As a lord, I was forced to farm

Chapter 298 Ship Trial

The seagulls kissed the waves, the south wind blew to the other side, the reef was immersed in the sea, Jiang Ran stepped on the deck and took everything into her arms.

This is the first and second boat built by Suling.

Right now, the trial voyage is underway, and the boatmen work together to push the two large ships into the bottom of the sea.

Standing on the deck, Jiang Ran looked back at the coast of Suyuan, and couldn't help but sigh that Suling's geographical location is unique. The coastal port here is wide and deep, the terrain is flat, and it is close to the river. It is a natural seaport.

After the ship is built, the wharf should be built as soon as possible.

The sea trial is mainly to check the ship's load capacity, displacement, speed and stability of sailing.

"Brother Ye Cheng, can you sail a boat?" Ye Cheng, Wang Xiaozhuo and Jiang Ran got on the same two fishing boats, and Wang Xiaozhuo watched Ye Cheng unskillfully control the rudder.

The rudder is a large oar at the stern, which is fixed on the ship and uses the principle of leverage to drive the underwater paddles by rotating the position of the large oar to control and adjust the direction and route of the ship.

The helmsman is a very important position, and it is also a position that requires strength, otherwise the rudder cannot be turned at all.Jiang Ran looked at Ye Cheng, who was moving clumsily, and sighed.

It seems that in addition to building a dock, it is not too late to cultivate a group of outstanding captains and sailors.

But fortunately, long before Jiang Ran decided to develop the ocean, he established a 50-member navy.

At this time, the sailors arranged by Jiang Ran were on board to help pull the rope and set the sail.

After the war, Suling held a martial arts election in Nanguancheng, and selected more than 500 strong soldiers. Among them, about 100 soldiers who knew how to swim were incorporated into the navy—in fact, Jiang Ran wanted to Another [-] people will be recruited at one time, but there are too few people in Suling County who can swim.

Although the officials didn't understand that there were no other city-states on the sea, why Jiang Ran was so eager to build a navy.

But thinking of the monsters in the water, no one dissuaded them.

In terms of physical fitness, there is no one more suitable than the seventy sailors. The first batch of sailors were selected from these people.

"It's windy, set the sails!" Ye Cheng shouted excitedly.

These two ships mainly rely on three kinds of power to sail. One is to spread the canvas hanging on the mast and use the wind to propel the ship.The angle of the canvas can be adjusted according to the direction of the wind.The second is to rely on the current, but the direction of the current is very important. If it is against the current, it will restrain the speed of the ship.The third is to assist in manpower rowing, and the waterline of the ship can be solved by adjusting the length of the oars.

The ship was equipped with a vertical sail and a square sail, and the wind was headwind at this time. The sailors climbed up the mast and opened the vertical sail.

After the two medium-sized ships flustered for a short period of time, they were finally able to maintain a certain distance, sailing one behind the other.

The test voyage was carried out all morning.

Of the two boats, one of them had a slight water leak during the voyage. In addition, the sail was not fixed firmly enough, and the mast was skewed by the wind, so it needed to be returned to the factory for overhaul.

After Jiang Ran got off the boat, she touched the hull and thought for a moment.

There are still four days before the arrival of the major caravans. This is the first time to open trade. No matter what, the major cities must see the value of Suling.

When it was a town-level territory before, I kept a low profile when it was a town-level territory, but now it has become a county-level territory and has been exposed to all major territories. Instead of shrinking, it is better to quickly collect wealth, develop the territory, and strengthen ourselves.

So, Jiang Ran said to his subordinates, "Choose 15 people from the sailors, and then choose [-] people from ordinary people. They are required to be good at water and strong. After three days, we will go fishing together. This time, everyone can get Wujin yuan, if you perform well at sea, the county lord will give you another reward."

The reason why they still recruit sailors in addition to the navy is to encourage the common people to have their own boats to go fishing in the future.

It took two days to recruit people, and another day for a rough training.

A group of amateurs boarded the boat with audacity.

Jiang Ran looked at the sailors standing in line waiting for her to give orders, and saw Hu Lian, who was short in head, frowned slightly indistinctly.

The sailors were selected by Ye Cheng and Chen Guangyu, head of the navy. Jiang Ran asked, "Why are there still minors under the age of 16 on board?"

Wei Fengsheng listened to him and opened his mouth with a strange expression: Lord, you seem to have forgotten that you will not turn 16 in two months.

Ye Cheng and Chen Guangyu also thought about this, and their expressions were weird for a moment, but no one raised it, but their expressions turned into embarrassment. Chen Guangyu smiled bitterly, "My lord, only strength and diving ability are required during the selection, and there is no age limit. And this Hu Lian boy is the best among them, everyone can see it, I can't let him go back..."

Hu Lian obviously heard the conversation between the two, twisting his fingers, worried that the county magistrate would let him go back.

Jiang Ran frowned when she heard the words. Aspiring people don't depend on age. Since the ability is up to the standard, Jiang Ran didn't say anything.

Including Jiang Ran, Wei Fengsheng, Ye Cheng and Ba Gelian, a total of 29 people stepped onto the deck.

"Wei Fengsheng, you can take the helm, that's fine." Jiang Ran looked up at Wei Fengsheng, who was holding the Frost Sword in his hand, standing upright with his chest folded, looking very handsome just from his back, and his face suddenly became dull when he looked at it.

Ye Cheng can't, although he can operate, but his strength is too weak, and he almost overturned when he was driving the boat a few days ago, but he can serve as a commander and teach him. After getting off the boat this time, he will go back and continue to be the person in charge of his boat workshop.

Wei Fengsheng has driven the Fengling Ship, so he can stick to the side anyway, and he is also clever. If there is any emergency, he can deal with it in time, while the others are laymen, let them take a look first, and then everyone will try it later. See if there is a talented helmsman.

"Your subordinate obeys." Wei Fengsheng hung the Frost Sword on his waist, and strode towards the rudder of the stern.

The boat moved.

Hu Lian put his hands on the side of the boat and let out a big breath. The sea breeze and water vapor flowed around him. He only felt that there was something about to move in his blood.

This is the sea...

After being intoxicated for a while, Hu Lian gathered with others.

The task this time was to catch more than two thousand catties of fish.

A dozen fishing nets were prepared on board, and Hu Lian and his companions sorted out these nets first.

Jiang Ran leaned against the stern, taking in everything on board.

These sailors are still immature.

Qualified sailors will assist the helmsman to look out; set up signal lights and signal flags, and know how to use them; know some basic daily maintenance and maintenance of ships...

According to Jiang Ran's rough map of Dao's Cangmiao Continent in Tianchen County City and Mingxiao City, and the jade map compass in Jiang Ran's hand, it can be seen that sailing to the southwest is the habitat of red scale fish, and then continue to the southwest Sailing in the same direction, it may be an unknown secret land of Yutu, or it may reach the land of Hanyuan adjacent to the south of Yunshang, and then the secret land of Yutu.

This time, the ship did not head southwest, but toward the wider and more unknown east.

I was typing codewords today, but I couldn’t input them all the time. I thought the keyboard was broken, and I was so angry that I almost smashed the keyboard.

It turned out that there was nothing wrong with the keyboard at all, but a problem with the facility.

Keyboard: No disaster!

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