As a lord, I was forced to farm

Chapter 286 So Pretentious

Chapter 286 So Pretentious
The more things bloom in the desperate situation, the more precious they are. One can imagine the heat of the flame born in the ocean.

If a monk succeeds in refining the Zhuyan Thousand-Hand Bead, and it is a millennium-old one, the power of the flaming moves will increase tenfold.

And if such a treasure is really dug out, maybe the magic beast with a keen sense of smell will smell it!

With the Purple Jade Demon Eye, it was indeed like reading a script, otherwise I wouldn't be able to find this snail.

The meat of Zhu Yanqian's hand snail was also very evil, which slightly blocked Jiang Ran's sight, and he couldn't see if there was any goods in it, but Jiang Ran was not in a hurry to open the snail.

Even if it was hot, Jiang Ran was a little reluctant to let go of the snail.

But other sources of spiritual power still need to be checked, after all, they are all good things.

They are basically shrimps and crabs, and there is also a jade white snail, which is good, but compared to Zhu Yan's thousand-handed snail, it is too eclipsed.

After finishing, Jiang Ran went to check on the situation of Jiang Xiaowen and the two of them. They had already dug a few bags.

Seeing Jiang Ran holding something wrapped in cloth, Wei Fengsheng didn't ask any further questions. He just arched his head on his shoulders and hurriedly wiped the sweat from his forehead. Jiang Ran knelt down and prepared to talk to him They dug abalone together and couldn't help but said, "Master, I'm here, you go and rest."

Jiang Ran said, "Just for fun, no problem."

Wei Fengsheng grabbed an abalone that was the size of a newborn baby, "My lord, I see that there are about ten abalones that have faintly fluctuated in their spiritual power. I am afraid they are old abalones that have grown for a long time. Just these two , at least we can earn back the boat fee this time.”

Jiang Ran put a hundred or so crystals in at one time, but this time they sailed not far, and spent most of their time on this reef, so they probably spent a dozen or so crystals of fuel at most.

If you want to talk about the return, you have already caught it when you were fishing with a fishing net.

But when Jiang Ran looked at the huge abalone, she hiccupped speechlessly.

In this world, even the species she had in her previous life began to pervert.

The three of them picked expensive oysters and abalones. They dug for an afternoon and made a lot of money. They estimated that there were two to three thousand catties. Bar."

These oysters are not like blooded fish, but live creatures. They are piled together on the Fengling Ship and tied with ropes. They are one or two meters high. Jiang Ran and Jiang Xiaowen can only sit on the seafood, while Wei Fengsheng drives in front. Boat.

"Let's come again next time~" Jiang Xiaowen said.

"Well. Next time."

As the sun sets, the sea surface is rendered with a large piece of red light by the sunset glow, and the setting sun melts gold, which is so beautiful that it is fascinating.

Jiang Xiaowen was so satisfied today, she leaned her head on her sister's shoulder with a smile, and rubbed her head like a kitten, "Sister~ I'm so happy."

Without squinting, Jiang Ran held Zhu Yan's thousand-handed snail in one hand, and handed Jiang Xiaowen a bottle of ointment at the same time, "Are you happy that your hands are bleeding?"

"Well, happy!"


It may be late to catch the sea today. Jiang Ran has informed Ma Yuan in advance. After landing, Ma Yuan was a little surprised when he saw a dozen sacks. "These are all adults' prey? So many?" !"

Jiang Ran wanted to pile the seafood onto the carriage and take it away.

Ma Yuan was a little hesitant, but he still boldly proposed, "Master, this is only two or three thousand catties. This will tire the horse, and it's a pity that the carriage has just been driven out, so it's dirty and wet."

"That's right." Jiang Ran was in a hurry to open the conch, but she didn't think too much about it. "These things are in Wang Lichang's place. After you send us back, come over and transport these things back."

The abalone was thrown at Wang Xiaozhuo's, but all the spiritual goods were in his hands, and Jiang Ran didn't forget to leave some seafood for Wei Fengsheng.

The moonlight was bright, but it was a sleepless night. The servants of the lord's mansion were chatting and packing up the harvest brought back by the lord.

"This is astonishing. The last time Master Jiang Ran went out to sea, he brought back a boatload of red-scaled fish. Although there were not so many red-scaled fish this time, the variety was several times greater, and the number was also a hundred times greater. "The original chef Li Guihua exclaimed.

She is a veteran servant of the Lord's Mansion, watching the quality of food in the Lord's Mansion fly from the ground to the sky, she is really moved.

The young chef Chen Mo is not silent anymore. He wanted to cook all kinds of spirit beasts and plants before, thinking that those are the highest quality ingredients, which can make food that is more beneficial to the human body and more delicious, so he came to the lord The government job decision was the right one.

