As a lord, I was forced to farm

Chapter 288 Divide the land

Chapter 288 Divide the land

There was no fancy rhetorical declaration, Jiang Ran just took a carriage around the three towns. The county-level territory was not big, but the officials traveled by foot, and the trip took more than two days.

"The new lord seems to be a low-key character, a county lord who loves the people!"

"I have been to Suling Town these days, and the people there seem to be living in a very prosperous life!"

"We have become citizens of Suling, so we can eat seafood every day?"

"But she won't let me visit the brothel!"


After Jiang Ran left, the people in the three towns got together and talked a lot, basically talking about the future, but they were also dissatisfied with Jiang Ran's tough jurisdiction.

But only a small part of the voice.

What Lin Sha and others didn't expect was that the county lord rode in a simple carriage. Instead of feeling inferior, the common people thought it was because the new lord knew that they were poor, so he deliberately took the carriage lightly, which was clearly a manifestation of his heart.

This is very different from the previous arrogant and licentious lords.

Lin Sha couldn't help feeling, "The lord must want to win back the hearts of the people, so he rejected our proposal many times and insisted on taking a dilapidated carriage."

The others all agreed, "We are stupid, and we couldn't figure out the mind of adults before!"

This tour ended perfectly.

The mountains are emerald and golden, the world is October, the birds are shy, and the flowers are fading.

The wheat that was ruined by the red worm was a blessing in disguise, and instead became more vigorous. During the time when Jiang Ran went to Mingxiao, it was mature and harvested. At that time, [-]% of the wheat in the field was the red crystal wheat.

Originally, the villagers were worried about what would happen to the different wheat, but the people above gave them a shot in the arm - the price of red crystal wheat was higher than that of ordinary wheat.

Moreover, people from the Lingnong Division taught them to select better quality red crystal wheat seeds and encouraged them to continue planting red crystal wheat.

After the wheat was harvested, the land was vacant for more than ten days. Now, there were more demon spirits in the territory, and farmers had more crops to choose from.It is said that it is best not to always plant one type of crop on a piece of land, and crop rotation can ensure the fertility of the soil, so the villagers in Suling started looking for other seeds.

"The county head is a monk of the ice system, and the cultivation of ice ganoderma should have a bright future."

"Winter is coming soon, and there should be a good harvest for planting ice ganoderma."

"But, are the seeds of Iced Ganoderma lucidum very expensive? It costs one crystal! How can ordinary people like us afford it?" Someone asked sadly.

"Huh? Don't you know? Li Nongsi said that [-]% of the harvest of iced ganoderma can be used as collateral, and the same is true for other spiritual species!"

"Ah? Then I'll hurry up and batch the seeds!"

"It's too late, the seeds are limited, and they were sold out yesterday."


In the three towns of Fenghuang, Xinheng and even Zhenyuan, Lin Sha is leading Xu Nong and other new officials to measure and divide the land for the villagers.

"This county lord is willing to distribute the fertile land to the people below..." Xu Nong was secretly surprised while holding a pen.

Even a newborn baby can be allocated two acres of farmland. In addition, villagers are encouraged to open up wasteland. There is no tax on the wasteland for three years, and each person can open up to three acres of wasteland for free.

That is to say, each person can directly own five acres of land, and for a family of three, they will get fifteen acres of land.

If you are more diligent and want to get more land, you can also write a wasteland reclamation report and buy land cheaply from the government.

In addition, because babies can also get farmland, this can also promote population growth.

Xu Nong thought a lot. Originally, he was worried that some wolf-hearted couple would give birth to one and drown the other in order to get the land, and they would be reborn like this, repeating the cycle.

But the loophole he thought of, the county owner has already considered it carefully.

Not only will couples go to jail for murdering their children, but if a child under the age of six dies halfway, no matter whether you plant crops in your field or not, all the items on the land will be taken back.

Coupled with the policy of encouraging childbirth, a reward of 16 silver dollars is given for giving birth to a child, [-] gold dollars for raising a child to six years old, and [-] gold dollars for raising a child to [-] years old...

Now Xu Nong also wanted to understand why the people of Suling were so loyal to their lord, and why the people of Xinheng Town accepted the new lord so quickly.

Like Yang Hao, who used to be busy going to war, how could he care about the life and death of the people, he really can't be compared with others.

This is indeed a generation of holy lords, following such a lord, the future is boundless.

Xu Nong hugged his intact left hand with his right hand, but there was some worry and uneasiness in his eyes.

Yang Guiying came back with the qualification data of the three towns of Fenghuang Town.

There are also a few good seedlings. Although there are no green-level or above, there are 31 people with green-level cultivation talents!
"Lord, do you want to arrange for them to enter the dormitory Hong Academy together?" Yang Guiying asked.

Jiang Ran shook his head, "They don't know a single word, and there is a gap between them and the students in Suling Town. It is not appropriate to go to school together, and their wolf nature is untamed, which is harmful but not beneficial."

Then he said, "Let them go to public school for a year first, to recognize the characters and correct their thinking, and then they will become the next batch of Su Hong's enrolling children."

Although Su Hong also accepts non-monk students, after literacy, these students have to learn more about Warcraft, Spirit Planting, and Secret Realm.The public school is mainly used for literacy, and the other is to train officials. Both are the focus of education in Suling County, but the directions are different.

When it comes to Su Hong, one has to talk about the official opening of Su Hong College in two days.

As the lord, Jiang Ran showed great importance to this, and took special time to go to Suhong College when the school started.

Suhong College was established in Fengyu Village, and the South Crown Secret Realm hung nearby like a huge fortress.

Langhe meanders its body to irrigate from Mingyun Mountain, crosses a small wooden bridge, and in front of it is the Suhong College built of bricks and stones——Suling County is poor, and its skills are backward, so it can’t build anything as magnificent as a palace for the time being. It is a good college, but it has the basic facilities, such as martial arts training ground, library library, teaching building, and even a county-level secret place as support.

In addition, the college also has two spirit-gathering formations, which can be used by those who are superior.

The Suhong lobby can accommodate about a thousand people, and there are endless noises, and the immature faces of the teenagers are full of excitement.

The first batch of Su Hong students who entered the school were all young children with cultivation talents, not many, only more than [-] people.

No books, no uniforms, very simple.

Suling County is not rich, so things like uniforms are not particularly important, so they can be put aside and customized later.

The books are printed, and after paying the tuition fee, you can get the books.

Compared with the bright future after becoming a monk, the tuition fee of Suhong College is extremely low, only five hundred silver dollars, which is basically the cost of books and food. If poor people really can't afford it, they can also borrow some silver dollars from the government.

(End of this chapter)

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