As a lord, I was forced to farm

Chapter 296 I have a tiger in my heart, sniff the roses

Jiahan followed his younger brother's fingers suspiciously, frowning, "It's nothing, the tree is growing well."

Jia Bing patted his head speechlessly, "Who told you to see if the tree is growing well? Didn't you realize that when you slashed with all your strength, the ax was chipped badly, but there was no trace on the tree?"

Hearing this, Jiahan also came to his senses, touched the place where he cut just now in surprise, "Really!"

"My lord, do you know what kind of tree Jiahan cut down?" Wei Fengsheng held his sword in his arms, and couldn't help raising his eyebrows.

He is not stupid, this is a good tree, if it is made into a shield...

"I wasn't sure just now." The small red sword imprint on the wrist flashed, and Chi Yuanjian appeared in Jiang Ran's hand. With two swings of his arm, a branch as thick as a wrist fell down.

Chi Yuan's sword cut the iron silently. This tree is powerful, but it is not too difficult for Jiang Ran to cut off a branch.

Jiang Ran picked up the branch, looked around, and was amazed.

"The name of this tree is iron birch. As the name suggests, this tree is harder than iron." Jiang Ran said.

Iron birch, the wood is very hard, twice as hard as ordinary steel!It is often used as a metal. In ancient times, people used it as weapons; in modern times, people use it as aerospace accessories, accessories for high-end cars and yachts.

Therefore, iron birch has the title of "wood king".

But just now, when Jiahan slashed with all his strength, the ax was broken, but it didn't leave any marks on the tree. From this, it can be seen that the iron birch trees in this world are tougher than Jiang Ran's impression!
In addition to being hard, iron birch has a special property that is more special than steel. It does not react with seawater. If it is soaked in seawater, it can last for a hundred years without being rotted even if it is not painted or protected!
"Bu Kui Zhuzhi Ci" says: "Birch boats are carried while the ferry is busy, and they fly lightly to and from birds." It records the scene of birch bark boats being used in ancient times, and birch bark boats ferrying lightly at the ferry.

In modern times, the iron birch trees are on the verge of extinction. However, in this Wulian Qingshan, the iron birch forests are widely distributed. From the perspective of a cat's eye at a height of one thousand meters, the iron birch forests cannot see the edge.

A few days ago, Jiang Ran was worried about the monsters on the bottom of the sea. The boat made of ordinary wood was not resistant to the infestation of monsters. She didn't expect that today would bring her such a big surprise.

Can't help but want to check if there are any traces of demon spirits in the iron birch forest.

Jiang Ran tried to use the gilded cat's eye as a medium to cast the purple jade magic pupil, but the energy fluctuations of Wulian Qingshan are too complicated, and the demon spirit has a strong ability to hide. The higher the level of the demon spirit, the harder it is to find the trace.Looking for demon spirits here is undoubtedly looking for a needle in a haystack.

Jiang Ran gave up this unrealistic idea. Anyway, the vast forest has brought her a lot of surprises.

Rubbing his chin and thinking for a while, Jiang Ran suddenly took out some food for demon spirits from Mo Jie, and tied them to the iron birch tree whose branches he had cut off.

"My lord, what is this?" Wei Fengsheng didn't understand why the lord made such a move.

"Bait, if there are demon spirits on Wulian Qingshan, then these foods are likely to disappear. If after a long time, these foods are still there, then I will give up the idea of ​​looking for demon spirits in Wulian Qingshan." Jiang Ran smiled. road.

Most of the food for demon spirits cannot be eaten by wild animals. Except for demon spirits and humans, who would touch these demon spirit food?
Wei Fengsheng suddenly realized, "So that's how it is."

After finishing this, Jiang Ran put the birch branches into the empty ring, pointed to the east, "Next, go this way."

Just now, through the cat's eyes, the demon spirit was not found, but the green snake with the green crown was seen, "Get ready, I feel the breath of the green snake with the green crown."

The three of Wei Fengsheng and Bat Gelian, who was lurking in the shadow, were startled, and they showed their claws and weapons one after another.

Wei Fengsheng and the others realized that they had drawn their swords too early.

After walking for about half an hour, there was the sound of rushing water.

This is a deep pool in the mountains, surrounded by wet mist, as if covered with a veil.

Jiang Ran and the others stood on the cliff and looked down to see a giant cyan snake writhing in the water.

Its body is mighty and lengthy, with a dark green bulge on its head, and each scale on its body is shaped like a needle leaf, with a cold and hard luster.

The green snake with the green crown obviously spotted Jiang Ran and the others, propped up its huge snake head, and stared at the humans on the cliff with a pair of vertical yellow pupils.

If you look closely, it's a magic snake at the third level of the mysterious bone...

Jiang Ran's peaceful thoughts were slightly disturbed.

Looking at the seemingly peaceful green snake.

After a long time, Jiang Ran made a decision against his ancestors, turned around and said to Wei Fengsheng and the others: "You don't want to go down, so does Ba Gelian."

With a step, Jiang Ran secretly left a trace on the ground. Jiang Ran estimated the distance and jumped off the cliff.

There was nothing in her hands.

There is no murderous look or hostility in the body.

The eyes are indifferent.

The steps are steady.

The green snake with the green crown didn't move either, but its yellow vertical pupils flickered slightly, watching Jiang Ran come over quietly.

"I'm not hostile." Jiang Ran even took off the ink ring from his hand, threw it on the ground, and then slowly raised his hands.

Even if a magic snake in the Mysterious Bone Realm doesn't understand human language, it should be able to understand the meaning contained in its movements.

Of course, Jiang Ran wasn't sure, it was just a guess.

All I know is that the Green Crowned Snake didn't make any moves, nor did it reveal its killing intent.

Wei Fengsheng's heart was almost in his throat, his voice was hoarse, "Master..."

Looking at the huge green snake with green crown, Jiang Ran breathed a sigh of relief.

After another ten steps, Jiang Ran sat cross-legged on the shore. At this moment, she was only about ten meters away from the green snake with the green crown.

Jiang Ran found that the water in this deep pool was not ordinary water, and the breath was slightly cool, as if there was vitality from the cold.

This is a magic snake with ice ability.

From the corner of the eye, I glanced at the depths of the cold pool, where there was a bucket-shaped platform, and drops of blue water flowed down and collected in the depression.

Looking a little further to the side, there are a few clusters of plants with branches like deer antlers, and a demon spirit insect is lying on it.

Cold marrow liquid, deer grass... and deer grass spirit insects.

Wow, no wonder it is a magical beast of the Mystic Bone Realm, and there are quite a lot of treasures in it...

After a while, the green snake finally moved. Wei Fengsheng and the others were worried, but they saw the green snake put its head closer, lowered its head, spit out the long and narrow snake apricot, and looked at Jiang Ran.

Jiang Ran tilted her head and stretched out her hand. Like a hat-trick, a dozen ice ganodermas suddenly appeared in her hand, "For you, this is a meeting gift."

The beautiful whiskers of Ice Ganoderma lucidum are floating and have a wonderful beauty.

As the temperature turned cooler, the ice ganoderma was planted on the moraine soil again. This was the ice ganoderma that Jiang Ran had picked not long ago.

Fresh, delicious, and of course, the most important thing is that it is currently attractive to monsters with ice power.

The ten ice ganodermas exuded a slight chill, the green snake paused for a long time, and then rolled up the ice ganoderma with its pointed tail.

The movements are gentle, and there is a bit of a tiger in the heart, sniffing the charm of the rose.

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