As a lord, I was forced to farm

Chapter 300 Greenfin Marlin

The strong man who reprimanded Hu Lian just now sat next to the exhausted Hu Lian, and patted him on the shoulder, "My boy, it was my uncle's mistake just now, I apologize to you, if the county lord misses these little yellow croakers, I will It's a damn sin."

Hu Lian smiled brightly, and smiled handsomely, "It was the county master who was wise and let us set up the net in time, so we can reap a lot."

Hu Lian said: "And uncle also kindly reminded me, how could I blame uncle you!"

The brawny man has never felt so guilty in his life, he really deserves to die, for being so fierce to such a cute young man, "What a boy!"

After a short break, everyone began to pack their things.

Jiang Ran also adjusted the spiritual power in her body, looked at the little yellow croaker in the living water tank, and said to herself, "Not to mention two thousand catties, I must have this one thousand catties."

In the previous life, a fisherman went out to sea once, and if he was lucky, he could return with a full load. It is not uncommon to catch several tons of fish, but if he is unlucky, it is not impossible to catch nothing.

The situation just now was a moment of good luck.

If there are good tools for the mighty school of small yellow croakers, experienced fishermen can at least bring back a ton of fish.

But Jiang Ran saw everyone's hard work, and she didn't blame her, only gratitude and relief.

Throwing the little yellow croaker that was alone on the deck into the living water tank, Hu Lian was free for a while.

Jiang Ran walked over and stood tall, "How did you know that a school of fish would swim this way?"

From Hu Lian's utterance to seeing the little yellow croaker swimming over, there was an interval of five or six minutes.

This time is enough for the little yellow croaker to swim a distance of two to 3000 meters. That's how he knew there was a little yellow croaker.

Hu Lian said embarrassedly, "That's how I feel."

Jiang Ran was slightly surprised that Hu Lian still had such talent, "Then you don't have to trawl with them, and then you can rely on your 'feeling' to take us fishing where there are plenty of fish."

When Hu Lian received the task, she subconsciously straightened her body and shouted: "Yes!"

The ship was not moving fast, and the net was cast several times on the way.

Although there is no such "love affair" as the little yellow croaker before, Lin Lin Zongzong has also harvested some fish, among them, there are even a few big spirit fish!

"Hey! There are a lot of sea urchins in this net!" The fish are dazzled by the sight of too much fish, and they will get tired if there are too many. This net of sea urchins opened everyone's eyes.

The black thorn balls are very large, and even one is the size of a football.

It was very difficult, someone poked it with a stick, and the sea urchin actually moved and avoided the poke.

"Hey! The sea urchin has become a spirit."

"Could it be that the spiritual power has been refined, and it is a spiritual sea urchin?"

"Good stuff, quickly put it on the other side, and leave the spirit stuff alone!"

Continue to drive east, on the way Ba Gelian returned to the ship to rest twice.

Half an hour had passed, and the black-eyed mushroom had failed, but Jiang Ran still asked Ba Gelian to continue to watch out.

On the way, he escaped an attack from a ferocious sea beast. At this time, he had sailed about [-] kilometers away from the Suyuan sea area, and Jiang Ran originally planned to return.

But Ba Gelian flew over and told her, "Lord, I seem to see an island."

Hu Lian also ran over, excited, "My lord, there are many fish ahead, and they are not small!"

Jiang Ran asked Ba Gelian: "Is there any danger ahead?"

"I'm not sure, but I don't feel any danger."

"Then go over there and have a look."

At sea, everyone only ate a little dry food whole.When we went to sea, the sky was only dim, and the sun was shining brightly. The boatmen were so tired that they were sweating, sticking together with the sea water, and none of them was dry.

But even though it was hot, everyone was still in high spirits, especially when they knew that there was an island ahead, and they couldn't wait to find out.

What Ba Gelian saw just now was only a tip of the island, and the voyage took another half an hour.

At a glance, the coastline of the island is not short, and the area is probably not particularly small, but the specific size requires a closer look. There is greenery on the island, covered with a layer of trees and vegetation.

"It's near here, there are a lot of fish!" Hu Lian said.

It will take some time to dock on the island, Jiang Ran nodded and said, "Then try to net first."

The sailors were ordered to cheer immediately.

"Crash!" Twice into the water.

Everyone cast nets dozens of times along the way, and they gradually became more comfortable, and they inevitably felt a little relaxed. But in the process of repeatedly pulling the nets, there was a huge struggle in the water, and they were not aware of it for a while, and they were almost pulled into the water !

His face changed, and while he was pulling back vigorously, someone took a look inside, only to see a long and huge thing in the net, with a soil green back and a milky white belly.

It has sharp sharp rulers and flag angles, its body twists and turns crazily, and its teeth cling tightly to the mesh.

Jiang Ran glanced down, the corners of her eyes twitched slightly, and a boatman pulling a rope retreated, holding the hemp rope with her long fingers.

A pull.

The sailors fell to the ground one after another with the big net, and they squatted on their buttocks. Looking back, they saw the fishing net that they had tried so hard to pull up and flew to the boat with a "slap".

"Is this a fish! Oh my god, it's so ferocious. I'm afraid it's three meters long!!" The splashing sea water splashed on everyone, and everyone got up in embarrassment, looking at the big fish from a distance, with a twinkle in their eyes Bright discussion.

"The county lord is really powerful, he pulled up such a big fish in an instant!"

Hu Lian was bold, approached a little, thought for a while, and then said loudly, "It seems to be a green fin marlin."

This green fin marlin is not low in danger, especially the long spikes on its head, and this spirit fish has a cultivation level of the spirit gathering state.

Jiang Ran grabbed the fishing net, held down the struggling spirit fish, raised her fist, and knocked the spirit fish unconscious twice.

After finishing, Jiang Ran took out a handkerchief to wipe his hands, and said to Hu Lian, "You have good knowledge."

A thin blush flew across Hu Lian's face.

He didn't intend to show off, but this fish surprised him a little.

According to the book, the green-finned marlin can be a treasure all over the body, the scales of the fish are the material of the elixir, and the meat can nourish the deficiency and strengthen the bones and muscles, which is the gospel for the monks in the pulse opening state.In addition, meat can also cure impotence, so that the man's golden gun will not fall.If it is a female fish, there are roe in the body, and the roe can beautify the skin.

Such a big green-finned marlin has cultivated a magic core, and its value can be compared to hundreds of red-scaled fish.

No one dared to ask Jiang Ran how good the fish was, so Hu Lian was surrounded by everyone, and it was hard to ask.

It was the first time that Hu Lian found out that he was so popular, so he couldn't laugh or cry.

"Then this fish is really priceless, and there is nothing wrong with going out to sea this time." Ye Cheng listened for a long time, and his eyes disappeared from laughter.

"This green-finned marlin weighs at least 400 catties." Jiang Ran was also happy, rubbing her chin and said, "The trade card is up, and this thing should not lose its share."

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