As a lord, I was forced to farm

Chapter 331 It's Dad

The little milk beast jumped onto Jiang Ran's palm, and suddenly pulled Jiang Ran's finger with its claws. The golden sundial on its head shone brightly, and a seal of contract suddenly appeared in Jiang Ran's spiritual sea—it was issued by the dial beast on its own initiative. Spirit beast contract.

With Bai Mei, a stupid, clingy, and expensive spirit beast that came to the door for free, Jiang Ran was a little hesitant at first—seeing the gluttonous appearance of the sundial beast, would the spirit crystal in her hand be nourished? don't live it...

Of course, the advantages of contracting the sundial beast must outweigh the disadvantages. Jiang Ran never thought of refusing, but when she was about to agree, Bai Mei, who was sleeping in the spiritual sky, subconsciously sent out a repulsive mental force, "Roar, roar, get out!" !

"Meow..." The sundial beast was taken aback, and quickly dismissed the contract.

Still in shock, the little milk beast realized that he had been murdered by his brother after being stunned, and the golden eyes fell into the water Doudou, and the little milk beast was wronged and cried, "Meow..."

Bai Mei would reject the Dial Beast...Jiang Ran wasn't too surprised, since Bai Mei was always jealous when the Dial Beast was just a gray egg, and then thought about how to eat the gray egg.

Since Bai Mei doesn't like the sundial beast, even if Jiang Ran wants to contract this little milk beast, he can't make a contract now, at least wait for Bai Mei to wake up, "persuade" her, and then make a contract after Bai Mei agrees.

Jiang Ran rubbed the sundial beast's little head, and signaled it to cry softly. It would be bad if it disturbed the raging monsters below the cloud vortex.

Qi Yu tilted his head, "Is the contract not going well?"

The deep and pleasant voice attracted the crying little milk beast, hiccupped, and looked at Qi Yu expectantly.

"Meow? Meow!" God?It's dad!

When the sundial beast saw Qi Yu, its eyes lit up, it shook its body, and flew to Qi Yu's shoulder.

Jiang Ran was stunned for a moment, but saw the sundial above its head shining brightly again.

And Qi Yu's jaw tensed slightly, and after a few seconds, he glanced at Jiang Ran with his black eyes, then took off the little milk beast from his shoulder, and gave it back to her.

Sundial Beast:? ? ?


"Don't you like it?" Of course Jiang Ran knew what happened in just a few seconds, "It has the power of time and should be of great benefit to you, but you refused?"

"I like it, I can feel that it fits me very well." Qi Yu looked down, "But it doesn't belong to me, I can't find something equally precious to exchange with you."

Whirlpool's eyes were moist, and Qi Yu's forehead hair was wet and stuck to his skin.

Jiang Ran looked at Qi Yu with some scrutiny. The other party did not look at her, but looked at the empty lotus leaf pond. He stroked his black hair back with his hands, and his waist-length thick black hair fell to the ground. Under the waist, the exposed skin is as white as jade, but there is a habitual indifference in the corners of his eyes and brows.

His facial features are very deep and handsome, but no matter how handsome his appearance is, it is not as dazzling as the earnestness in his eyes.

"Uh uh..." Looking at Qi Yu, Jiang Ran let out an unexpected hum from his throat.

Qi Yu is definitely not a good person.

He kills people neatly, and he can use others without hesitation in order to achieve his own goals. It can be seen from the Southern Crown Secret Realm that coaxed others to open a way for him.

But he is a very principled man.

Jiang Ran was better at praising herself than praising others, but she couldn't help but praise Qi Yu in her heart, at least she couldn't find any problems as a friend.

Withdrawing his scrutiny, he put the wailing beast into the open thermostat on his waist, and patted the head of the beast with his hand, "Huh? Don't cry, as long as you calm down , I will give you a nice name later."

The sundial beast choked hard, poked its head out with its big hazy eyes, and pitifully pulled Jiang Ran's robe with its paws, "Meow, hiccup~"

Jiang Ran looked down at it, thinking that there is only one 杌dial beast in the world every 500 years. In fact, it is not impossible to call it by its racial name, but the 杌dial sounds too much like a turtle...

Jiang Ran came out of the vortex of time and released Feng Chi and Ba Ge who were almost bored.

They didn't dare to say anything, they had no time to talk about the past, and hurriedly fled from the vicinity of the spiritual liquid pool.

After running for several kilometers, Feng Chi panted heavily, "Wuhu, exciting!"

He took out several water bottles from the empty ring and threw them to Jiang Ran, "Thanks to you this time, Ran, hahaha, it feels so good to soak in the psychic liquid! Ah, I'm taking a bath with your fire psychic liquid You pretended it before, don't worry!"

After staying in the eyes of the whirlpool for three days, Feng Chi looked a little embarrassed at this moment, but his eyes were shining, and his whole body exuded a strong aura, Jiang Ran took the water bottle, tilted his head and asked, "Are you in the Sea Consciousness Realm? "

Feng Chi raised his eyebrows, "Are your senses so keen?"

Because of Qi Yu's respect for Jiang Ran, she didn't use the purple jade magic pupil to spy on the secrets of the two of them (although she may not be able to see it completely accurately.), Jiang Ran just guessed.

Ba Gelian said, "Master, I also filled some golden spirit liquid."

At the beginning, Jiang Ran searched for several empty rings, and Jiang Ran gave one to Ba Gelian. He wanted to return the Jin Lingye and the empty ring to her, but Jiang Ran stopped him, "Don't give it to me."

Ba Gelian has grown rapidly in the past three days. With the help of the three vermilion blood fruits and the golden spirit liquid, his cultivation base has reached the fifth level of spirit refining, directly jumping five small levels.

However, the improvement of his cultivation is still secondary. His bloodline is full of vitality, and his physical fitness and bloodline power have been improved to a higher level.

Jiang Ran herself suppressed her cultivation, and now she is at the peak of the eighth level, and her physical fitness has also improved a lot. At the same time, Jiang Ran feels that the structure of the Lingkong lair that connects her and Bai Mei is more stable and bigger.

After cultivating to a certain level, the spirit beast master and the spirit pet can reciprocate spiritual power. At the level of unparalleled, they can even share each other's abilities, and at the level of integration... suddenly I look forward to growing dragon horns on my head.

The three of Jiang Ran have changed a lot, and the one who is more unknown is Qi Yu, but no matter what, there will be some gains, but she feels a little embarrassed when she thinks of this, "Your Shilingye..."

Qi Yu shook his head, "It's all thanks to you this time. Without your vision and ability, not to mention Shiling Liquid, even other spiritual liquids would not be so easy to get. Moreover, I still filled a pot with Shiling Liquid."

Before the sundial beast got into the lotus leaf pond, Qi Yu had already filled a pot.

Feng Chi and the others were confused, "What happened?"

"It's nothing." Qi Yu said, "It's going to be sunset soon, so find a safe place and rest for the night."

"Okay." Feng Chi rubbed his stomach, "I'm starving to death, I'll hunt a bear, and reward our hero!"

This time I was looking for a spacious cave, Feng Chi said Qi Yu, you finally took my words to heart, touched!

At night, the dim bonfire cast a hazy light on the night. Jiang Ran and the others could not rely on Feng Chi to cook this time. After he hunted a Jinyan mad bear at the peak of the black bone, he was sent by Qi Yu to skin it.

Little Dairy Beast: Meow~ It's a sundial beast, not a tortoise beast.

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