolf's head, and then looked at its paws...

After watching it for a while, Jiang Ran probably understood the process, and then took Tian Chi away from Zhou Xiao secretly.

"What kind of spirit beast do you want, one that crawls on the ground, one that flies in the sky, or one that swims in the water?" Jiang Ran asked Tian Chi.

This question is really difficult to answer, Tian Chi wants to say, he wants them all.

After thinking about it this way, Tian Chi also said it honestly, and Jiang Ran pretended not to hear it when he heard it.

There are indeed monsters that can climb, fly and swim, and they are either tasteless or awesome.

The one who is more powerful is Baimei, Xiaolong Benlong.

But such monsters are still hard to see, so it’s better to be pragmatic. Three kinds that can satisfy two kinds of things are very good, such as all kinds of amphibious snakes and crocodiles, or the dark blue tiger in front of you.

One of the man-made mountainous areas in the middle of the Purple Cloud Palace is home to the Yuming Green Tiger.

Most of the Yuming Qinghu is a monster of wood and earth. It has beautiful cyan hair and bright black stripes. It has a tiger's body and a pair of huge wings behind it, which can fly in the air.

"Tiger monsters are generally very good. They are huge but agile. Their strength and speed are among the best. Although the flying speed of the Yuming green tiger is not very good, it has a special ability - to fly in a plant-filled environment. Being in the jungle can speed up the recovery of its spirit essence, which is beneficial to it in most of the field battles. You are a wood attribute monk, and Yuming Qinghu also matches your attributes."

Jiang Ran said something, and was about to ask Tian Chi how he felt about Yu Mingqinghu, but saw that the other party's star eyes had already lit up, and his mouth kept wowing, "Oh my god, this is so handsome! "

Well, this kid has already been bewitched, and he feels that he doesn't need to waste time looking at other kinds of monsters.

"Are you sure you want Yuming Qinghu? I think the cubs of the devil snake are also good, and they also have amphibious combat capabilities."

When it comes to the magic snake, Tian Chi puts his eyes on Bai Mei. The icy blue vertical pupils are both evil and subtle. Tian Chi shivered, and his hesitant thoughts suddenly became firm, "The magic snake is not a magic snake!" I don’t care about snakes, the main thing is, I like Yuming Qinghu more, as for the spiritual pets of magic snakes..."

Tian Chi finally sold a good one, licked his face and said, "Let's talk about it later, anyway, I can contract two more monsters."

This is the benefit of the seven-stage mental power, the right to be willful.

Yu Ming Qinghu is a civil engineering dual-line, and was raised in a small mountain area with lush plants. Jiang Ran, Tian Chi and the others passed through the transparent protective door and entered this small mountain area created by humans.

Yuming Qinghu is a relatively popular spiritual pet, not only Jiang Ran and the others, but many people are targeting Yuming Qinghu, planning to pick the best one out of hundreds of Yuming Qinghus.

Although the spiritual pets in the middle are much healthier and stronger than those in the outer layer, each individual is unique.

Every detail difference may determine the future of a spiritual pet, and recognizing a spiritual pet is like looking for gold in the vast sea. It tests eyesight and knowledge, but the most important thing is luck.

"I hope this group can meet the talented Yuming Qinghu." Someone sighed.

The adult Yuming Qinghu is very powerful and handsome, but these fluffy cubs are more like blue cats with wings, more than cute but not intimidating.

Jiang Ran was carefully observing the little guys here: some of them were grinding their teeth with stones and trees;

"Sister Jiang, they all look similar, which one should I choose?" Tian Chi scratched his head, he had no knowledge in this area, so he was helpless, so he could only ask the almighty Sister Jiang for help.

Jiang Ran turned on the magic eye to check the physical condition of the cubs from the most intuitive perspective. Among the hundreds of Yuming green tigers, a dozen or so had particularly strong spiritual power, and one of them shrunk in its lair. The skinny tiger cub, and a cub hovering in the air that attracts the attention of countless people have the strongest spiritual power.

The spiritual power of the two is equal, and the stronger one should have been chosen, but Jiang Ran looked at the bright golden eyes of the thin and thin tiger cub with some hesitation—it was instinctively and vigilantly hiding itself, staring at the eyes of everyone, like a tiger. The fine tiger that hunts hares will not take it lightly until the critical moment!

In addition to their spiritual power, the strength and vigilance of these two cubs attracted Jiang Ran's attention. To put it simply, they had to choose between "strength" and "wisdom".

Jiang Ran hesitated, and when he was about to hand over the choice to Tian Chi, the animal guards suddenly opened a slot, and all kinds of mixed bait flowed out. There are fruits with aura, but the number of fruits is very small. Jiang Ran quickly counted them, and there are eight in total.

More than 100 tiger cubs compete for eight spiritual fruits!
"Here we come. I deliberately chose this time to come here. Sure enough, when choosing spiritual pets, you must intuitively see how powerful they are!" Someone couldn't help laughing.

"That's right, and this little cub often reveals its nature and strength when it's grabbing food. Just watch quietly. I want to pick the strongest Yuming Qinghu, and no one can compete with me!"

"Gulu Gulu~" Hearing the sound of the food trough opening, the cub who had been playing all kinds of games was suddenly pressed down on the body switch, his eyes suddenly changed, and he spread his paws and rushed towards the food trough.

"Sure enough, the big cubs are stronger. They can occupy a good position in the front row of the food trough, and eat until their stomachs are round." Someone exclaimed.

But the target of the cubs with strong genes is not ordinary food, but the fist-sized spiritual fruit that rolls out!

Animal protection is also bad, the spirit fruit is thrown in an open space suitable for fighting, and the positions of the eight spirit fruits are relatively different.

The ten or so cubs that Jiang Ran was more optimistic about moved at the same time.

The cubs rushed away together, and the strong cub that made Jiang Ran hesitate, flapped its wings, rushed to the ground from the air, pushed away the enemies blocking the way, and took the lead in grabbing a spiritual fruit, which aroused the attention of the audience. The crowd was agitated, "As expected, I read correctly, this Yuming blue tiger is very strong, and the other cubs are not of the same class as it!"

"Do you want to see it? No one here knows that this cub is not simple!"

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