As a lord, I was forced to farm

Chapter 291: Spirit Mushroom

Chapter 291 Ling Mushroom
After the start of school at Suhong College, Bai Mei didn't wake up, Jiang Xiaowen went to school, and there was no special matter to deal with in the territory, Jiang Ran spent a few days of leisure time just practicing and reading.

Throughout the day, in addition to the basic operation of the Chaos Scarlet Phoenix Mantra, it is to adapt to the power of flames transformed after refining the Zhuyan Thousand-Handed Conch Orb, or to control the gilt cat's eyes to exercise the power of space, and then go to the South Crown Secret Realm to continue See through the Seven Absolute Swords of the Southern Crown.

"My lord, a woman named Wei Jiajia has brought something to see you." At this moment, Jiang Ran was flipping through the twenty or thirty centimeters thick "Spiritual Beast Master Handbook", when Li Fusheng knocked on the door of the study.

"Wei Jiajia..." Jiang Ran thought about the name for a while, and it took him a while to realize that it was the young woman whose ancestors had worked as a mushroom master in a famous sect. She joined Suling together with Wen Bai and the others. .

Intrigued, Jiang Ran put down her books, straightened her clothes, and said, "Let her in."

Under the leadership of Li Fusheng, Wei Jiajia stepped into the study carefully.

She seemed to be living well in Suling, her complexion was rosy, and her whole body was full, not at all as skinny as she was when she was wandering around.

That's right, after all, when digging ginseng, in order to win over those talents, Jiang Ran specially gave those people about a thousand crystals. Although the surface was exchanged for ginseng, there was no Jiang Ran, undiscovered ginseng and weeds no difference.

"Meet the county lord!" Wei Jiajia lowered his head, knelt on the ground, and raised a brocade box with both hands, "I have something for the county lord."

Jiang Ran glanced at Li Fusheng. The forty-year-old manager who was still handsome quickly understood what Jiang Ran meant, and took the brocade box from Wei Jiajia.

Place it in front of Jiang Ran.

Inside the brocade box lay three pure black umbrella-shaped creatures, one about ten centimeters long and able to be held with one hand.

Wei Jiajia said, "A kind of mushroom called black eye mushroom, eating it can greatly improve eyesight for a short time."

"Hmm..." Jiang Ran looked at the three mushrooms, took out one of them, and threw it at Wei Jiajia, "Eat it."

Wei Jiajia was taken aback, and obediently took the black-eyed mushroom.

After a while, there was no abnormality, Jiang Ran threw another flower to Li Fusheng, "Eat."

"How is it?" Jiang Ran lazily propped her chin with one hand, and looked up at Butler Li who had eaten the black-eyed mushroom.

Li Fusheng blinked vigorously, "Well, it's a little strange, this clear feeling is a little uncomfortable."

Wei Jiajia quickly said, "People who take black-eyed mushroom for the first time will feel a little uncomfortable when their eyesight improves too much at once..."

"My lord, can I open the window?"

"Open." Jiang Ran nodded in agreement.

A gust of wind blew Li Fusheng's robe, he looked outside, and saw two white birds one hundred meters away.

Hey!Our county lord is still single, how dare this shameless little bird show affection outside the lord's mansion!

"How does the butler feel?"

"The eyes are unprecedentedly clear, my lord, this is really a good thing!" Li Butler scolded the bird in his heart, and when he came back to his senses, he was a little surprised that he could clearly see the details a hundred meters away, and was a little surprised.

This thing is really amazing.

"How long can it last?" Jiang Ran turned to Wei Jiajia.

"About half an hour."

That is one hour, which is indeed a good thing.

Her eyesight is already against the sky, and I don't know if I can continue to add it.

"How many have been cultivated?"

Wei Jiajia replied, "This is the first batch, and a total of 37 flowers have been bred."

"Well done, I heard that your family has cultivated other miraculous mushrooms. Besides the black-eyed mushroom, what other spirit mushrooms are you cultivating now?"

"Now the cultivation of spirit mushrooms is going well. Apart from the black-eyed mushrooms, there are three other types, namely, booster mushrooms that temporarily double the strength, floating mushrooms that temporarily make the body as light as bubbles, and parasites that can make the host's body Weak dodder mushroom." Wei Jiajia smiled, "It is expected to be harvested before December."

This is really an unexpected big surprise...

"You did a good job. If you have any troubles, you can come to the Lord's Mansion to find Steward Li, and he will solve the problem for you."

Wei Jiajia was very pleasantly surprised. This sentence meant that she was seen by the county lord, which was more practical than any reward, "Thank you, lord the county lord!"

The Silver Crystal Magic Silkworm and the Magic Butterflies moved from the original lord's mansion to an independent silkworm building.

In addition, as the number of phantom silkworms and phantom butterflies weaving silk increases day by day, in order to prevent people from other towns from easily knowing what raw materials their silk is made of from their names.At present, the silk spun by Yinjing magic silkworm is called plain silk, and the silk spun by silver crystal magic butterfly is called Sudie silk. As for the silk woven by them, there is a unified brand name - Suxiang.

"Su" has the meaning of always, and "Xiang" means auspiciousness. The name is also hoped that the people who wear these clothes will be protected.

Originally thought that the silver crystal magic silkworm was a monster and would not be afraid of the cold, but as the temperature dropped, the silver crystal magic silkworm began to make cocoons for itself and prepare for hibernation.

For this reason, the beautiful silkworms ate a lot of mulberry leaves and almost wiped out the tree.

Right now, the town has accumulated more than ten bolts of Suxiang cloth, and Li Fusheng used them to give to Li Cheng and his wife, who are skilled in embroidery, and cut two pieces of clothes for Jiang Ran.

The craftsmanship of the two couples is very good, the weaving thread is smooth and hidden, because the silk is not dyed, although it is pure and white, it is not easy to make patterns.

So his wife Yanxiu asked the people in the weaving workshop for some plain silk and twisted it into thin thread, and took out the precious silver thread that she was reluctant to take out during the wandering, and embroidered some silver stars on it for embellishment. The clothes are carefully folded into elegant creases to make a pattern.

Anyway, after Li Fusheng got the finished product, he said that the craftsmanship of the two people was unbelievable, and he must patronize the couple's clothing shop more.

"Speaking of which, how are the Xinmin people doing now? Chen Mo's father, Chen Mao, didn't he say he was going to open a restaurant before, is it open now?" Jiang Ran put on new clothes, straightened her neckline, and asked Li Fusheng.

Li Fusheng is just a housekeeper, Jiang Ran should ask Wu Yun about this, after all, he is in charge of the town's population and taxes.

But after recovering the three towns, the officials were so busy that Jiang Ran didn't go to Wu Yun for such a trivial matter.

Chen Mao's son works in the lord's mansion, and Li Fusheng knows it well, "Chen Mao bought a shop directly in the town, and it was renovated only two days ago, and it is said that it will open in two days. Do you want to open it on the opening day? Go and have a look?"

"No, let's wait a while." The opening day was extremely busy, and Chen Mao had to enshrine her as an ancestor after she passed by. This did not intend to cause trouble for others.

Jiang Ran said, "When will it open, give Chen Mo in the kitchen a holiday."

Li Fusheng responded with a smile, "As for the current county head, I am afraid that there is no one who is more considerate of the subordinates than you."

Jiang Ran was dumbfounded, how did Li Fusheng imitate Lin Sha's way now, he really became more and more good at flattering.

(End of this chapter)

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