Chapter 289 Choice
The only ones who can enter Suhong Academy are Suling's Longju Fengchu. Yang Guiying asked, "My lord, these young people regard you as a role model. Would you like to go up and say a few words to encourage them?"

What Jiang Ran could say when she went up, she just poured some chicken soup. She has never been good at doing such nonsense, so she shook her head and refused.

But Yang Guiying's kindness was hard to turn down, but she also left a few words of advice.

nothing more than:
"The method of practicing reading is to proceed step by step, think carefully and then act."

"The road is long and the way is far away. I will search up and down."

The pen and ink are majestic yet elegant. Yang Guiying was amazed when she looked at the fine handwriting that seemed to be galloping freely and carefully read its content.

Su Hong's study room is where the teachers work. Jiang Ran called some students she valued and met with them one by one.

The first is Hu Lian, who is among the best in terms of liberal arts grades and cultivation talent.

Hu Lian is talented and intelligent, and after getting rid of his aunt's family, he looks more youthful. He stands out from the crowd. Jiang Ran saw the two brothers Hu Lian and Hu Yi at a glance from the lobby.

When we first met, Hu Lian was about 1.5 meters tall, with a dove-shaped face, and was very weak. However, within half a year, the boy's figure suddenly grew a lot, and he was more than 1.6 meters tall, with white teeth and red lips, and a warm complexion. The temperament is mild and windy.

Hu Lian is a genius, and he has already passed the age of twelve to thirteen, and his temperament has probably stabilized. Jiang Ran also showed great importance to this.

Hu Lian was a little nervous. Seeing the county lord kept looking at him, there was a trace of anxiety on his face.

Hu Lian is a monk with dual elements of wind and water. The two seeds in his body are constantly sprouting. Although he has not yet formally cultivated, the aura in his body has begun to take shape, and has spontaneously begun to wander in his body, forming a vein.

Amazing talent.

For those who are truly gifted, opening the pulse and gathering spirits is just a step that can be crossed at will. Jiang Ran believes that when Hu Lian steps into the practice of Taoism, he can make rapid progress and soar into the sky.

"Come here and sit down."

Jiang Ran nodded, signaling Hu Lian to sit on the chair opposite her.

Hu Lian raised her head and said hastily, "The county master is a virtuous person, how can I sit opposite the lord."

"sit down."


Hu Lian was flustered and hurriedly sat on it. After sitting up, she put her hands on her lap solemnly, looking very cute.

"You have two choices." Jiang Ran waved his finger, and three books with hardcover covers appeared on the desktop, which were the three internal exercises. "Like other students in the college, learn one of the five elements earth-level exercises." .”

At this time, the most common spiritual power in a monk's body is gold, wood, water, fire, and earth. Fengbinglei is regarded as a variation of it, and time and space are related to the origin of the world. At the beginning, the system only rewarded the five elements. Of course, Jiang Ran's hand There are also some prefecture-level internal cultivation methods, but those of the same level are not as good as the system rewards.

Hu Lian has dual systems, but among the five elements, only the Shui Xuan Rou Jing is suitable for him.

"Either, choose a heaven-level exercise, but there are two conditions. Make a contract. First, you must not reveal a single word about the exercise to anyone. Second, if you want to leave Suling Town in the future, you will lose all your cultivation skills." For, and an arm as a price."

Jiang Ran raised her eyes, "Which one do you choose?"


Unexpectedly, Hu Lian didn't hesitate at all.

Jiang Ran raised her eyebrows slightly, "Are you sure?"

The lines of Hu Lian's face are soft, but he looks the same on the outside, and his heart is also gentle. Even though there was an unbearable childhood, his heart was not filled with hostility, "Well, Suling is my home. No matter what happens, I will Don’t leave Suling.”

On the contrary, this condition seems to be that the county lord is cherishing and retaining him on behalf of Su Ling. Does this mean that no matter what happens in the future, Su Ling will not expel him, and he can stay here forever?

Moreover, let alone leaving Suling, the county lord is kind to him, and he only wants to be someone who is beneficial to her.

As for the first condition, Hu Lian considers himself a tight-lipped person. Even if he is a younger brother, a secret is a secret, and he will not reveal it.

"That's good." Just to save the extra words, Jiang Ran tapped her slender fingers on the table, looked at Hu Lian, "Take off your shirt, revealing your right arm."

Hu Lian froze for a moment, her face flushed.

He is no longer young, and has the concept of the difference between men and women. The county lord is a person he respects, but he is also a woman.

But even though he was shy, he also knew that the lord was a person with a purpose and would not do unnecessary actions, so he obediently took off his shirt.

The skin covered by the clothes became fairer, and a black flame appeared on Jiang Ran's fingers, "It hurts a bit, bear with it."

The flame looked a little nice, Hu Lian looked at it curiously, and nodded upon hearing this.

"Uh uh..."

The little pain Jiang Ran said was not a little pain at all!
In the depths of the skin and even the bone marrow, there seemed to be waves of boiling fire drawing the picture wave after wave, and the burning sensation came from the heart, and it was difficult for Hu Lian to breathe.

Sweat poured down like rain, and the area around Hu Lian's eyes gradually turned red.

"All right."

Fortunately, this process was not very long. Hu Lian looked towards his arm, but saw a red flower petal on his right shoulder.

The petals are slender, but they are more like phoenix vibrating feathers, or burning flames than petals.

With such a trace left on a man's body, his appearance is naturally not considered mighty, but it is definitely not considered feminine.

It can only be said to be appropriate.

The brand mark has been engraved into the bone marrow, Jiang Ran twisted her fingers and pressed the center of her eyebrows.

Without the purple jade magic pupil, I really dare not try it lightly.

There are two celestial exercises, namely the water injection scriptures left by Jiang Fucheng, and the Feng Shui Xuan Bian Gong in Mo Jie.

Jiang Ran asked Hu Lian to choose by herself.

It's not a joke that one copy of the top-grade internal cultivation method can be exchanged for a county-level territory, and even if Qi Yu is as rich and powerful as Qi Yu, there are only three copies of the heaven-level cultivation method in Mo Jie.

Water injection scriptures and Fengshui Xuanbian Gong are very suitable for Hu Lian.

For the former, Hu Lian can first concentrate on the water element, and then find the wind element skills if he has the ability, and also learn the wind element.One advantage is that one kind of spiritual power can be concentrated in the early stage, and the speed of cultivation is faster. Moreover, there is no requirement to learn the wind system at the same time in the future, and also use heaven-level exercises. He can use holy-level or even god-level exercises.

In the latter, Hu Lian has a high talent for cultivation, and his speed of cultivation can't be slowed down much with two-pronged approach. Moreover, he can practice wind and water elements at the same time, so he can use more moves.Moreover, there is no need to go back to the wind system in the future, and the overall speed of practice in this way may be faster.

Each has its own advantages, it depends on how people choose.

In addition, the exercises can also be modified halfway, but the further to the later stage, the higher the risk of modification.

Hu Lian hesitated again and again, and finally put his finger on the Sutra of water injection.

Well, there is ambition.

(End of this chapter)

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