Qiu Baishui said with a smile, "What does it matter? It's a fact that Yan Xi's mother-in-law beheaded a soldier with a sword, and it's also a fact that He Beibei was seriously injured and was rescued by us. It's just that it wasn't He Beibei who stood by Yan Xi's side back then." .It is better to be rescued after being injured by our people than to be directly hacked to death by Yan Xi?"

The name He Beibei was chosen by Qiu Baishui through interrogation.

How, I charged forward for others, but my younger brother was killed by a loyal person, is this impact enough?

In the mansion full of evil spirits, a shelf with thick skulls ushered in a new head, it was Jiang Long who had been fighting with Yang Hao for more than ten years.

Yang Hao looked at his spoils, but he was not overly happy.

"You said, Fenghuang Town was wiped out by Suling Town in just one night?" Yang Hao asked incredulously as he held the handle of the saber with a top-grade spiritual knife stuck on the ground, with the veins on the back of his hand protruding.

Counselor Xu Nong felt a little uneasy, and persuaded, "That's right, Lord, I think the little Lord of Suling Town is a little weird, and it gives me a bad feeling, why don't we just stop here? We have already laid the foundation for this battle." Yuan Town, it has been a pity for more than ten years, the most important thing now is to stabilize the land and appease the hearts of the people."

Yang Hao glanced at him with a gloomy expression, "Xu Shi, you are right, that Jiang Ran is indeed not simple, not only the talent in cultivation is amazing, but also the ability to win over talents is great, that's why I am so talented." We must shoot down this rising star as soon as possible!"

Xu Nong opened his mouth, but in the end he still didn't say what was in his mouth.


Suling Town.

A cat's eye wrapped in gilt was placed in the palm of his hand, and Jiang Ran was concentrating on it. A thick and thin spiritual power line was tightly connected to the cat's eye, and the gilt cat's eye trembled slightly and floated gently.

Emerald's pupils moved slightly, and a vision that made Jiang Ran feel a little uncomfortable was transmitted from the cat's eyes to her mind.

It's a weird feeling, like having two different things in your mind at the same time, both of which are real.

Under the control of Pankong's silk thread, Liu Mao's eye slowly turned. Jiang Ran found that this cat's eye has a big limitation. Its line of sight is a hemisphere, and the 180 degrees behind it are all blind spots.

But fortunately, Jiang Ran can freely manipulate Liu Maoyan to monitor movements from all directions.

Jiang Ran's mind moved, Liu Maoyan suddenly disappeared, and the next moment, it appeared in the sky above Suling Town.

Jiang Ran can see it through Liu Mao's eyes: the villagers are tending the fields, and the smiles on their faces are particularly dazzling; the birds in the forest prey on insects, and the cruel competition of nature is staged...

The gilt cat's eye flew higher and higher under the traction of the silk wrapped in the sky. Suddenly, a bird flew towards him, and a hint of purple flashed in the pupil of the cat's eye: ghost piercing!

As if receiving an invisible attack, the bird uttered a cry in pain, and forgot to flap its wings. Its body was stiff and fell straight down. It was not until it was about to land that the bird regained that state Breaking away, he fluttered his wings in a hurry so as not to fall directly from the sky.

"It's really the third eye." Jiang Ran received this scene through Liu Maoyan, and couldn't help feeling a burst of joy.

It seems that Liu Maoyan can indeed use the magical power of the purple jade magic pupil, which is the spiritual attack attached to the purple jade magic pupil - ghost piercing.

It's just that they are not Jiang Ran's real eyes after all, and the power released from Liu Mao's eyes is only half.

But Rao is also very surprised.

Jiang Ran experimented again and found that with Jiang Ran's current strength, Liu Maoyan's line of sight can reach 1000 meters.

If Liu Maoyan is placed at an altitude of 1000 meters, then Jiang Ran can see [-]% of the ground conditions in Suling Town.

And the release of Pankong’s winding silk out of thin air can be 5000 meters away from Jiang Ran’s body, and the Lord’s Mansion is in the center of Suling Town, which means that as long as Jiang Ran controls Liu Maoyan’s continuous movement, even if he doesn’t move, he can still see the entire Suling Town Case!
"Hiss..." Jiang Ran secretly said, "It's a bit like a flying machine."

But unlike the flying machine, what Liu Maoyan saw was directly reflected in Jiang Ran's mind, just like his own eyes, minus the time for the brain's secondary processing.

With this thing, there is no need to patrol the territory frequently in the future.

However, controlling the cat's eyes while performing Pankong's winding silk, this consumes a lot of spiritual power and energy. Jiang Ran felt a little tired after experimenting for an hour.

Jiang Ran saw Lin Sha through Mao Mao's eyes. At this time, he was almost at the Lord's Mansion.

So, the next moment, Maoyan, who was still a thousand meters above the sky, was taken into Jiang Ran's palm.

Jiang Ran walked out of the door, walked straight to the study, and said to Li Fusheng, "If someone is looking for me, let him go directly to the study."

Li Fusheng was slightly stunned, "Yes."

In less than 2 minutes, Lin Sha was invited to the study.

Jiang Ran propped her chin lazily, and asked, "What is the Lin Qing family looking for from me at this time?"

Lin Sha was worried, "Why did you transfer all your troops to Fenghuang Town? If Yang Hao attacked directly, how would we defend?"

Fenghuang Town has already been guarded by more than 300 elite soldiers sent by Tian Jing. However, this morning, in addition to the assault army composed of captives, the lord also sent the only remaining 300 soldiers in the town, including medical logistics, and a hundred soldiers. All the mercenaries have been transferred to Phoenix Town!

And not only that, in addition to the aliens who are still digging tunnels, even Ba Gelian, who is good at detecting and concealing, was sent to the front line.

Now, except for the twenty or so personal guards guarding the lord, almost all of them came out this time.

If so, Suling Town is now like an empty shell, how could Lin Sha not be worried.

"Guarding Suling Town, I alone is enough. What's more, Wei Fengsheng and the others are assisting me now."

It's too arrogant to say this, but Jiang Ran didn't feel that there was anything wrong at all. She just smiled at Lin Sha whose Adam's apple was rolling because of nervousness, took out a map, and pointed a few places with her index finger, "Suling Town Surrounded by three mountains, it will take a lot of effort for Yang Hao to send an army to attack Suling Town, but I let Wei Fengsheng and others lie in ambush at the entrances of the passages, so that if there is any abnormality, we can find it as soon as possible."

What's more, Jiang Ran has cat's eyes, and Yang Hao really wants to send troops. I'm afraid Jiang Ran will find him before he reaches the border of Suling Town.

And with Jiang Ran's current cultivation level of the sixth level of spirit refining, combined with the terrain and a Miao Yueshuang bow, he can wipe out a group of scum in one go.

But what if they divide into groups?

Oh, it doesn't matter.

"You know, I brought back a lot of things from Mingxiao Academy when I went back to town this time. Among them is a trap formation called the Earth Spike Formation."

Thinking of the good things the lord kept taking out, Lin Sha nodded numbly.

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