Chapter 285

When Wei Fengsheng heard Jiang Xiaowen's shout, he looked over and was also very surprised, and then he was overjoyed, "It's true, there are a lot of abalones, county lord, this is worth a lot of money."

The average height of this reef island is three to four meters above the ocean surface, and the highest point can reach five or six meters. When a wave beats over, when the tide recedes, densely packed conch and abalone are attached to the reef.

Abalone is very popular for its delicacy, nourishing yin, strengthening yang, and beautifying the skin. According to what Jiang Ran learned from Li Tianliang, if it is sold to the outside world, it can be sold for at least three gold dollars per catty.

Abalone depends on the shape, color and size. The three gold yuan still refers to ordinary-sized abalones. According to the grades of abalones on the earth, it is probably the third-grade abalones larger than forty.

But here, most of them are first-class abalones, each of which can weigh up to a catty. After washing them, the color is extremely pink and tender, and it smells faintly of seaweed.

The best, the best.

It's a pity that the current seafood market in Suling has not been fully opened, otherwise, if this level of abalone is sold to the inland far away from the ocean, it will not be a dream for forty or fifty gold dollars a catty.

And this reef island not only has a lot of abalones, but if you look carefully, there are many oysters and conchs hidden on the dark reefs, and some shrimps and crabs swim on the underwater reefs. If you look carefully, you will be able to find some precious ones. lobster.

Jiang Ran was moved by the abundance of seafood.

"Sister?" Jiang Xiaowen was about to move, looking at Jiang Ran expectantly.

This is equivalent to the money for building an extra city wall. Even if Jiang Ran holds a large amount of wealth, if a silver dollar falls on the ground, it will not be picked up for nothing.

Naturally, Jiang Ran would not let these seafood go, and said, "Fill your stomach first, and only when you are full will you have the strength to dig."

The two got the order and immediately started to move. Jiang Xiaowen also helped Wei Fengsheng handle the ingredients.

Jiang Ran dug up a few big abalones and raw food and gave them to Wei Fengsheng, and threw some hairtails and a white eel from the interspatial ring.

Eat some ordinary ones in the wild, but the spirit fish should be taken back to be cooked by a professional chef.

Wei Fengsheng and Jiang Xiaowen were busy with their work. Jiang Ran didn't rush to dig abalone and oysters. Instead, he drove the Fengling Ship around the reef to confirm that there was no danger around him before he was relieved.

The three of them shared the grilled fish and ate them. Wei Fengsheng's cooking skills were not that good, but he simply sprinkled the seasonings on it. The difference was that the ingredients were fresh and high-quality.

The oysters were still grilled on the ashes. Jiang Xiaowen took a bite of the grilled abalone, which was almost as big as her face, and was satisfied. "Sister, this is delicious. It's more tender than the previous abalone, but it's a pity that I can't eat it."

The relationship between the two brothers and sisters is very good, and they will think of each other when they have any good things. Jiang Ran stroked the little girl's soft hair and said, "Bring it to him when the time comes."

Jiang Xiaowen was relieved, thinking that she must eat more, so as to save less for Jiang Nancheng, and when she grew taller than him, he would see how he would rob her sister.

Seeing that Jiang Xiaowen's food was more delicious than before, Wei Fengsheng couldn't help but said, "My brothers and sisters have a very good relationship, and the Former Lord will be very happy when he is underground."


A few grilled fish were finished quickly, and a few people started to make seafood.

Jiang Ran distributed several sacks to Jiang Xiaowen and Wei Fengsheng, and said, "You pick up the seafood by your own ability, and the seafood you get is your own."

Jiang Xiaowen said, "Sister, I don't want it, it's all my sister's."

She still eats her sister's food and spends her sister's food. Brother Nancheng is already self-reliant, so she doesn't want her sister's even this bit of seafood.

Wei Feng spoke with emotion and reason, "Lord, now is the time for your subordinates to perform missions. No matter what you do during this period, everything you get belongs to your lord. Moreover, your lord spent a lot of crystals to use the wind spirit ship." , This time I came out with my lord, I have gained a lot of experience, if my lord is kind, I can share a few catties of seafood with my subordinates to bring back to my parents, wives and children to try something new."

Jiang Ran is usually very generous to the people around her, and she doesn't bother to argue with others about this matter. Since both of them said so, Jiang Ran followed their wishes.

"Then dig."

Without tools such as tongs, the three could only rely on hands and daggers.

I don’t know any creatures underwater on the reef. Jiang Xiaowen has already put on her shoes, and tentatively stepped on a solid rock. After stepping on it firmly, she looked at the thousands of abalones on the reef, her eyes glowing wolfishly. The movements of a pair of small hands did not match the roughness of the delicate skin, muttering words that neither Jiang Ran nor Wei Fengsheng could hear, "Fat Cai, catch them all, give it to the sisters, Fa Cai Cai!"

Wei Fengsheng is a reliable adult male, and his movements are much faster than Jiang Xiaowen's. Even if he doesn't have any tools at hand, he still collects an abalone in a second, and shovels a raw food with a knife.

Jiang Ran didn't follow suit.

Today, there are more than ten minutes left of the purple jade magic pupil magical power. This reef is not big, so at least opening your eyes to scan it is more in line with Jiang Ran's character.

So, with the strength of his legs, he jumped directly to the highest point. The wind rattled his robe, and Jiang Ran re-tied the messy hair that had been blown away. A pair of black pupils turned a mysterious purple in a blink of an eye.

Thirteen places.

There are thirteen places with spiritual fluctuations,

Jiang Ran memorized these thirteen places, and then turned off the magic power.

The movement was very fast. Jiang Ran first looked at the places where the spiritual power moved faster. Even without the purple jade magic pupil, Jiang Ran's eyesight was better than ordinary people's after long-term exercise. clear.

A copper sea urchin with a century-old highly poisonous demon, a stranded red scale fish, a consonant starfish, a blue colored fierce fish, and two crystal crabs.

Jiang Ran can't even say that the harvest is not good. The most common ones are crystal crabs worth ten crystals, and the best ones, copper sea urchins, have a century-old poison. As long as they are fed into the stomach, they can poison one A master who knows the sea!
However, this poison still needs to be extracted.

This kind of animal that is still alive and moving is not easy to put in the space ring. Except for the demon copper sea urchin, Jiang Ran put it together with the spiritual goods he got before.

The first six were all active sources of spiritual power. Jiang Ran walked easily and salvaged the rest.

"'s hot..." Jiang Ran took out a conch the size of two basketballs from the deep water.

Jiang Ran didn't touch it directly with her hands, but wrapped her fingers and arms with silver crystal magic silk cloth that is waterproof, fireproof, and anti-toxic liquid erosion. , "Uh, Zhu Yan's thousand-handed snail?"

The shape of this snail is very beautiful, the overall color is deep red, and it is oval in shape. Its snail tower is high, and the shell surface is covered with thin snail ridges. Prominent crown flowers, like half-opened pink flowers.

"This is really lucky." Squinting her eyes, Jiang Ran licked her lower lip with a slight heartbeat.

Zhuyan Thousand-Hand Conch, if there is a Zhuyan Pearl inside, it will be a great blessing.

This Zhu Yan Qianshou snail can grow to such a large size, at least after hundreds of years, no, think boldly, so what if it is a thousand-year snail?

Jiang Ran has read the script, and a baby like her who travels through time and holds the system in his hand, generally speaking, luck is not bad.

(End of this chapter)

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