Chapter 283
Wang Huahua took a few blueprints like a baby, and said in a voice like a mosquito, "I, my family will definitely make it..."

"Don't be nervous, it's okay if you can't make it. My drawing is not necessarily accurate, and it may actually need to be revised." Jiang Ran said, "The drawing is considered a gift for you. If you make it, the lord allows you to buy and sell these fishing gear."

Wang Huahua was in a daze, but Wang Xiaozhuo was knowledgeable and was overjoyed when he heard the words, "Thank you for the reward from the county magistrate."

When Jiang Ran got the fishing net, she was not in a hurry to catch the sea, but went to the saltworks next door to have a look.

One-story houses were set up in the salt field, and there were many large pots inside to purify table salt.

Now most of the people who dry the salt are the villagers of Nanzhu Village. She taught them to make salt just in summer. At that time, the evaporation power was strong, and they could produce dozens of catties of table salt a day. Now they really store up a lot of table salt.

"Thanks to the county lord's wide knowledge, there is salt to eat up and down Suling." Wang Xiaozhuo praised.

Ze salt is expensive, as high as [-] to [-] silver dollars a catty, but Suling can produce its own salt and sell it to the people's homes, which is worth [-] silver dollars.

If so, most people in Suling can afford to eat salt. With salt, they will have more strength, work more efficiently, and earn more money. It is a cycle of benefiting the people.

Because of the war, the trade was also affected. Jiang Ran saw that there was enough salt, and the 9 people in the county couldn't eat that much salt at once, so it's better to share some salt and trade it abroad to try the water.

"Okay, I've been waiting for a long time. Let's go to the sea." Ye Cheng and Wang Xiaozhuo were separated, Jiang Ran took Jiang Xiaowen's hand, and Wei Fengsheng accompanied them, and the three headed to the coast.

There are already many people at the beach. After a long time, the enthusiasm of the villagers for catching the sea has not diminished. Jiang Ran looked around, but saw that many people were picking all kinds of shellfish. If the shells were big, they couldn't help it. Shout out and smile smugly.

Seeing her doubts, Wei Fengsheng took the initiative to explain, "Someone dug up a top-quality powder bead in a huge pink shell before, and it was verified to have a very strong spiritual power. Its function is unknown, but it is worth a lot of money at first sight .”

"Ah, brother Hu Lian dug it." Jiang Xiaowen blinked her eyes, "Sister, if you are lucky, you can dig a lot of beads in the shells. Shall we go pick shells too?"

"Miss Xiaowen is right. There is indeed more than one person who has dug pearls. Our Suyuan Sea is really a treasure sea." Wei Fengsheng was also envious, but it really depends on luck.

Hu Lian is quite lucky.

Jiang Ran smiled, and said to Jiang Xiaowen, "You can pick up shells in the future. Since you have a fishing net today, it's still a good time to fish."

With a wave of Jiang Ran's hand, a three-meter-long Fengling Ship appeared on the ocean.

"Wow..." Wei Fengsheng and Jiang Xiaowen were slightly amazed.

The three of them boarded the boat, and the space seemed a little narrow.

Su Yuanhai is so wide that at a glance, it is vast and boundless.

Wei Fengsheng and Jiang Xiaowen went out to sea for the first time, and they were a little scared when they were excited.

Wei Fengsheng thought to himself, although Su Yuanhai's wealth is endless, it is extremely dangerous to enter the sea, but his cultivation level is low, but he must protect the two adults.

The sea breeze rushed towards her face, with a fishy smell, but Jiang Ran didn't feel sick. Instead, the unrestrained feeling on the sea made her feel good.

Put enough crystals into the Spirit Tank of the Wind Spirit Ship, Jiang Ran said, "Wei Fengsheng, come here, I will teach you how to drive."

The operation of the Wind Spirit Ship is not difficult, but you must pay special attention to the direction and wind and waves during the driving process.

Wei Fengsheng is also a smart person. Although he was very apprehensive at first, fearing that he would drive the boat into the gutter, he quickly got started.

Jiang Xiaowen's eyes lit up, and she wanted to try it too. Jiang Ran tapped her forehead lightly to make her take back her thoughts.

One little wax gourd, I still want to sail.

