As a lord, I was forced to farm

Chapter 326 Where do you want to go?

As for which Feng Chi it was in the end, I don't know. Jiang Ran secretly cursed that the man in yellow clothes is just a bastard shrunk in a turtle shell. A few snake-shaped arrows distorted the light and shadow, and connected to the armor trickily The man in yellow clothes struggled to block the ground, the recovery speed of the armor was obviously not as fast as it was at the beginning, and a little blood flowed out of the gap in his body.

His strength actually disappointed Jiang Ran a little.

It was far less exciting than the first time he fought Xiaoxuan and the others. Miao Yueshuang's bow disappeared in his hand, and Jiang Ran's calf exerted strength, and flew out like an arrow from the string. The flames set the air on fire!
The man in yellow clothes was not well-informed, Yin Mi's magic boots shone brightly, and Jiang Ran's hoarse voice wrapped around the man's ear like a sticky snake, "Where do you want to go?"

Accompanied by the sound came layers of black flames that smudged the entire sky!



The man in yellow spit out a pool of blood, and his body flew nearly a hundred meters away. The flames set off a shocking wave and expanded wantonly.

Jiang Ran glanced at the purple jade magic pupil, and the opponent's vitality disappeared like his body.

The man in yellow clothes, die!

Jiang Ran went to extinguish the flame, and was a little annoyed to find that not only had he evaporated, but also all the magic beads and robes he was wearing were burned to nothing, but Jiang Ran managed to extinguish the fire in time and managed to save the space ring.

But this space ring, it is estimated that it will not be used a few times, unless the space stone is removed and a new space ring is made.

She returned to Qi Yufeng and Chi, the battle between Ba Gelian was not over yet, Feng Chi stared at him, "What happened to your flame just now, did you really show off the limelight?"

The main one is handsome, and of course the power of the flame is also very terrifying!
Feng Chi is keen on fire, and Jiang Ran's flames are unusual at first glance, so you're not curious!
"It's the flame that mutated after refining Zhu Yan's thousand-handed conch beads." Jiang Ran replied.

Qi Yu, Feng Chi, and her each had some extraordinary circumstances.

Others might be jealous of Jiang Ran's treasures, but when Qi meets them, Jiang Ran doesn't have to worry.

Zhu Yan's thousand-handed snail is indeed very very very precious, but the flame has been exposed, and if it is still hidden in front of them, it loses its composure.

Speaking of which, the flames on Feng Chi's body were also unusual.

Generally speaking, the flames on ordinary monks are orange, but the flames that Jiang Ran sees from him these days are white, blue, and vermilion.

And Feng Chi often used the vermilion blood-like demon fire.

Feng Chi didn't expect Jiang Ran to answer him about this kind of secret monk, but he was stunned when he heard the answer. He felt so arrogant in his heart. No wonder Qi Yu would make an exception and have sex with a woman. Friend, he began to push forward, "Hey, good brother, good sister, good sister, your bow and arrow is very beautiful, let me study it, oh, Qi Yu said you have a really awesome sword, let me borrow it from my brother too chant?"


"Oh, okay." Feng Chi was obedient.

While a few people were chatting, Ba Gelian ended the battle with great difficulty.

It was almost an all-out fight, and Ba Gelian finally used the technique of blood explosion to blow up the opponent to death.

After the beating, he fell to the ground, breathing weakly.

Jiang Ran hurriedly sprinkled the prepared devil's blood on Ba Gelian's body, and fed him a pulse protection pill.

Thanks to Qi Yu, there was even fresh blood from sea-conscious monsters in the blood shed. Ba Gelian instinctively devoured it.

Qi Yu watched this scene silently, out of some kind of worry in his heart, he asked, "Aren't you afraid that he will hate you in the future?"

Originally, Jiang Ran could let them take action, so why let the little bat get hurt like this, it will be fatal if you are not careful.

Don't say that Ba Gelian is an alien with unstable emotions. Even a human being with a sound personality may be distorted if he is treated like this.

"I need someone useful, and he also wants to be someone useful to me." Jiang Ran paused.

Her footsteps were too fast, few people around her could catch up with her, only Ba Gelian and Hu Lian could look forward to one or two.

Before Jiang Ran persuaded Ba Gelian to cherish him more, but thinking that maybe this is the way of life of the blood god bat, Jiang Ran did not interfere.

She may be more indifferent than imagined.

"Thank you for your blood." Jiang Ran raised the blood pot in his hand.

Qi Yu said silently, "You're welcome."


After taking care of Lu Xi'er and his party, it was already approaching night, and with a wounded person, the four of them did not rush to the Spiritual Liquid Pool, but instead found a place to rest for the night and share the spoils by the way.

The stars and the moon gradually disappeared at night in the Blood Ring Grand Canyon in winter. Ba Gelian lay on the ground and fell asleep, while the three of Jiang Ran counted their trophies by the beating orange bonfire.

There are seven storage bags and six interspatial rings. Excluding the interspatial rings they own, most of them have very small storage space, and the capacity is roughly equivalent to a small box with a bed width and height of half a meter. , put it on the market to sell, it's only [-] to [-] spirit crystals.

There are not many crystals and spirit crystals, and Jiang Ran's hands are about [-] to [-] spirit crystals per person.

The other items were very miscellaneous, not many valuables, and they didn't divide them into quarters, but whoever needed them could take what they needed, such as some refining materials, which were basically picked up by Feng Chi.

Jiang Ran mainly took a fancy to a book called Mingmao Jue. What she lacked now was physical exercise. Practicing Mingmao Jue could make Jiang Ran's body softer and faster.

In addition, Jiang Ran found that there was a phantom Gu step that was very suitable for Ba Gelian. Of course, she could also practice it herself, so she asked for it.

There are also two pill recipes inside, Xiaozhuyan Dan and Yangshen Pill, and a blueprint for refining the spinning dart.

Knowledge can be shared with each other.

Danfang transcribed it separately. Jiang Ran asked for the mother copy and wrote a copy for Qi Yu and the others. As for the refining blueprint, there were too many drawn patterns in it, which was a bit troublesome. Jiang Ran directly gave it to the refining master. Feng Chi, but he glanced at it and said with a smile, "Hey, this thing is simple. I'll give you the blueprint after I go back to learn it."

Feng Chi was not surprised at all that Jiang Ran, who was not an alchemist or an alchemist, wanted alchemy recipes and alchemy blueprints.

For one thing, people like Jiang Ran would spend a quarter of an hour at night looking at scrolls even when they were in the Blood Ring Grand Canyon.

In addition, the recipes and blueprints for refining equipment are really worth some money.

Qi Yufeng Chi is a waste of time when spending money, but when making money, he adheres to the principle that no matter how small a mosquito is, it is still meat. In terms of not delaying his cultivation, if he can earn an extra silver dollar, he will earn an extra silver dollar. So they and Jiang Ran Similarly, these recipes and blueprints are kept honestly.

Jiang Ran, "That's good. Then these exercises are too laborious, so I won't copy them one by one, and take what I want."

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