Chapter 297
Jiang Ran felt that the green snake with the crown seemed to be in a good mood, which was manifested in the impatience like a child. The ice ganoderma rolled around in the pool, the big snake opened its mouth, and ten ice ganodermas were swallowed.

A smile appeared on the corner of Jiang Ran's mouth, and something appeared in his hand again.

Pulling the frost wood's wood frost, the demon spirit eats it to prolong life.

The green snake with the green crown didn't know what it was, so it didn't pick it up, but just looked at it with its head tilted.

But the antler demon spirit lying on the marrow deer grass moved instantly, and suddenly appeared in Jiang Ran's hands.

"Hiss——" "Boom——!!"

The tail of the green snake with a green crown slammed into the water, setting off a column of several feet of water.

It panicked, thinking that this cunning human being deliberately confuses it, the purpose is actually its bugs! !

Jiang Ran took her time, and handed the little demon spirit, who had fallen into the wooden box and hummed, to the green snake with the box, "Big snake, don't panic, I don't plan on your demon spirit."

She only hits your idea, Orochi.

The green snake with the green crown was startled, looked down at the demon spirit worm who was eating happily, and then slowly withdrew its fangs.

Then he rolled back the gluttonous demon spirit worm with his tail, and fondled it lovingly.

Seeing this, Wei Fengsheng, who was watching from the cliff, put the drawn sword back into the scabbard.

Ba Ge even opened his wings, and silently retracted them.

With lingering fears in his heart, Wei Fengsheng smiled wryly, "Your Majesty is also too courageous."

Jia Han and Jia Bing agreed very much, "That's right, the courage is amazing."

After Jiang Ran delivered the presents, she stayed with the Green Snake for a while before getting up and preparing to leave.

Before leaving, Jiang Ran was full of meaning, "I am Jiang Ran, the lord of Suling County, and I am your neighbor. For the convenience of communication, why don't I give you a human name."

The green crowned snake tilted its head.

Jiang Ran said, "There is an inscription on the bronze: 虺, often in the water, when the dragon was young, it was said, 'The 虺 turns into a jiao in 500 years, and the jiao turns into a dragon in a thousand years.', you are the king of snakes, all you want is to meet water and turn into a dragon one day , how about I call you Qinggu?"

The green crowned snake still tilted its head.

For Jiang Ran, it doesn't matter whether it should or not now, as long as it calls it a few times, one day it will respond to this name, and at that time, it will be a green beetle.

Beckoning, Jiang Ran picked up the ink ring on the ground, put it on his index finger again, took a few steps, and returned to the cliff.

"Let's go." Jiang Ran said.

Wei Fengsheng couldn't help but said, "My lord, didn't you come to hunt down this green snake?"

"Who said that this green snake and I are friends."

Wei Fengsheng: Did the Green Snake really promise you?
But he dared not say it.

The green snake couldn't see Jiang Ran and the others, and plunged into the pool. The wind blew up the white mist on the surface of the pool. The next moment, the huge green snake dived deep into the water. After a minute or two, the ripples disappeared, and the water in the pool disappeared. There was no wave, and the green snake was not seen at all.

After returning, Jiang Ran went to find Bai Lifei once.

Handed him the branches of the iron birch tree and a dozen orbs of fixed wind beads, "stop what you are doing first, I have a few more important things that need to be done as soon as possible. The first one, use these fixed wind beads Wind beads, make a device to control the wind direction for the boat. The second thing is to make an ax that can cut down this iron birch tree. The third thing is the fishing rod. I need one that can withstand a thousand pounds without breaking fishing rod."

Well, the third thing is simply that Jiang Ran wants to play.

Hearing this, Bai Lifei was bitter, haha, he is completely busy!

"Materials and manpower, as long as you need it, feel free to mention it."

Bai Lifei nodded.

A craftsman is not afraid of trouble, but fears that there will be no trouble.

In Suling Town, he could feel that he had grown a lot.

Although the treatment may not be as good as some big collar cities, as long as you mention the refining materials, the county lord will get them for you.

In addition to learning several new carving techniques, he also has materials to research some new gadgets.

Regarding Jiang Ran's commission, Bai Lifei could only enjoy himself while suffering.

In the next few days, Jiang Ran will visit Wulian Qingshan from time to time.

The demon food placed in the iron birch forest was still there, but Jiang Ran didn't take the food back, but continued to fish.

Cultivate and develop a relationship with the green beetle, and sometimes bring some small gifts to the past. The most recent green beetle even allowed her to touch its tail.

Moreover, there was also a reaction to the name Qing Fei.

This kind of feeling of being close to the little pet is really unstoppable.

Li Tianliang's Shuxu Caravan is back.

Jiang Ran asked him about the sales situation, especially the sale of salt.

Li Tianliang said, "Except that Zeyan County's face changed drastically when they saw our salt, and their attitude was somewhat hostile, our salt is very popular in other territories."

Suyan sells it for 23 silver dollars a catty, which is twice as cheap as Zeyan!
Li Tianliang has been traveling for a long time, and his skin is tanned, but his dark spots are nothing if he has money, he said excitedly, "The 100 catties of salt were sold out, and those who didn't buy it were very upset, and some even fought! "

"Our Suling has become a county-level territory, and it is in the limelight. The goods we brought have attracted attention." As a citizen of the new county-level territory, Li Tianliang was very proud when he went to sell goods. I was born in Suling.

"That's right." Li Tianliang said, "The quality of the dried abalone you gave to the villain is so good. Most of the 65 catties of abalone were sold out, and now there are only more than [-] catties left. A total of [-] catties were collected. [-] gold coins, according to your instructions, I did not exchange them for crystals."

Five thousand catties of wet abalone are processed into dry abalone, leaving only three thousand catties.

These dried abalones are almost all top-quality big abalones. Originally Jiang Ran asked Li Tianliang to sell them for [-] gold dollars a catty, which would be good. Unexpectedly, seeing the attention, the "profiteer" directly set the price on the ground and made a sale of [-] gold dollars. bid.

Moreover, with such a price, there are really so many people buying it, and the prospect of seafood is bright.

But after thinking about it, it is not worth being happy that the abalone is not sold out.

After a little calculation, there are about ten counties, towns, and townships in the surrounding area.

There are ten rich people in each territory, so there are only one hundred rich people, and each of them only bought abalone less than thirty catties.

Still fail.

Jiang Ran thought to herself.

"Has Suling brought the news of Xinheng Town as an open town? What's the response?"

Li Tianliang: "The response was intense. After all, we are a new county-level territory. Many people are very curious about us. The Zhuoli Moyun Chamber of Commerce and Lingqiao Hexi Chamber of Commerce...they all clearly stated the opening day of Xinheng Will come with the goods."

"very good."

The opening of the town is on November [-]th, and there are still five days left.

After releasing this news, the people of Suling took action. Those who want to sell goods collect goods, and those who want to buy things are also happy to ask their partners to go there together.

As for Jiang Ran, when many caravans arrived, news came from the shipyard: two fishing boats have been completed!
(End of this chapter)

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