As a lord, I was forced to farm

Chapter 311 It is Difficult to Cultivate a Demon Spirit

Chapter 311 It is Difficult to Cultivate a Demon Spirit

Really hit the nail on the head!

It was still the familiar smell, and Wang Junsheng had a toothache from choking.

He originally wanted to use this language to explain how precious this cloud mud is, but he didn't expect it to have the opposite effect, but Wang Junsheng was a little bit unwilling, "Then you don't want this cloud mud?"

The sunlight from outside the window slanted in, like a barrier dividing Jiang Ran into two halves. In the interlacing of light and shadow, a voice came slowly, ruthless than merciful, "My kindness prevents me from buying the one you brought next time." Fuyunni, my greed prevents me from missing the treasure in front of me."

With a wave of Jiang Ran's hand, the shading curtain fell, blocking the glare of the light. Wang Junsheng was taken aback for a while, and then he heard the person on the other side say, "Since you passed through that desert, you must have been blessed by that oasis." Ze, if that’s the case, why bother to hurt it.”

Wang Junsheng was a little silent, and after a while, he said, "You are right."

Jiang Ran didn't know how her actions would affect that oasis, she just said, "If you don't want to continue to hurt that oasis, then it's best not to tell about Fuyunni."

"I won't say it." Wang Junsheng said sullenly.

Looking at Jiang Ran, he held back for a while, but he still couldn't hold back, "Miss sister, you are really amazing."

Jiang Ran ignored him, "So, how do you sell this cloud mud?"

Wang Junsheng touched the little braid on the back of his head, and said embarrassedly, "I will give it to you for free. You are right. I did receive help from that oasis. To be honest, I almost died of thirst in the oasis." That desert..."

Why not give it away for free, perhaps because he is very conscientious, Wang Junsheng did not dig a lot of floating cloud mud, only two sacks, about 300 catties.

The three-color soil is still five thousand catties. According to the original price of nine hundred crystals per catty for the three-color soil, Jiang Ran paid Wang Junsheng 500 yuan for spirit crystals.

Jiang Ran has always been very straightforward in paying, Wang Junsheng said, "Next time I have any spiritual soil, I will still ask Miss Sister!"

"Okay, still looking for Hong Yuan, he will contact me."


After settling the matter of the grain shop and the soil, Jiang Ran contacted Jiang Nancheng and Qi Yu respectively, telling them that he had arrived in Mingxiao City.

Miscellaneous people from Mingxiao Academy are not allowed to enter. In addition to seeing Jiang Nancheng, Jiang Ran also has to take the holy cotton spirit worm and other demon spirits to Chen Duyuan.

Fortunately, he had previously agreed with Chen Duyuan to take the Holy Cotton Spirit Insect to check frequently, so after Jiang Nancheng talked to Chen Duyuan, Jiang Nancheng brought Chen Duyuan's badge to Jiang Ran.

With Chen Duyuan's waist card, the guard will not block Jiang Ran.

"My lord!" The book boy Ma Yunzhen saluted respectfully, with admiration in his eyes.

Suling became a county-level territory and Jiang Nancheng knew it, so Ma Yunzhen naturally knew it too.

As Jiang Nancheng's school boy, after registration, Ma Yun can really live with Jiang Nancheng.

Jiang Ran nodded to Ma Yunzhen, signaling him not to be too polite.

There is no hustle and bustle of the outer city in Mingxiao College. On the road, students in uniform cast their eyes on the three of them. There are men and women inside.

"Very handsome." Jiang Ran glanced at his blue and white uniform and praised Jiang Nancheng.

Putting aside the delicate clothes, even wearing a sack, you can tell that the Jiang family has good genes.

Jiang Nancheng's exquisite facial features opened and became shining. His eyes were big and narrow, with the ends slightly raised, similar to Jiang Ran's eyes, but Jiang Nancheng's eyes lacked a sense of superior aggression, too soft and It seems a bit romantic, which may make the upper body more rotten.

Jiang Nancheng really didn't expect his sister to praise him for his good looks, so he was embarrassed for a while.

Jiang Nancheng took Jiang Ran to his dormitory first.

The dormitories are all single rooms, so Jiang Ran doesn't have to worry about disturbing others when he passes by.

The dormitory is not big, but there is a separate bathroom.

Jiang Nancheng didn't have many things, and there was a space ring, so the dormitory was empty, with only two beds and a small wardrobe.

There are two beds on the left and one on the right, separated by a curtain—although you can bring handymen, but you are an ordinary student, and the college will not open a separate room for you as a handyman.

However, there is a class specially set up for handymen, which will also teach courses about spiritual practice, otherwise Jiang Ran would really let Ma Yunzhen return to Suling County.

After all, he is also a child with cultivation talent.

Jiang Ran had no place to sit, and Jiang Nancheng blushed a little, thinking that he must work hard, otherwise next time his sister came over, he would still be in a small dormitory with no place to sit.

"Sister, sit on the bed."

Jiang Ran didn't care, she had lived in the wild a few times, and she was afraid of the cramped and airless dormitory?

Jiang Ran took out some dried seafood, and she had a sense of sight of an old mother who always delivers meals to school children. With a strange expression, she said, "Xiaowen always talks about you. This is seafood brought from home. I want to eat it." Let Ma Yunzhen do it for you."

Jiang Nancheng's eyes lit up.

Mingxiao City does have a lot of delicacies, but there is no seafood. Every day I heard Jiang Xiaowen say that I ate a big lobster today, and I am going to eat a big snail tomorrow, Jiang Nancheng was so jealous that his face was beyond recognition.

Jiang Nancheng accepted the seafood, and now he probably didn't expect that the seafood would be eaten by colleagues and senior brothers and sisters who smelled it in less than a day or two.

After the two chatted for a while, a sky blue demon spirit worm appeared on Jiang Nancheng's shoulder, "Sister, I will transfer the Qilei blue bell flower spirit worm to you now."

Without signing a contract, the demon spirit would easily escape, so when the demon spirit got his hands, Jiang Nancheng signed a contract with the demon spirit.

Jiang Ran shook her head, "The Qilei bluebell flower spirit worm will live in Mingxiao, and you can use it only after signing the contract. Don't rush to transfer the ownership to me."

Jiang Ran gave Jiang Nancheng another [-] spirit crystals, "[-] is its purchase price, and the other [-] is its one-year care fee, and the food expenses for the demon spirits will be deducted from it. You bothered too much."

Jiang Nancheng hesitated, feeling that his sister gave too much at one time, but her sister always kept her promise, so she still took it, "Well then, I will take care of it."


"Yes, the situation is stabilizing. You can continue to use Morinda officinalis liquid, and continue to eat wood shell powder." Jiang Ran met Chen Duyuan, who was also in a hurry. The situation of spirit insects.

"Prisoner--" the Holy Cotton Spirit Insect sniffed the aroma of food in the room, and twisted its body constantly, trying to break free from the confinement of Duyuan Chen.

"The character is still so irritable." Chen Duyuan shook his head and flicked the forehead of the holy cotton spirit insect, and said, "Although the condition of this spirit insect has stabilized, it doesn't mean that its aptitude will improve. If there is no great opportunity like Qingcuibaoye, it will be difficult to make it reborn."

A drop of Qing Cui Treasure Liquid can be worth millions of spirit crystals, and it is hard to come by. It is really difficult to make a demon spirit become a talent.

(End of this chapter)

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