As a lord, I was forced to farm

Chapter 287 All sentient beings are Yan dogs!

Chapter 287 All sentient beings are Yan dogs!

Both the meat and the shell of Zhu Yan's thousand-handed snail are good things. Both she and Xiaowen are monks with the aura of the fire element, and the snail meat is a great supplement.As for the shell, keep it for now. When the time comes, go to Mingxiao City and find the second treasurer of Yuchi, it should be worth a lot of money.

Jiang Ran then took advantage of the opportunity to pry the jade snail, but there were no pearls inside, but its shell was beautiful, with big fists, and it could be hung for decoration.

In the early morning of the next day, Lian Xiang knocked on the door outside, "Master, your breakfast is ready, do you need a villain to bring it to your room? Besides, today is the day of the pilgrimage, and Steward Li specially asked the villain to remind you."

"Come in."

The pilgrimage is to walk around in Chinese clothes surrounded by officials and people after regaining the new territory. Today is the scheduled pilgrimage day. Jiang Ran got up from the bed and put on obscene clothes.

After Lian Xiang came in, she put the breakfast aside, and first poured clean water to help Jiang Ran wash and brush her teeth, and then opened the food boxes and put them one by one.

"This is steamed red-scaled fish, and this is the braised pig's trotter that Chef Chen has been stewing since last night..." Lian Xiang had a smile on her delicate face as she reported this morning's dishes to Jiang Ran.

The people above eat well, and they can also stick to some blessings and drink mouth spirit soup.

Although they are servants, they may eat better than the town, no, many monks in the county.

In addition to these two, there are red crystal steamed buns and some snacks.

"Fire pig's trotters?" Jiang Ran was a little surprised.

Lian Xiang said, "It's the monsters that were killed by the earth thorn formation. In addition to the burning pigs, there are other monsters that were moved to the Lord's Mansion by the villagers. There are a few of them piled up, and they can't be eaten all at once. The steward is about to tell you How to deal with these monsters?"

"In the future, if there are small beasts that are injured and will not pose a threat to the villagers in the earth thorn formation, they will be sent to the chief Wu Li of Aojia Village, and asked if he would like to try to tame these monsters. If not, let the small beasts go. The beast returns to the forest, as for the adult beast, just kill it, if it is a monster, send the magic core to Liushang Pavilion, as for the bones and meat, find a shop in the main city of Suling, and sell the meat."

Aojia Village has been raising chickens for some time. If you want to raise other livestock, then this is also an opportunity.

And the soil thorn formation also cost Jiang Ran a lot of money, so it would be comfortable to go back to the book.

"Yes, the villain will tell the housekeeper." Lian Xiang quickly remembered it.

This breakfast is also relatively rich, and it can quickly replenish qi and blood. It happened that Jiang Ran spent a lot of energy refining Zhu Yan's thousand-handed snails last night.

While Jiang Ran was eating, Lian Xiang asked, "My lord, it's almost time for the parade. Which outfit do you want to wear? I will wait for you to change."

On Li Fusheng's side, there was an urgent request to make a tour uniform for Jiang Ran, but Jiang Ran refused.

Although they are all ordinary clothes without special protection, the clothes in the Baishang lapel box are full of beautiful things in eyes, both in material and style, far surpassing the clothes that can be made in Suling now.

Moreover, if she doesn't wear it now, with the development of her chest and height, the clothes in the Baishang lapel box may not be able to fit in next year - when the system rewarded her, the clothes inside were all in her size at that time.

Jiang Ran put the clothes in the closet last night, and Jiang Ran pointed to one of them.


The officials have already put on their official uniforms and waited, and even the soldiers put on the latest armor, majestic and majestic.

Steward Li, Qiu Boshui and other officials wanted to persuade Jiang Ran to take the luxurious carriage brought from Xinheng Town, saying that it was in line with his noble status, but Jiang Ran refused and insisted on using the ordinary carriage from before.

Just kidding, take Yang Hao's two carriages to go on a tour, maybe someone will say: Don't you have your own carriage?

However, the carriage was inconspicuous, but Jiang Ran chose Chisha to pull the carriage.

Chisha is the yellow sand camel Jiang Ran bought.

Although the yellow sand camel is not as handsome as the red horse, it is a magical beast anyway, and it has a certain style.

This guy eats a lot and eats all the good things, so he has to make something to pay back, so Jiang Ran uses it to pull the cart.

Now Li Fusheng and the others had no objections.

The path of the pilgrimage is probably to go north into Xinheng Town, and then to Zhenyuan Town and Fenghuang Town.

"My lord, please get on the carriage."

There were soldiers holding long guns at the front and back of the carriage, Wei Fengsheng was sitting on the shaft of the carriage, and the officials followed behind. Today is destined to be a very tiring day.

To be honest, the way to drive into Xinheng Town by carriage was very painful, because the roads between the two towns were not connected, Jiang Ran only felt that he was suffering.

Finally arrived at Xinheng.

During the pilgrimage, no matter what they thought in their hearts, everyone had to go out to meet the new master. The people had never seen Jiang Ran before, but they were all very afraid of this young county master.

Jiang Ran's reputation has not diminished in the past few days. Once he came to power, he took down three town-level territories in less than a year, and his methods were astonishing.Secondly, everyone originally thought that she was young and would not be cruel, but first the members of the Yang family, Yan family, and Jiang family were beheaded one after another, and those who refused to surrender were also bloody.Three times later, the officials above were plucked down one by one. These people are usually domineering, but at this time, they dare not let a fart go.

In the beginning, people were indeed panicked, but the land quickly settled down and became much more peaceful.

When everyone received a document called household registration, they had a strange sense of belonging.

If only this is the case.

But then, an official introduced jobs to everyone, such as digging iron ore, building city walls, and weaving fishing nets. As long as they worked, they could get a good salary.

Another official came to the door one by one to persuade the children to go to school.

If in the past, the streets were chaotic, most of the officers and soldiers committed crimes, but now, the sky is clear and the streets are clear.

There are so many people, they don't care about who is on top, they only care about whether the high-ranking people can feed them and clothe them warmly.

In this dangerous world where monsters are rampant, if the superiors are cruel, the common people can only consider themselves unlucky, but if the superiors are wise, there are many supporters.

As a result, the voice of opposition disappeared, and Jiang Ran's youth became young and promising, and killing became decisive.

And because Jiang Ran's deeds were a bit miraculous, there were rumors that although the new lord was a woman, she was over nine feet tall and could lift a thousand catties with one hand, and could collapse the ground by chopping off her feet.

The purpose of the pilgrimage was naturally to let the Xinmin know what the new ruler was like, so there was no barrier in front of the carriage, and everyone raised their heads and stood there in a daze.

The county magistrate is indeed not short in stature, and her whole body is intimidating, but she is definitely far from being nine feet tall, but seeing her with a high crown and hair, sitting in the car, wearing a dark gold robe, with golden silk auspicious clouds on it, There is a jade belt to buckle the waist, which can be easily grasped.His eyebrows and eyes are thick and black, his face is as white as jade, and his facial features are flawless.

It is the beauty in the deep pool, which cannot be peeped at.

The carriage approached, and on both sides of the road, everyone knelt down to greet him with great momentum, "See Lord Lord!"

If you want to say that all living beings are all Yan dogs.

(End of this chapter)

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