As a lord, I was forced to farm

Chapter 301 Water Yuan Island

Several sailors worked together to lift the big fish and rescued the poor fishing net, but found that the net was in tatters.

"It must have been broken just now!" The sailors looked very regretful.

Along the way, they broke a total of six nets.

"If the net is broken, it will be broken. Enough fish have been caught, so there is no more to catch." Jiang Ran said.

Including the greenfin marlin just now, there are two tons of fishing goods today.

When they heard that they would not be arrested, everyone was still a little bit sad.

This fishing is so much fun. Although these things do not belong to them, this kind of full happiness cannot be replaced.

"Go directly to the island, explore the island, and we will return."

"Yes!" Everyone was shocked when they heard the words, speeded up, put away the fishing nets, turned on the rudder, and pulled the oars with all their strength. Soon, the boat found a suitable water bank and stopped the boat.

Starlight threw the crushed sand down, and a piece of golden fine sand appeared on the ground. The hermit crab moved its residence, but the white waves didn't understand romance, so they beat mercilessly, and the world was turned upside down.

Before Jiang Ran got off the boat, she noticed the dense coconut trees growing along the coast.

It's just a pity that it's November, and I missed the most delicious season of coconuts.

But seeing that there are still a few hanging on some trees, it seems that some can be harvested, Jiang Ran said, "This trip is really worth it."

The coconut trees here are very tall, and there are many 30-meter-high coconut trees. Fortunately, there is one that can fly, so Jiang Ran arranged for Ba Gelian to pick coconuts, "Oh, by the way, let's count how many coconut trees there are."

When Ba Gelian heard this, a trace of embarrassment appeared on his naturally cold face, "Master, I can only count to ten now."

Jiang Ran:  …

I forgot that in the past, aliens were far away from human beings, and they were all illiterate.

"Ye Cheng, then go and count the coconut trees." Jiang Ran signaled Ye Cheng, "I don't know what danger this island is, you follow Ba Gelian, whichever coconut he picks, you count which coconut tree."

Ye Cheng got the order, and Ba Gelian also breathed a sigh of relief, thinking that Tushi's academic performance seems to be good, and he must learn a few more numbers after returning home, otherwise it will be really embarrassing.

Ba Gelian's ears were red, he rubbed it with his hands, and went to pick coconuts in a disguised manner.

I tapped the hard shelled coconut with my sharp nails, feeling a little curious.

Can this thing be eaten...

Why does the master know everything.

It has been a long time since Jiang Ran enjoyed a beautiful drink, holding a coconut in her hand, she thought to herself, 'It would be great if there was milk, I want to drink coconut milk. 'Everything is good in this world, magical and rich in species.But some aspects are very backward.

Ba Gelian was responsible for picking coconuts, Ye Cheng counted the coconut trees, and left two people to watch the boat. Jiang Ran divided the rest into two teams, with Wei Fengsheng and her as the captains, and then explored the island.

"If you are in danger, just run away. If you can't escape, use the sound transmission conch to contact me in time." Jiang Ran instructed.


It didn't take much time for the two teams to explore the island together, only about two hours.

There are no powerful monsters in it, but there is a group of water turtles, and the strongest turtle is the peak of Juling.

Turtle-like monsters can generally live for a long time. The size of the water element sea turtles varies. The turtle at the peak of Juling is as big as a small house, and their average size is about a ten-square-meter baby room.

The water turtle has a very Buddhist personality, and its hard shell prevents other species from harming them. Therefore, except for the necessary predation, they spend the rest of their time basking and sleeping on the beach.There are more than 1000 members of the sea turtle group. Jiang Ran did not harm these aborigines, but stole their eggs.

They like to bury their eggs in the sand. The eggs of the water turtle are not big, the size of a tennis ball, but there are more than 30 eggs in a nest.

Jiang Ran and his team stole more than 200 coins.

In fact, it can't be said to be stealing. Others dare not approach, and if they approach, they will die.

Thanks to Jiang Ran's extremely hot black flame, after a brief friendly exchange, Jiang Ran began to take it openly, and the turtles didn't dare to fart.
Jiang Ran saw that they were so well-behaved, and thought that he was not such a shameless person, so he handed over a hundred spirit crystals to the tortoise, "Here, we trade on an equal footing."

The Water Yuan Turtle took it tremblingly.

Jiang Ran thought to herself.

This is not selling a thousand spirit crystals backhandedly.

The surrounding cities couldn't eat so many turtle eggs, so she bought them elsewhere.

The sailors took off their clothes and carefully boarded the ship with the turtle eggs in their arms.

"Wow, it's really amazing. What I experienced today feels like I could write a book."

"These eggs are more expensive than my life, so be careful to protect my life."

"This island will be called Shuiyuan Island from now on," Jiang Ran said.

The area of ​​​​Shuiyuan Island is not large, about 100 square kilometers.

Jiang Ran told Ye Cheng, "Remember to mark this island on the map."

Ye Cheng nodded straight, "Remember."

He said again, "Master, there are 160 six coconut trees in total."

Ba Gelian had already picked all the coconuts nearby, and Ye Cheng also counted the number of coconuts for him, "Master, there are 69 coconuts in total."

"Very good." Today was a bountiful harvest, Jiang Ran's thick eyebrows were slightly relaxed, and there was a smile on the corner of her mouth.

The night sky is vast, the stars are connected end to end, and the stars hold a crescent moon.

It was already night when we returned to Suling Coast.

On the shore, a group of people were waiting for Jiang Ran's harvest.

There were crowds of people, and discussions were endless.

"It's almost time to come back."

"It's dangerous at sea, I hope my family won't get hurt."

"Your family is on the boat. You are really capable! This time, you can get ten gold dollars on the boat with the county master. You can earn ten gold dollars a day. God, I'm really envious."

"It is said that a 13-year-old boy was also on board."

Everyone was surprised, "Yo, 13 years old. Who is it?"

"It's called Hu Lian."

"Oh, this Hu Lian is amazing. He has a very high cultivation talent and is valued by our county lord. He has great abilities! I just don't know if the aunt's family who severed ties with Hu Lian regretted it!"

"Severed ties? What's the matter?" A Xinmin didn't understand the situation and was about to ask, but he heard someone shouting:

"Come, come, I see the boat!!"


After getting off the boat, Jiang Ran settled the bill for everyone as agreed before, because the harvest was very rich today, and almost everyone rewarded ten gold dollars more. The prices in Suling County have risen a bit, but this is still the same It is the income of ordinary people for two or three months.

The sailors were all happy.

As for Hu Lian, who performed well, Jiang Ran thought of nurturing him, and rewarded him alone with a water-type magic core in the spirit-gathering realm.

Wei Fengsheng and Ba Gelian are his own people, needless to say, they can't be treated badly.

The fish are back and it's late at night.And for some, now is the time to work.

The gate of the town will be opened at [-]:[-] tomorrow morning to welcome all merchants. The freshly caught fish must be sorted as soon as possible, and then sent to Xinheng Town overnight.

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