Chapter 310 Floating Cloud Mud (reward plus more)

Promoting seafood in Mingxiao was just a sudden idea of ​​Jiang Ran.

After breakfast, Jiang Ran followed Hong Yuan to Chen Ji Liang Shop.

Ba Gelian naturally followed her all the time, while Li Fusheng was busy familiarizing himself with the surrounding environment and calculating the funds needed to repair Yuanshui Jiang's Mansion.

Chen Ji Liang Shop.

Chen Wenfei hoped for the stars and hoped for the moon, and finally hoped for Jiang Ran, and she was very enthusiastic about her.

Jiang Ran got out all the white flour and wheat that he had brought, and Chen Wenfei greeted the guy, weighed the wheat, and checked it again.

Seeing the white noodles brought by Jiang Ran, Chen Wenfei nodded with satisfaction, and said, "This white noodles are very thin and white, sir, you are really a kind person, so I am embarrassed to cheat you, as I said earlier, it is 25 silver dollars a catty, But white flour of this quality, I am willing to accept 26 silver dollars, what do you think?"

This white flour is indeed good, but the businessman can't afford it early because he has no profit. The main reason is that he values ​​the red crystal wheat and is willing to sell it to Jiang Ran.

"Then thank you shopkeeper Chen." Naturally, Jiang Ran would not refuse.

The price was negotiated before, and it didn't take time to argue. Even Chen Wenfei simply gave a price of seventeen silver dollars per catty for the inferior wheat obtained from other territories.

"My lord, I can offer you 190 silver dollars per catty for Red Crystal Wheat. What do you think?"

Jiang Ran tilted her head, "But I heard that you sold one for 320 silver dollars a catty before?"

Chen Wenfei was a little embarrassed, and looked at Hong Yuan, but saw that guy whistling and looking at the sky and the earth, but he didn't look at him.

"My lord, you don't know. That time was just an example. When I met a big family, I was willing to buy these and eat them back. The price is too high, and the common people in the lower city can't afford it."

Jiang Ran felt strange, "Since you value the red crystal wheat, you must have had someone test it. The red crystal wheat has miraculous effects, so you say that rich people are willing to spend a lot of money to buy it, right?"

Jiang Ran is not a fool, what kind of goods have what kind of positioning, is the red crystal wheat for ordinary people to eat?

For poor people, wheat bran and white flour, as long as wheat bran is cheaper than white flour, they will not choose white flour, and the same is true for red crystal wheat, as long as your price is more than one hundred silver dollars, ordinary people will never dare to take a second look Hongjingmai, then what is the difference between two hundred silver dollars and three hundred silver dollars.

On the contrary, for rich people, what difference does it make if you add one or two hundred silver dollars to your red crystal wheat?

Well, there should still be some, rich people will think that something more expensive will be more in line with their status.

"...And, do you really think that only people from the lower city will come to buy red crystal wheat?"

Jiang Ran told this passage to Chen Wenfei, who was dumbfounded when he heard it, and then thought about the last sentence, his whole body was enlightened, "You are right, then what kind of price do you think is suitable for red crystal wheat?"

"I only take three hundred silver dollars a catty here. As for what price you can sell, it depends on your own ability."

There has never been a red crystal barley in Mingxiao City. It can be said that there is no market for red crystal barley in Mingxiao City, and it can also be said that there is a market for all red crystal barley in Mingxiao City!

It depends on how Chen Wenfei chooses.

Chen Wenfei stroked her double chin, looked at Hong Yuan who was adoring Jiang Ran, and then at Jiang Ran who was calm and calm. After thinking for a while, she finally made a decision, "That's what your lord said. According to the statement, Chen is willing to buy Hongjingmai at a price of three hundred silver dollars per catty, but please agree to the next request."

Jiang Ran raised her eyes, "Say."

"I hope that within three years, my lord, the red crystal wheat will only be sold to me at Chenji Liangpu."

Jiang Ran thought about it. The land in Suling County was too small to grow too much red crystal wheat, and the output could only meet the supply and demand of one or two grain shops.

"Three years is not a problem, but it is unrealistic to only sell to you Chen Ji grain store, but I can guarantee that among all the grain stores in Mingxiao City, I will only supply and demand your family."

Chen Wenfei's eyes lit up, "Okay!"

Jiang Ran is not from Ming Xiao, but as long as Jiang Ran is in Ming Xiao City, she will be under Ming Xiao's jurisdiction, and the two signed a contract, Chen Wenfei said, "I hope that you will bring no less than two thousand stones of red crystal wheat every year. "


This time, a total of more than 3000 gold dollars was collected. After deducting the cost (not counting the transportation fee), Jiang Ran made a net profit of [-] gold dollars.

Chen Wenfei asked her if she wanted to exchange three thousand gold dollars for Cuijing, but Jiang Ran refused.

Silver dollars and gold dollars are important coins for a territory. In fact, in Jiang Ran's heart, 1000 gold coins are greater than a crystal.

Because the crystal will disappear after being absorbed by the monk, but the silver dollar and gold dollar will not.

After leaving Chen Jiliang Shop, Hong Yuan took Jiang Ran to see Wang Junsheng.

A few people met in an inn, spent a gold dollar, called a box, and ordered some drinks.

This time Jiang Ran didn't dress up like a man, she was dressed in a plain silver robe lightly colored with lead, the blue silk was simply tied up with a belt, her cheeks were bright and dizzy, although her temperament was still cold, but there was a trace of the spirit in her eyes when she was dressed as a man , with a touch of bookish air.

Wang Junsheng only felt that his whole body had been baptized, thinking that this was much more eye-catching than Ming Xiao's so-called number one beauty.

And, this time, I shouldn't need to call you little brother, so I should call you young lady?
A dimple appeared at the corner of Wang Junsheng's mouth, and he said with a smile, "Miss Sister, long time no see~"

The young lady didn't mean to be teasing or offensive, so Jiang Ran just took a sip of tea and looked up at him indifferently.

"Is it also the three-color soil this time?" Jiang Ran asked.

"Yes! But in addition to the three-color soil, I also brought a kind of soil this time, Miss Sister, do you want to see it?"

Although Wang Junsheng asked, he opened a bag without waiting for Jiang Ran's answer.

Blobs of marshmallow-like stuff were exposed.

Wang Junsheng said, "Does it look like a cloud in the sky? But I didn't fish it from the sky~"

After a mischievous sentence, he said, "Because it looks like floating clouds in the sky, this kind of soil is called floating cloud mud."

Jiang Ran stretched out his hand and touched it. The puffy cloud mud was not as soft as it looked, but coarse-grained and a little dry to the touch.

However, Wang Junsheng said, "Miss, don't look at the surface of this soil that looks dry and lacks water. In fact, the water system inside is so rich that it can be squeezed out. Not only that, but it also has a constant source of energy. The spiritual power of absorbing water is very precious spiritual soil." Wang Junsheng assured by patting his chest.

"After the tree roots are planted inside, it can be well protected. This is the floating cloud mud I dug out from a certain desert. Can you imagine how touching an oasis suddenly appeared in a barren and miserable desert! "

Jiang Ran put down the teacup in his hand and said with a smile, "So you were so moved that you dug away the cloud mud they depended on for survival?"

Hong Yuan: ...

Wang Junsheng: ...

(End of this chapter)

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