As a lord, I was forced to farm

Chapter 284 Fishing goods

Chapter 284 Fishing goods
The blue star crab spewed out a jet of water the size of a faucet, and a pair of large pincers kept flying around.

Both Wei Fengsheng and Jiang Xiaowen were familiar with the delicacy of crabs, so they couldn't help but licked their lips.

Jiang Ran took the rope from the empty ring, tied the blue star crab two or three times, and tied a beautiful bow by the way.

"Lord, the fish smell is too strong, why don't you let me clean up these fish?" At this time, the Wind Spirit Ship had stopped, floating on the vast sea, swaying gently with the waves.

Jiang Ran nodded, "Come here and bleed the fish."

After deep-sea fish are caught, they die quickly due to changes in pressure. The purpose of bloodletting is to maintain the freshness and deliciousness of the fish.

Wei Fengsheng ordered, and drew a dagger from his waist.

These five white eels are really very big, the largest one is one meter long, and it is estimated to weigh nearly a hundred catties.

"These white meals should have spawned at the bottom of the sea," Jiang Ran said.

"It turns out that this kind of fish is called Baishan. My lord is really well-informed." Wei Fengsheng praised it habitually while bleeding.

After bleeding the fish, Jiang Ran pulled out the net, and the space of the Fengling ship was already small, and Jiang Xiaowen was forced to have no place to set her feet while holding the big green star crab.

If it is a fishing boat, there will be live water tanks to put fish in it, but unfortunately not.

But before Jiang Ran came, he prepared a few super large basins with ice cubes in the air guard, put the white meal in, and continued to cast the net.

"I hope to catch more big crabs!" Jiang Xiaowen pinched the blue star crab's big pincers and prayed.

This sea area has never been fished before, so the seafood is very rich. Jiang Ran has cast the net five times in a row, and each time there are some goods. There are more than a dozen crystal crabs sold to Yang Hao and others before.

"Get rich, get rich!" Jiang Xiaowen is too young to cast a net, but tying a crab is not a big problem.

As he gradually approached the Huolei mine, Jiang Ran could catch one or two red scale fish from time to time.

The red scales seem to gather flames, echoing the dazzling sunlight, but these red scale fish are not too big, and they are not the best red scale fish.

"There seems to be a lot of red-scaled fish in our Suyuan Sea!" Wei Fengsheng didn't know that there was a red-scaled fish habitat in the sea not far from Suling, but he was a little surprised to see red-scaled fish caught one after another, "This red-scaled fish Eating fish has a great effect on people, the last time the adults rewarded the red scale fish to the subordinates, after the subordinates and their families enjoyed it, their bodies surged, and even the dog's body emitted aura."

The red scale fish has the blood of the ancient red carp, and the ancient red carp has the blood of the red dragon. It is not surprising that the red scale fish has the blood of the dragon.

However, Wei Fengsheng mentioned that Wei Zhizhi, as the second young cultivation talent in the territory, Jiang Ran was also curious, so he couldn't help asking a few more questions, "How is Zhizhi's studies?"

Wei Fengsheng felt honored for Jiang Ran's intimate call, and quickly replied, "The dog is naughty, he is not interested in documents, he argues that he is boring and doesn't want to study, and his grades in public school can only be high in the mountains, but he is very yearning for martial arts. I will teach the dog well and serve the county master in the future."

Jiang Ran smiled, "Today I'm here to fish and have fun, so you don't have to be so formal. Your own son, just teach him well. As for what Zhizhi wants to do, he will make his own choice when he grows up. As a father, you don't have to Then the road will be determined to death."

"Yes." Wei Fengsheng smiled and relaxed a lot.

There are too many fish caught, and the bloodletting is still done when encountering the red scale fish, but the blood of the spirit fish is also a great tonic, but I took another clay pot to store it.

There were too many fish, Jiang Xiaowen also took out a dagger to help, her fair and delicate face was stained with blood, but the little girl didn't change her face, with a shallow and innocent smile, she struck swiftly.

