As a lord, I was forced to farm

Chapter 290 Ge Li and Jia Bing

Chapter 290 Ge Li and Jia Bing

Hu Lian was not the only student who was interviewed by the lord.

When Hu Lian came out with red eye circles, the faces of the excited teenagers turned pale instantly.

Jian Bai is Hu Lian's relative and friend. Seeing this, she was a little dazed. After a long pause, she came up and asked, "Did the lord reprimand you?"

Seeing everyone staring at him, Hu Lian was more confused than Jian Bai, "No."

The next ones were all talented spirit beast masters. Hu Lian thought of the mark on his shoulder and thought it was a mark of glory, but the severe pain made him feel sorry for him. He couldn't help it, and reminded his friend, " It might hurt a little later, so bear with it."

Jian Bai: "???"

What did the beautiful and picturesque lord do to you, who is as beautiful as a flower?
Apart from Tian Chi, there are seven people in Suling who have reached the fifth stage of mental power. It just so happens that Jiang Ran brought seven spiritual eggs from Mingxiao City.

Jian Bai stepped into the door first, and saw seven black caged balls on the county chief's desk.

Although Jiang Ran bought the seven spiritual eggs with 1000 yuan of spiritual crystals, their actual value was more than ten times that of one thousand.

Even if these spiritual eggs were worse than Tian Chi's Yuming Qinghu when they hatched, they definitely wouldn't be much worse.

At this time, the seven spirit eggs were almost ready to hatch, so Jiang Ran looked for an owner for them.

Of course, spiritual eggs are not free, but unlike Tian Chi, they may not be able to afford more than [-] spiritual crystals even after eight years. Jiang Ran does not do charity, so the only way she can give them is two.

Either, give up the spiritual egg and find a spiritual pet in the future, or accept the spiritual egg, but after graduating from the academy, you have to work for Jiang Ran for 15 years for free.

Jiang Ran's condition made all the teenagers hesitate, but Jian Bai was straightforward.

He does things concisely and speaks clearly, and he hardly hesitates, "My lord, can I choose first?"

"You are the first, choose first."

The education they have received since childhood is to be loyal to the city-state and the lord. They have no power and power, and they have a bright future in 15 years. In fact, they have nothing to think about.

Seeing that Jian Bai was the first to choose, others were a little anxious. It is a super handsome thing to have your own spiritual pet, isn't it!They were already very excited, and now they didn't have to hesitate, and rushed to express their agreement.

Although it is the first one, it is not easy to choose this spiritual egg, and Jian Bai is also rough, I saw him stepping forward, touching each egg one by one with his hands, and the one that feels good in the hand is ready to take whichever one .

Suddenly, a tea white spirit egg with leaf patterns moved, and a faint emotion came from inside. Jian Bai's eyes lit up, and she looked at Jiang Ran expectantly, "That's it!"

After Jian Bai passed, several people picked out the eggs one after another. Jiang Ran asked the boys to take off their shirts as she did to Hu Lian—of course, when it was the girl's turn, she asked others to avoid it.

"Ah!!! Woohoo!"

The teenagers knew why Hu Lian's eye circles were red, because their eyes were swollen from crying!
Jian Bai bared her teeth.

it hurts! ! ! ! ! !
It’s not Jiang Ran’s intention to make people hurt, but it’s not annoying to see children crying, “There are a lot of things to pay attention to when hatching spiritual eggs and raising cubs. Don’t take these eggs back, just put them in Suhong.” In the academy, Dean Hu Chi will teach you how to take care of spirit beasts, sign contracts, cultivate spiritual power, and how spirit beast masters practice with spirit pets."

Two brothers, Bai Lifei and Hu Chi, the former has a very high talent for refining weapons, and he is a talent.

But Hu Chi is even more outrageous.

Like her, Hu Chi also has a photographic memory, and Hu Chi was born in a small family, read a lot of books, learned a lot, and what's more rare is that although Hu Chi's cultivation talent is not good, but his talent for enlightenment is extremely high, Otherwise, Jiang Ran wouldn't let him teach Jiang Xiaowen.

After the boys left, Jiang Ran saw Hu Chi again.

Hu Chi reported to her the teaching plan for the next few months, "They are the pillars of Suling, and I will definitely teach them well."

Although Suling doesn't have many things now, Hu Chi has no resentment.

Because he got a lot of precious wealth.

It will take a long time to understand a copy of "Spiritual Beast Master's Handbook Part One".

Teaching students to have fun too, away from the hustle and bustle, was what he wanted.


"You should have received a lot of points rewards on the battlefield. This time you actually accepted my mission. I still feel like dreaming. After all, I don't have much money to hire you..." The speaker's name was Ge Li , this person has brown hair and brown eyes, and is dressed in commoner clothes. He is pulling some stones with a simple cart.

Ge Li turned back to talk to Jia Bing whose face was covered with purple nails.

They were coming down from Haohang Mountain at this time.

Haoxing Mountain, although there are no particularly dangerous monsters, it is still very dangerous for ordinary people who have no power to restrain their opponents.

The reason why Ge Li went to Haoxing Mountain was to find stones that could be used to make colored glaze or glass.

And Jia Bing accepted his entrustment, which really surprised him and made him panic.

But that was a few days ago. He didn't expect that although Yiren looked a little strange, he was unexpectedly simple and kind.

Moreover, Jia Bing digs stones very quickly, which is really a big help.

"We are very short of money." Jia Bing also helped carry the stones. Although his attitude was not very eager, he answered every question. "The points on the battlefield have been exchanged for pills and cheats, and the flowers are gone."

If you want to become stronger, this is a necessary investment, "every time you complete a task in the union, in addition to your promised rewards, the union will also give you another grade point, and ten grade points can be one point." That's why he Accept Ge Li's commission.

"Then it seems pretty good to register as a mercenary." Ge Li was a little moved, but quickly dismissed the idea, and he will be busy next.

"What do you want these stones for? You even came to Haoxing Mountain to dig them." Jia Bing didn't understand.

"When I'm done refining, I'll give you a toy to play with, and I'll treat it as a reward for your hard work." Ge Li smiled, keeping it mysterious.

Today, he now lives in Zhenyuan Town.

There are many young and middle-aged people in Zhenyuan Town, and because of the war, some vacant and unowned houses were sold cheaply in the hands of officials. He thought this was an opportunity, so he quickly moved to Zhenyuan Town.

Now, Ge Li has bought the workshop, and there is no need to worry about the raw materials, all he has to do is recruit a few apprentices to help him with the chores.

Jia Bing was slightly taken aback when Ge Li said that he wanted to give him something, "But I have already received your reward..."

Ge Li smiled slightly, "Just think that I have made a friend. Only after getting along with him will I know that you are really nice, so don't refuse."

make friends……

The first human friend also said that he would give me something.

Jia Bing felt a little strange.

But it doesn't seem like a bad mood.

(End of this chapter)

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