As a lord, I was forced to farm

Chapter 302 Kaesong Trade

Chapter 302 Kaesong Trade

The sun was rising on the horizon, and when it was daylight, there were traveling merchants waiting for permission to enter the city at the gate of Xinheng City.

While waiting, some people chatted around Suling County.

"Who would have thought that Xinheng Town is actually a part of a county." Li Jin, the president of the Moyun Chamber of Commerce, sighed.

"This broken city wall is really outrageous. Hasn't the new lord thought about repairing it?" You said, feeling a little disdainful in his heart.

"This new lord is still young, and I feel that Xinheng Town will be gone if our territory is rushed casually." Not only are there large chambers of commerce, but also some shopkeepers come to Suling Town alone to do business, and even ordinary people from other cities come to Suling Ling came to "go to the market".

"Stupid, it must not be that simple for someone to eat the three towns of Xinheng Phoenix and Zhenyuan!"

"I don't know about that, but who doesn't know that the three towns of Feng, Zhen, and Heng were fighting before, and this Suling came out of nowhere to catch a leak."

"Zeyan County has Zeyan and Xiujing Copper, Zhuoli County has Xiaofengling Carp, Xuanhan Iron and Yingshan Wood, Qingsong County has Qingsong Stone, Suling County has what? Maybe it is worse than some towns, Bei There is Huobeihua in Yuan Town, and we have Eagle Eye Stone Mine in Shijin Town... I feel stupid when I say it, but I actually came here with goods on my back..." A man from Shijin Town patted his head speechlessly.

"If you have the ability, don't grab the salt later." Someone poured cold water on him.

The man in Yakin Town was choked up, "That's not okay."

Cut, virtue.

The choking woman smiled coldly.

People from the Yansha Chamber of Commerce in Zeyan County couldn't help frowning when they heard the word "salt".

It is conceivable that if there is salt in Suling, they will not be able to monopolize Zeyan. At that time, the price of Zeyan will drop, which will deal a great blow to them, Zeyan County merchants.

"The city gate is open, how much is the entry fee?"

Merchants entering the city naturally need to pay an entry fee, but in order to attract peddlers to do business in Suling County, Jiang Ran made the entry fee extremely low: one silver dollar per person, plus one silver dollar for every two hundred catties of luggage.

In addition to the regulations on the entry fee, people in armor and soldiers are prohibited from entering Suling County.

"What? One silver dollar?!" The traveling merchants thought they had heard it wrong when they heard that the entrance fee was so low.

"Is the lord of Suling afraid that we won't be able to pay the entrance fee!"

This Kaicheng, the interior of Suling County is also jubilant, as lively as a festival.

People from the main city of Suling, Fenghuang Town, and Zhenyuan have all been here since last night.

Jiang Ran also brought Jiang Xiaowen and her attendants to Xinheng.

At this moment, she and Jiang Xiaowen were taking a bath.

Wei Fengsheng spoke to the other members of the guards in the yard, "Xinheng Town is mixed with fish and dragons today. You are not here for fun. You must put up your spirits and protect the Lord and Miss Xiaowen!"



The street used for trade is exactly the trade market before Xinheng. It has been cleaned and repaired in advance, so the street is very clean and level.

A governor with a sword and armor piercing patrols the streets, preventing anyone from wanting to cause chaos.

"It's so lively." Jiang Xiaowen has never seen such a lively scene. Every time she passes a car shop, she has to stretch her neck to see what is sold inside.

She had never been out of Suling Town before. Before that, the market in Suling Town was very cold and there was nothing to see.

Vendors, big and small, put up plaques on both sides of the street, and someone from Suling pushed a cart to make snacks.

Jiang Ran saw Chen Mao's small cart, and bursts of fragrance came out, attracting many outsiders to line up.

"Boss, your cooking skills are really good. Before, people were still bragging about how delicious the seafood in Suling is. I bought some back and found that it was the same thing. Good guy, it turned out that there was something wrong with my cooking! "

Chen Mao smiled, "It's not wrong for you to come to our county. Today's seafood is the freshest! My lord, would you like another bowl of seafood noodles?"

"Yes! Two bowls!" The noodles were so delicious that the man almost swallowed his tongue.

Jiang Ran wore a black half-face mask, looked at it from a distance for a while, and then said, "Go to Liushang Pavilion."

Now Xinheng, Fenghuang, and Zhenyuan all have branches of Liushang Pavilion. Some of the fish caught yesterday were purchased by some shops in the county, but most of them were sent to Liushang Pavilion.

The Liushang Pavilion in Xinheng Town is at the very center of the trade street.

The people in Suling saw Jiang Ran and his party passing by majestically. Whether they were busy or not, they all put down the things in their hands, stroked their chests with their right hands, bowed their heads deeply, and saluted quietly and respectfully.

"Is this the lord of Suling?"

"Wearing a mask, I can't see what I look like."

"It seems very young."

"It is said that their lord is underage."

"Young King, how is your strength?"

Outsiders talked a lot and kept casting their gazes.

In the Moyun Chamber of Commerce, a man wearing a black gauze hat shrank his eyes, "It's her... the lord of Suling..."

Along the way, the goods brought by each territory are indeed rich, and almost all of them are special products of each territory.

Needless to say, the more famous Xiaofengling carp and Qingsongshi.

Others are mainly:

Some crops such as rice, sweet potatoes, beans, corn... fire shell flowers, green cottongrass, soil beetle...

Some medicinal herbs, medicinal powder, and rare mortal pills.The three big counties around here have their own alchemists, but the grade is not high, basically they can only refine some medicinal powder.Yaosan is a elixir that has not been formed.The coagulation powder from Muxi is also a elixir that has not been formed.

Some common birds and beasts.Most of them are playthings, so don't even think about finding cows and horses in them.

Some rough cloth.Mostly linen, but also cotton.

On Jiang Ran's side, there are not many types of goods for sale.

Most of them are seafood, followed by salt, but these two kinds of goods are very popular with foreign caravans, especially the salt that is twice as cheap as Zeyan County, which is the goods that all caravans compete for.

Seafood is currently a seller’s market, and the price is generally determined by Suling’s side, especially some delicious products, such as abalone and sea cucumber, which can basically reach a few gold dollars per catty. Jiang Ran even saw someone selling fresh seafood , such as red scale fish and spotted blue starfish, whose trading price has reached thousands of spirit crystals.

The foreign businessmen who had been belittling Suling from the outside also shut up when they saw these spirits, not daring to say that Suling was behind.

Every one of Su Ling can earn so much, and the clown is myself!

In addition, there are unique flavors of chocolate and cheap paper.Fire lotus seeds, Thousand Machine Grass and Ice Ganoderma lucidum were originally special products, but they have not been harvested after planting.Instead, Jiang Ran planned to sell the large quantities of Albizia Julibrissin grass copied from Zhenyuan Town.

Albizia Julibrissin is an aphrodisiac. It was right, but Jiang Long let it go.

(End of this chapter)

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