After more than an hour, all kinds of catches gradually increased, excluding ordinary sea fish weighing more than 600 catties, some edible seaweed, and some spiritual goods, such as one Yuanyuan fish, one ice cap jellyfish, and eight crystal crabs , four blue star crabs, five red scale fish, and a blue-spotted blue fish in the spirit-gathering realm lured by the red scale fish.

Yuanyuan fish are as flat as paper, with a length and width of three meters. They are good at sensing the direction of water and wind currents. They often float on the surface of the sea. It is said that eating Yuanyuan fish can make the body light and enhance the control of wind and water.

Yuanyuan fish are rare, and this time is also lucky.

It's a pity that Bai Mei didn't wake up, otherwise, eating this Yuanyuan fish would be a great tonic.

"Sister, this jellyfish is so beautiful. It's a pity that it landed on the shore. It shouldn't live long." The jellyfish is light, disc-shaped, and emits a deep blue light when swimming, like a tulle. It's rare for her to see it. The ice-type jellyfish is closed.

When you go back, you can let the people in the kitchen make cold salad, which is also a good delicacy.

The spotted blue fish beast is an unlucky boy, and it is not easy to cultivate to the spirit-gathering state, so he chased the red-scaled fish into Jiang Ran's net.

However, although it is stronger than the red scale fish, it is not comparable in terms of deliciousness and nutrition. The only valuable thing is the magic core and sharp fin teeth, which can be used as refining materials.

"It would be great if there was a fishing rod." Jiang Ran patted the body of the spotted blue fish and beast Q bomb, wondering.

The taste of the spotted blue fish and beast is not very good, but you can deduct some meat to lure sea fish, after all, it is a fish and beast in the spirit-gathering realm.

Fishing can be as much as using a net, but at sea, sea fishing also has a special taste.

And the time waiting for the fish to be caught is still a bit boring.

"What is a fishing rod? Can the carpenter and blacksmith in the county make one, or let the craftsman Bai study it?" Wei Fengsheng suggested.

"That's right." Jiang Ran thought to go back and asked Bai Lifei to study and make a fishing rod that could withstand the weight and impact of the demon fish.

"Put it up and put it away." The net was closed again, and several people were happy. Not long after, Wei Fengsheng set off and continued to move forward.

"Let's stop at the reef ahead. I'm hungry too. Grill a few fish pads to fill my belly, and then return." Today's catch is enough fish, and the habitat of the red-scaled fish is above the Black Bone Realm. The ancient red crocodile can no longer go that far, and after leaving the coastal waters, there are more and more dangerous monsters.

Naturally, Wei Fengsheng and Jiang Xiaowen had no objection, they were also hungry.

This reef is not big, the size of a basketball court on the left and right, the top is dark, except for some seaweed, there is no vegetation at all.

"Sister, it's a little slippery, be careful." Jiang Xiaowen's trouser legs were wet by sea water. At this time, with her shoes in her hands and bare feet, she tentatively stepped on the slippery reef, then turned her head and said to Jiang Ran.

Jiang Ran put the Fengling Ship into the air ring and hummed.

The reef island was humid and there was no firewood, but Jiang Ran said that he wanted to grill fish, so he naturally made preparations.

Taking out the dry firewood, clear water and even the seasonings, Jiang Ran asked Wei Fengsheng to light a fire to grill the fish.

"Sister, why are there so many conch and shells on this island!" Jiang Xiaowen twisted her trouser legs, looked up, and opened her mouth into an "O" shape.

 Wow, some of you voted for five monthly tickets at one time today. I, a new author, have not received so many monthly tickets at one time. I am so happy.

  Yesterday there were more than 60 monthly tickets, and today there are more than 70 chapters. I will have another chapter at the end of the month.Six chapters, [-] words.

  Fortunately, there are still a few manuscripts left, and I will repay your expectations.

  And thank you for today's reward. As usual, it is full of [-] book coins plus a new chapter, I will remember it.

(End of this chapter)

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