As a lord, I was forced to farm

Chapter 325 This bow and arrow is really cool

Lu Xi'er definitely encountered the biggest Waterloo in her seduction career, and the consequence of her failure was the spear stuck in her chest and quickly drawn out because of her extreme disgust.

"Ahem..." Lu Xi'er spit out a few mouthfuls of blood quickly, Granny Rong's hoarse and desperate cry disappeared in her ears, and she looked at the handsome man who was extremely heartless and indifferent in astonishment.

A person whose heart was punctured would soon die, Lu Xi'er fell limply to the ground, and the grass absorbed all the liquid, regardless of whether the blood was good or bad.

"Ahhh——" The old woman and the others rushed over like crazy, their eyes were about to burst!

Qi Yu's eyes were heavy, and he threw out the blood on the ink gun, "They really have evil intentions."

The corner of Jiang Ran's mouth twitched slightly.

For Lu Xi'er, you can't stand it for a moment.

It was agreed before that if this pedestrian saw them taking out the vermilion blood fruit and deliberately approached them, then without further ado, they would do it directly.

Although they don't want to kill their own people, they will never give up the initiative to others. They must wait for the other party to attack first before defending!
The battle is imminent.

Ba Gelian appeared, "Master, I'm going to meet that short man."

Except for Lu Xi'er, the other four are all at the Mystic Bone Realm, and the short man's cultivation is probably at the second level of the Mystic Bone Realm.

Jiang Ran was a little worried, but she didn't refuse, "It's important to save your life."

Qi Yuneng hit four by himself, but Jiang Ran and the others also wanted to play for fun.

Ba Gelian passed by the shadow of the tree on the ground, and his maroon sharp claws fiercely attacked the short man's neck——

The most angry ones were the old woman and the man in silver armor, who had no sense and attacked Qi Yu together.

Jiang Ran also picked an opponent for himself, Nai Xuangu's initial cultivation base, who was more than the top of the five, more than the bottom, and his existence was not conspicuous.

He is thin and thin, wearing a yellow robe, a pair of silver boots on his feet, and a string of golden hand beads wrapped around his palm. Judging from his body shape and attire, he should be a practitioner who is not good at close combat.

Martial arts and techniques have the same origin, but each attack method has its own focus.

Jiang Ran had the experience of fighting monsters in the Xuanbone Realm with refining spirits, but it was the first time against humans, so he couldn't let up.

Feng Chi scratched his cheek, and said silently, "Then I'll be free?"

Having said that, Feng Chi still took the trouble to watch Ba Gelian and Jiang Ran, so that they could be rescued in time if something happened.

Jiang Ran's side.

But seeing the man in yellow clothes put his hands together, an orange light flashed by, and the surrounding boulders centered on Jiang Ran, moved by a huge gravitational force, and rolled towards Jiang Ran in the dark.

Tiangang chaotic rocks!

Jiang Ran had been keenly aware of the movement of the man in yellow clothes. He would roll over and jump up. If he couldn't dodge it, he would smash the rock with his fists!

"The gloves are not rotten, not bad." The black gloves she was wearing, Jiang Ran did take a fancy to the light texture and slender fingers at first, and put them on for a show.But it was also worn to keep warm when it was cold and to cover the Chi Yuan sword seal on the wrist.In addition, it is also a mortal magic weapon. The black steel gloves that were snatched by the grass bandits in Sin Town at that time, although it was a bad magic weapon, but with a little spiritual energy, it still helped Jiang Ran break the hard rock that he could not avoid.

Seems pretty durable now.

This space is gray and gray, and the hard rocks are still falling or colliding from all directions, destroying everything around Jiang Ran indiscriminately.

It was very powerful, and Jiang Ran didn't dodge it as easily as it appeared on the face.

Because this time, she doesn't intend to rely on the power of space.

"call out!"

When Jiang Ran was dodging, with a flick of his finger, a lengthy clear water silk flew away in the void. Accompanied by a blazing water glow, it suddenly spun wildly around Jiang Ran, and the vortex of splashing light surrounded Jiang Ran As a result, the surrounding boulders were also blocked out, and were even taken away by the rotation of the water, blasting towards the man in yellow clothes.

Water has no fixed shape, water is the softest and the strongest.

A soil shield was erected on the ground, blocking the huge boulder flying towards the man in yellow clothes. His face was slightly surprised, "..."

But how about this, Bishui Ling blocked the boulder from punching her, but the opponent was restrained inside, unable to make a strong attack on him at all.

What's more, it's just a fragile clear water damask, his boulder can be easily torn apart!
The golden beads in the hands of the man in yellow clothes shone brightly, and the boulder rolled down and migrated faster. When the boulder roared, it brought up a large piece of yellow sand, covering this place.

He couldn't see clearly, but the man in yellow clothes could feel that the other party's defense was slack, Bi Shui Ling's spinning momentum let out, he laughed mockingly, "Oh, it's easy to break through!"

Before the words fell, nine silent ice-blue arrows wrapped in white cocoons shot from the side. The man in yellow clothes trembled, and the beads on his palms made a collision sound. He put his hands together and quickly erected his defenses. Three thick earth shields were superimposed to block the arrows.Before he could relax, he was shocked to find that the arrow, which looked ordinary at first, burst into a second-stage damage after being shot. The center of the shield was densely cracked like a net, and the three shields were annihilated into powder one after another!

What kind of archery is this? !

"Whew!" Jiang Ran, who was supposed to be crushed by the boulder, appeared on top of a giant tree with indifferent eyes. The first three arrows broke through the earth defense block of the man in yellow clothes, but there were still six more arrows coming. out!

Nine levels of Broken Arrow + One of the Seven Absolute Arrows of the Southern Crown · Cocoon peeling and spinning!

Jiang Ran is not greedy to learn more exercises, but to find a way to integrate them every time he learns one.

The man in yellow clothes was terrified. Could it be that he was unlucky and met the strongest one?

The battle is changing rapidly, there is no time to think about it, the speed of this spiritual arrow is too fast, and the spiritual energy in the body is exhausted quickly, the magic clothes on his body emit a powerful light, the whole body of the man in yellow clothes is wrapped in a golden armor, and his head and fingers are all covered. Inside, only a pair of eyes are left outside.


Miao Yueshuang's bow is extremely beautiful, the bow is like a silver moon, and it is extremely exquisite. There are shadow flow lines connecting the upper and lower bows, adding a bit of coolness to the awe-inspiring and noble bows and arrows, but see, the arrows shot turn into ice-colored starlight and return to Jiang Ran In his hand, Jiang Ran fired nine arrows again, breaking the defense of the man in yellow clothes one after another. However, the opposite side is also a monk of the mysterious bone realm, and his spiritual power concentration and reaction are also very fast, and he can always repair the golden armor immediately. !

"This bow and arrow is really handsome. Can I refine one? Do you think she would be willing if I asked her to lend it to me for research?" Qi Yu's battle ended much faster than expected, and his body was covered in blood. Wei Zhan, watching the other party approaching, Feng Chi hugged his chest and raised his chin, "The cultivation base of the refining spirit realm is against the mysterious bone realm, Qi Yu, if you want to be your friend, is it the threshold to challenge the enemy beyond the level? "

Qi Yu nodded, and only answered the previous sentence, "Her sword is even cooler."

Feng Chi was puzzled, "You mean the mortal sword she wears around her waist? It's just ordinary."

"Not that one."

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