It was getting late, Jiang Ran first washed off the fishy smell on her body, washed her hands again and again, and then opened the Zhu Yan Thousand Hands Snail with great interest.

Jiang Ran gently pushed aside the white snail meat and rummaged through it. Soon, she felt a hard object separated by a layer of snail meat.

Jiang Ran's eyes brightened slightly, but she was more careful.

The snail meat is the protective layer of the fire bead, which also blocks the damage of the fire bead to the outside world.


The exposed corner of the bead was so hot that the air seemed to be burned by it, but the curtain on the bed suddenly ignited.

Jiang Ran was startled, and immediately poured out a stream of water to extinguish the raging flames.

At the same time, the hand digging the beads is covered with a layer of ice, constantly resisting the burn from the fire beads.

Just like Zhu Xi falling to the ground, the flames seem to evaporate all wind, rain and rivers.

Finally grasping it in the hand, the ice in the palm of the hand covered layer after layer, but it was always melted in less than a second.

The pearls are very small. It is hard to believe that the pearls dug out by such a big conch are as big as a red bean.

"According to the book, this thing has to be swallowed, incorporated into the body...and then refined..." Jiang Ran hesitated, "But, won't this really eat me up?"

"If you don't eat any more, the entire Lord's Mansion will be burned by this bead!" Jiang Ran's ice-making ability is limited, and it is impossible to keep going. She has to eat anyway, so she made up her mind and swallowed it directly.

'It hurts, hurts, hurts! '

Even though his throat and abdomen were covered with the power of the ice system, he still felt severe pain, but Jiang Ran didn't dare to speak. Enduring the severe pain from his internal organs, he groped into the cultivation state.

The characteristic of the Chaotic Scarlet Phoenix Scripture is that the aura is strong and peaceful. It is precisely because of chaos that it can contain all things, and it has no fatal flaws. The more you practice, the stronger the spiritual energy in Jiang Ran's body.

The reason why the Spirit Refining Realm is called the Spirit Refining Realm is that it stimulates the acupoints to vibrate the Qi and blood in the whole body, so as to continuously refine and compress the spiritual energy.

After Zhu Yan Qianshouzhu entered the body, it exacerbated this process, burning the remaining accumulation in the body due to food, Jiang Ran's scalp was numb, it was good, but this frequency was too fast, she had to follow the rhythm closely , otherwise a certain acupoint made a mistake, and the consequences would be disastrous.

This process lasted in the middle of the night, and Jiang Ran's body was completely wet with sweat before the fire bead melted in her body and was absorbed by her.

Without the trouble of the fire beads, the ice-type spiritual power to resist the burning took effect, and a cool feeling spread from the tailbone to the whole body in an instant, and Jiang Ran's soul seemed to be floating out, and the dense air above his head rose to out.

However, the severe cold is the most taboo after the fire. Jiang Ran didn't let this sense of comfort go, but stopped in time.

Tentatively lighting a fire at his fingertips, Jiang Ran saw that the color of the flame changed slightly, from the previous orange to reddish black. When the flame danced, the texture was similar to ink, and the color was weird, but the temperature was hot. Before, there was a qualitative leap!

The index finger of Jiang Ran's other hand was slightly bent, and she lightly touched her lips. Looking at the dancing flames, she thought, "This color and visual sense are so pretentious."

 Thank you Qianyu-BC and Tangerine Smile for your tip.Thank you Tangerine for being the first hall master of this book, and thank you Qianyu-BC for being the new rudder master.

  I saved about ten chapters for the manuscript, but at the end of the month, it seems that seven or eight chapters need to be added, so I will continue to collect the rest unceremoniously.

  If you have nothing to do, you can comment and check-in in the book friend circle. You don’t seem to like to comment and post this chapter (it’s okay if you don’t want to post it, everyone’s reading habits are different) I’ve never done a check-in event. It is even more deserted to engage in activities.

  I don’t want to engage in activities to distract my attention during the serialization (mainly because I haven’t done it before, I won’t), maybe I will make one when the book ends, such as the conclusion testimonials?Thank you for the friends who have been chasing after me. After all, companionship is the longest confession of love, but I don’t know that it will be the end of this book.

  The editor highly recommends that I open another book, but it’s so difficult to open it both ways. I have code word difficulty, but I can’t support myself if I don’t open it. It’s difficult to make ends meet with this book.After all, I have already decided to work full-time, but I am still discussing with my parents. If there is no accident, after graduation, I will devote myself to writing.

  If a new book is released, I hope you can support it.

  This month is fast passing by again, time flies so fast, it would be nice if it slowed down a bit.

  Thank you all for your support.

(End of this chapter)

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