As a lord, I was forced to farm

Chapter 269 This I Made My Own Decision

"I originally planned to use it to defend against low-level monsters in the mountains and forests, but it would be better if Yang Hao really wanted to send troops." Jiang Ran hoped that Yang Hao could send more troops to Suling Town.

Lin Sha did not have a clear understanding of Jiang Ran's strength.

Hearing what Jiang Ran said, she was indeed relieved, but she was still a little worried, "Then there is no need to transfer so many people to Fenghuang Town, at least fifty more elites will be left in the base camp..."

Lin Sha's personality is exquisite and conservative, not as extreme as Qiu Baishui, who strives to take care of every aspect.

So when Lin Sha proposed to "eat" Xinheng Town, the officials were surprised for a month.

Jiang Ran shook her head, and clicked on the locations of Fenghuang Town, Zhenyuan Town, and Xinheng Town, "I want Zhenyuan Town to become a battlefield, no, it should be said that Zhenyuan Town will definitely become a battlefield."

These three towns are not blocked by mountains, and Zhenyuan Town is located on a plain, and is sandwiched between Fenghuang Town and Xinheng Town. The location is very dangerous.

"If Xinheng Town directly attacks our town, then the rear must be weak. At that time, let Tian Jing and others lead troops to attack from Zhenyuan Town to Xinheng Town directly, and copy Yang Hao's base camp." Jiang Ran remained the same. With a calm face, he speaks at a gentle speed.

Lin Sha was slightly startled, he didn't expect the lord to be bolder than he imagined, and he actually had this idea.

"On the contrary, if Yang Hao doesn't directly attack Suling Town, but instead attacks Fenghuang Town, it will be a bit tricky. This means that Tian Jing and the others will directly face Yang Hao's army. Originally, our troops are not as strong as Xinheng town."

"So we can't keep it, we can only go out."

She never thought that Yang Hao would stand still and give up her Suling Town and Fenghuang Town directly.

With Yang Hao's domineering and arrogant temperament, how could he allow the weak who had been under his feet to suddenly emerge.

Jiang Ran took a roll of the map and put it on the desk, then leaned back and gently leaned on the back of the chair.

Her eyes were overused, and Jiang Ran looked at Lin Sha lazily. Instead of bringing up this topic, she asked Lin Sha, "How is Jiahan digging the tunnel?"

Lin Sha quickly replied, "The digging has already been completed, and the Jiahans are still lurking. They can transport the weapons, herbs, and even food from Xinheng Town to Suling Town at any time."

Jiang Ran gave Jiahan a space ring, and with his strength comparable to that of the spirit refining realm, it was not difficult to bring these supplies to Suling Town.


Phoenix Town.

Qiu Baishui kept his promise and allowed the more than 70 fighters to meet his family members across a line.

The young man's surname is Li, and his name is Dashi.Seeing his wife hugging his two-year-old son, the two of them were safe and sound, all the uneasiness in their hearts dissipated.

"He didn't lie to us. It turns out that our family members are all well..."

With shackles on his hands, Li Dashi touched his son's face with a smile, and asked, "How is the town doing now? Have they bullied you? Didn't the things in the house be taken away? But it doesn't matter if they are taken away. You orphans and widows, find a place to hide, don't fight against the soldiers, life is the most important thing."

Li Dashi participated in several wars, and he heard some things from the mouths of his predecessors. He heard that in places like them that were defeated, the people would basically be looted by the soldiers for their belongings.

Li Dashi was already very grateful that Suling Town did not kill innocent people and did unforgivable things to his wife and children.

The wife hugged her son, wiped away her tears, shook her head, and replied with a choked voice, "We live in peace, so there is nothing wrong with us, and they didn't rob us, but we are not allowed to go out at will."

"Instead, some local hooligans who took advantage of the chaos and robbed were killed by them. And, and..." the wife felt a little strange, she had never heard of such a well-intentioned invader, "and, the property that was robbed, It was returned by the soldiers of Suling Town... Dashi, what is their purpose? And you, what will they do to you?"

As he said that, his wife burst into tears again, "You are a prisoner now, what should you do? The environment in the cell is very bad, isn't it humid and cold? Did they not give you food and kept you in prison all day long?" Torturing you... Woohoo, they are still unwilling to let you go, what crime have we committed!"

Li Dashi's expression was suddenly a little strange.

Poor living?
The cell was indeed a little dark, but the four sides were neatly built of bricks and stones, so there was no leakage of wind or rain.The dry wheat grass on the ground seems to have been cut not long ago, and it is warm in the sun... To be honest, apart from the inner torment... it seems more comfortable than living in my own home.

No food?

No, two meals a day are all white flour steamed buns.

There are no wheat-type demon spirits in Fenghuang Town, and few people grow wheat, so it is difficult to eat such food.

He didn't even know that the food in Suling Town was so good.

As for torture...well, yes, but after Qiu Baishui got the information he wanted, he never tortured them.

And Master He Zi, who was beaten the worst, was almost cured by a healing elixir...

I don’t want to know, but I’m startled when I think about it, this Suling Town... seems to be different from all the territories in his impression!
Not only was he powerful enough to easily defeat them in Phoenix Town, but also the lord of Suling Town was benevolent and seemed to be kind to the people below.

"Dashi, what's the matter with you, what are you thinking? I was asking you something, maybe they beat you stupid!" The wife looked anxious.

Li Dashi looked at his wife with a thin face and a sallow face, and then thought of getting out of the cell. The resident of Suling Town with a plump face and a smile was caught by chance, and his heart was sour.

"I'm fine. They treat us very well. My child, listen, Fenghuang Town will be different in the future. Maybe we can have enough food and drink in the future. You and the child are good, even if I'm not here in the future Now, let’s live well.”

The wife was shocked, "He, what are they going to do to you?! I, we surrendered, and if we don't confront them, they can't let you go?! If you leave, how will our mother and I live? Ah..." The two-year-old doll sensed her mother's emotions, pursed her mouth, and burst into tears.

Sad emotions will spread and contagious, and for a while, family members cry everywhere.

"No, no..." Li Dashi hurriedly comforted her, and told them in detail how Suling Town treated them, including the promises made to them and the fact that Xinheng Town might send troops against them. His wife, in the end, he said firmly, "Suling Town did not force us, go to the battlefield and protect you, this is my own decision!"

"So, you and the child are obedient, no matter what, life will get better in the future." The time was almost up, and finally, Li Dashi looked tenderly, and touched the faces of the two mothers reluctantly.

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