As a lord, I was forced to farm

Chapter 270 Xu Nong's Suffering

On the hillside of Zhenyuan Town, a few soldiers dressed in light cavalry looked down at the dilapidated Phoenix Town.

"Fenghuang Town is more peaceful than imagined." The soldiers' sweat smelled strong, Xu Nong covered his mouth and nose with his wide sleeves, and looked at Fenghuang Town, which was quieter than before, feeling a little uneasy.

"How many soldiers from Suling Town are there in Fenghuang Town now?" Xu Nong asked the scouts sent to investigate.

The black-clothed scout said, "Looking at the patrolling soldiers and the estimated population of Suling Town, there are about [-] soldiers who can be sent to Phoenix Town."

Hearing such ambiguous words, Xu Nong said angrily, "What is "probability"?! Between life and death, how can you use the word "probability" to fool you!"

"On the battlefield, competition is not only about force, but also intelligence, logistics and strategy!"

"I said Xu Nong, why are you so worried, it's just a herd of two-legged sheep." The speaker was riding a black-haired war horse, holding a heavy axe, and his muscles were exaggerated.

This person's surname is Yang, and he is Yang Hao's biological brother. He is in line with the Yang family's brave temperament.

Xu Nong and Yang Yong, known as Yang Hao's brains and arms, helped Xinheng Town to lay down one territory after another.

However, few people know that these two people look down on each other, especially Xu Nong, although he is respectful to Yang Yong on the surface, but in fact he despises this man's bravery and lack of strategy.

In particular, at such an important moment, this Yang Yong actually had leisure, and took a group of soldiers to Zhenyuan's kiln to have fun.

When I woke up this morning, my face was still flushed, and I looked like I was in a celestial state. At first glance, I didn't miss the Albizia jumbo grass.

But Xu Nong didn't dare to say too much. After all, Yang Yong is Yang Hao's biological brother, and he is an outsider. If he offends someone at this time, if Yang Yong participates in his book, then Xu Nong will really have a hard time saying no. out.

Yang Yong sneered at Xu Nong and said, "A literati is a literati, and scruples come and go. In the final analysis, isn't it just greed for life and fear of death? My brother gave you face and didn't send troops to attack Suling Town directly, but I am also very disappointed in you. And I am leading the troops now, Chief of Staff Xu Mou, please stop pointing fingers!"

Xu Nong's face was ashen.

Want to talk about why Xu Nong persuaded Yang Hao not to attack Suling Town?
A few days ago, Xu Nong asked Yang Hao to send fifty scouts. Except for the endless sea in the south, they sent people from the west, east, and north to find out the situation in Suling Town.

However, a few days passed, and these 50 people seemed to disappear out of thin air, and none of them came back!
These 50 people were not all ordinary soldiers. There were many powerful monks among them. Logically speaking, they were just looking for information secretly.

However, the people they sent out seemed to have evaporated, and there was no response at all.

Xu Nong didn't know what methods Suling Town had, but it was so obvious that it was impossible to attack Suling Town directly.

On the contrary, Fenghuang Town is in a time of turmoil, so this persimmon is relatively soft and easy to handle.

Moreover, Suling Town has also sent troops to station here. If this piece of land is conquered, the strength of Suling Town can also be directly reduced.

But Yang Hao was too afraid of the little lord Jiang, and he had a desire for the endless seafood in that ocean, and he wanted to attack in order to kill this threat in the cradle.

The little lord Jiang is indeed unusual, and Yang Hao's fear is not wrong, but Xu Nong thinks that he does not have to become a hostile relationship with Suling Town. Yang Hao is addicted to the conquest of the land, like a wild horse, why? I can't take it back.

Xu Nong spent a lot of money in persuasion, and was even forced by the angry Yang Hao to set up a military order. If he can't take down Fenghuang Town smoothly this time, he will have one of his arms amputated.

Therefore, Xu Nong, who was just a civil servant, went to the front line this time.

But he really can't take these two brothers, he has no military power, and he can't call soldiers.

Unknown enemy and us, unstable rear, discord between generals, underestimating the enemy and rushing forward, eager to many problems have been exposed before the battle, Xu Nong is really tired, if not for his wife and children in the town, he really wants to Find a piece of white silk and hang yourself.


"There is a fire lotus spirit worm in Fenghuang Town. I don't know if it is still in the town." Riding a black horse in high spirits, Yang Yong licked his lips. He is a monk with the fire attribute. With the blessing of the demon spirit, he will surely be able to break through to the spirit refinement realm soon.

"If Xu Nong hadn't been greedy for life and afraid of death, we might have acquired this fire lotus demon spirit long ago. Huh, no matter, we have to loot Phoenix Town anyway. Even if we don't get the fire lotus demon spirit, we can still find it Lots of good stuff."

Yang Yong's lieutenant also rode a horse, half a body behind, and when he heard this, he acted like a pug, "Then we will attack now, kill them all, and take away their property."

"Idiot, you can't kill too many people. The war with Zhenyuan Town has cost us too many people. Those people should live well as slaves and prisoners of war."

A cruel smile appeared on Yang Yong's face, "Are the slaves in Zhenyuan Town ready?"

The lieutenant also laughed, "Naturally."


"Enemy attack!"

A few dots of ink appeared on the distant horizon, and Gojiro's body shook slightly.

"Shake the bronze bell!"

The bronze bell is a magic weapon made by Master Bai. Although it is only the size of a palm, it can make a very loud bell.

When the bell rang, all soldiers were awakened.

As if rehearsing countless times, the soldiers took their positions one after another.

Phoenix Township's high walls that guarded against the enemy had collapsed, but soldiers piled stones neatly together to form a protective belt.

"It's finally here!" Tian Jing was carrying the epee on his shoulders, his eyes were vigilant but excited, and he said to the people behind him, "The bow and arrow are in place, wait until they are within range, and wait for my order." Shoot the arrow!"

The iron ore brought from Xinheng Town is very useful. Although due to limited time, the bamboo deer bow did not add too many, but the arrows increased by nearly [-]!
There are more than 600 soldiers in Suling Town, including mercenaries. These 300 people are all wearing armor and equipped with knives, and more than [-] soldiers have an extra bow and arrow on their backs!
I saw these people stepping forward one after another, the arrows had already been wound, and at once, more than 300 arrows were aimed at the Xinheng soldiers in the distance!
The roaring Xinheng soldiers stepped into the range, and the bowstrings of the archers were fully drawn, ready to go.

"Wait for them to get closer, and then shoot!" The soldiers have experienced this kind of scene hundreds of times in the Southern Crown Secret Realm. How can we aim more accurately, and how can we kill the opponent to the greatest extent without being escaped.

Tian actually waited patiently for them to approach.

Just when Xinheng soldiers were less than 200 meters away from the city wall, Tian Jing's eyes flashed, "Shoot the arrow!!"

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