Jiang Xiaowen held her forehead with both hands, but her eyes were shining when she looked at Jiang Ran.

The farther away the Fengling ship is from the coast, the stronger the wind and waves, and the more violent the shaking of the ship. Those who just started the boat may feel a little uncomfortable, and Jiang Xiaowen's face turned pale.

"When the ship is shaking, you don't have to fight hard. You will feel better if you sit firmly on your lower body and follow the trend with your body."

Jiang Ran made a point, Jiang Xiaowen tried to follow suit, and it was indeed not so awkward.

Jiang Ran saw that she was gradually getting used to it, so she turned her eyes to the distant sea.

"County Lord, which way are you going?" Wei Fengsheng had fun and was full of interest.

Jiang Ran thought for a while. In the southwest direction, a group of red scale fish lived. If you go there, you will encounter a small reef island on the way, but Jiang Ran has not been on the island before.

Going southwest, you may be able to catch a lot of good fish. If you are tired, you can still dock on the small island. The reef island is the easiest to absorb some shellfish and conch. Doesn’t Xiaowen want to pick up shells? The shells on the reef island Should be able to pick her up to spit.

So, Jiang Ran pointed to the south.

The body swings rhythmically with the ups and downs of the wind and waves, and the posture is relaxed and comfortable.

It's good to not have to drive yourself.

Jiang Ran enjoyed it for a while, and looked towards the sea, and happened to have a group of slender white eels passing by.

White eel, a type of eel, is born in the sea and grows up in rivers. It can be regarded as a freshwater fish or a sea fish.

Jiang Ran couldn't help licking her lips. Although there are a lot of seafood recently, most of them are lobsters, crabs and shellfish. Although this white eel is not a spiritual fish, it tastes fresh and tender. Moreover, it has been a long time since I threw the net with my hand. I just used this group of white eels to practice my hands.

Jiang Ran asked Wei Fengsheng to drive slowly, picked up a fishing net and tidied it up. Jiang Xiaowen knew that her sister was about to make a move, so she also helped tidy up the fishing net.

Seeing the school of fish slipping away with only one tail left, Jiang Ran weighed the fishing net, exerted force on his waist, the fishing net flew out from his fingers, opened a beautiful circle in the air, crashed into the water, and sank in an instant to the water.

After the net sank to the bottom, Jiang Ran began to draw in the rope. The net was already heavy, and it was even heavier after being soaked in sea water. However, Jiang Ran's cultivation base was not low, and this weight was nothing to her.

Wei Fengsheng wanted to help catch the rope, but at this time there was a strong wind blowing, and he quickly grasped the course, so he could only nervously go up to collect the net.

Seeing that the net stickers had been closed, Jiang Ran speeded up the action of retracting the net, exerting force with her waist and arms, and the fishing net was quickly received into the Fengling ship.

"There are fish in it!" Jiang Xiaowen was more excited than herself, "One, two...five, five in total, hey! There is also a big crab!"

Jiang Ran looked at it and frowned. This crab was a spirit crab recorded in "Underwater Encyclopedia of Warcraft", named Blue Star Crab.

Inferior spirit crab, but delicious.

The crab was the size of a basketball, and a pair of pliers clamped the fishing net. It was so powerful that Jiang Ran was afraid that it would break the fishing net, so he quickly got it out.

Wei Fengsheng couldn't help but said, "Lord, if such a big crab is sold, it will definitely earn thousands of crystals."

Although I don't know the specific type, it is not a spiritual thing. Wei Fengsheng is a monk, so he can tell it naturally.

At the same time, I am amazed, it is really different to go to sea, you can catch a spirit crab with just a net, if it is on the shore, you may not be able to find a spirit crab for a month.

 Thank you Qianyu, Lilili, Yingpiaoruxue, Yu, get rid of the good people as soon as possible, and get rid of the good people, Dorothy, Renyi, and some other book friends for the rewards. This month, there are 10000 book coins for rewards, and one will be added Even.

  In addition, every 20 monthly tickets are added, and now there are more than 60 chapters of monthly tickets. It is estimated that this month's monthly tickets will add three more.

  Posted together at one minute past zero on the 31st of this month, come join us.

(End of this chapter)

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