As a lord, I was forced to farm

Chapter 332 Bamboo Rice

Bat Gelian was responsible for picking up firewood. After picking up firewood, he looked at the bowl containing the mad bear's blood, staring at it while licking his lips with his scarlet tongue.

With the efforts of several people, a pot of primitive stew appeared in the cave before long.

Smelling the scent, the sundial beast leaned out from Jiang Ran's robe.


"Where did the little milk cat come from?" Feng Chi leaned against Chi Ling, took a sip of the warm soup, and his whole body came alive. When he saw a little milk cat, he stretched out his hand to tease it in surprise.

The sundial beast pouted, and took a bite of Feng Chi unhappily.

Feng Chi raised his eyebrows, and flicked the little milk beast's forehead with his index finger.

The little milk beast fell to the ground!The little milk cat was ko!The little milk cat is up!It angrily bit Feng Chi!The little milk cat was ko again! ! !

"Stop messing around." Jiang Ran grabbed the little milk beast with its teeth and claws back.

"It looks like Ying is weak as hell, huh, not as strong as my Chi Ling~" Feng Chi stroked Chi Ling's gorgeous feathers.

"Zhi~" Chi Ling raised her head proudly.

Jiang Ran fed some bear meat to the little milk beast, but when she saw the other party looking at her expectantly, she remembered that she had agreed to name the sundial beast.

This little sundial beast is a small male. Its name is more masculine. It is also seen that its whole body is black, and it has the word "杌" in its ethnicity, which has the same pronunciation as the human surname Wu.It looks very much like a cat, and the cat is also known as the title cicada, which takes the title.

"It's called Wuxian." Jiang Ran rubbed the little guy's head, and under his increasingly bright eyes, she used a branch to draw on the ground, "If it turns into a human form, it can also be written as Wuxian."

With a joyful shout, the black turbine turned quickly, expressing that he was very satisfied with the name!
Jiang Ran fed the little guy something to eat.

He has a big appetite, and he doesn't know how the little guy managed to eat two pots of bear meat.

After eating, Xiao Wuxian became drowsy, curled up beside Qi Yu and fell asleep.

It's strange to say that Wu Xian doesn't like the aura of Feng Chi and Ba Gelian, except for Jiang Ran, he is very close to Qi Yu.

However, both of their powers are based on time, and it's not surprising that Lu Xian wants Qi Yu to be its master, so he gets close to him.


Three days later after leaving the spirit liquid pool, a group of people set off in the direction of Yunxi Valley, and they would not let go of elixir or other chances on the way.

It's just that Feng Chi still doesn't have a clue about the blood stone that he wanted to find.

Fortunately, Xunzhu himself didn't care that much about it, "It depends on God's will whether you can find it or not, what else can you do?"

"Is your hand okay?" During the break, Qi Yu handed Jiang Ran a piece of fine cloth and wound medicine.

"Meow~" Xiao Zhu held Jiang Ran's injured hand tearfully.

"Well, it's okay, Blood Ring Grand Canyon, injuries are inevitable, and only minor injuries."

The road is not easy, the Blood Ring Grand Canyon is full of monsters, if you sit on the ground and rest for a while, you may be bitten by a hidden poisonous snake, even Feng Chi and Qi Yu have suffered a little bit here The injury, Jiang Ran was just caught on the arm by a cunning fox, it was not serious.

Although he has taken healing pills, it is better to treat the wounds. Jiang Ran thanked Qi Yu for handing over the wound medicines. Then he lifted his sleeves, revealing his blood-stained arms.

"Master, I'll tie you up..."

"Meow meow meow~"

The Blood Ring Grand Canyon is a land of wild mountains, and most of the time there are no roads. The soft red belly leaves are under the feet, and a poisonous branch that spreads from the magic eye spotted flower is chopped off with a sword. The scenery in front of you is a redwood forest.

Jiang Ran and the others carefully observed the surrounding environment. Fortunately, there were no powerful beings nearby.

Feng Chi smelled the smell on his body, and sighed, "How far is this damn Yunxi Valley!"

Qi Yu was speechless, "..."

Jiang Ran was quite apologetic, shrugged silently, "..."

Qi Yu closed his eyes and listened, let go of his consciousness, opened his eyes after a while and said, "There should be a spring near this redwood forest."

Feng Chi's eyes lit up, "That's a good relationship, there's no danger around here, I'm going to take a bath!"

So the four of them walked towards the spring.

The scenery of the redwood forest is relatively simple, and the eyes are tired of seeing red.

A very light fragrance came from the tip of the nose, Jiang Ran said, "Did you smell anything?"

"Yeah, it smells pretty good." Feng Chi touched his nose, which was a little dull. In the Blood Ring Grand Canyon, the nose suffered the most. Except for Ba Gelian, few people may be able to stand the smell here. Bar.

Without squinting, Qi Yu raised his finger and pointed to the southeast, "It's coming from that direction."

Jiang Ran's eyes followed, and under farsightedness, she could vaguely see the green leaves shaking in the wind, and her pupils dilated slightly.

Jiang Ran couldn't walk anymore, "I want to look over there, there is something useful for me."

"Isn't it, at this time?" Feng Chi looked bitter, he wanted to take a bath now, but it's better not to be alone in the Blood Ring Grand Canyon.

All right, he just reluctantly endured it.

Jiang Ran said, "I'm sorry."

"This is... Bamboo?" The destination was not far away. After walking about a kilometer, a few people arrived. Looking at the scene in front of him, Qi Yu's calm eyes showed some doubts.

"It's the red blood three-pronged bamboo." Jiang Ran said firmly.

There are three to four bright red veins spreading vertically on the green bamboo body, like blood flowing through the emerald. The red blood three-pronged bamboo is only as thick as an adult woman's wrist, more than three meters long, and has a tall and straight posture.

And look at the branches and leaves, each small cluster of branches is three stable lanceolate red bamboo leaves.

Jiang Ran was surprised to find that one of the fourteen red blood three-pronged bamboos had blossomed!

Most of the bamboos generally do not bloom, because after the bamboo flowers, it means that the life of the bamboo has come to an end.

It takes at least a hundred years for the red blood three-pronged bamboo to bloom.

Its flowers are very thin and red in color, very inconspicuous among the blood-red leaves. The faint fragrance that Jiang Ran and others smelled came from these flowers.

"In the Blood Ring Grand Canyon, which is full of blood, this scent is simply a gift from heaven." Jiang Ran couldn't help but sigh.

She took a closer look, but found something even more surprising than the red blood three-pronged bamboo blooming——the red blood three-pronged tree bears red blood bamboo rice! !
It is not the flowering bamboo that bears the bamboo rice, but more than a dozen other bamboos. Looking at the withered flower spikes on the ground, it must have been not long ago that the flowers withered after the bamboo rice matured, and the bamboo rice was still hanging on the bamboo for the time being. among the leaves.

And on the flowering Chixue three-pronged bamboo, bamboo rice is also hung between some flower spikes, but it is shriveled and unripe.

"Bamboo rice, this is a good thing..."

Most bamboos are propagated asexually by burying whips and branching.The bamboo whip is the underground stem.Bamboo rice is the seed of bamboo, which is the most traditional way for bamboo to continue its offspring.

There is a saying that "the phoenix does not inhabit unless it is a phoenix tree, and it does not eat it unless it is bamboo rice." It can be imagined that bamboo rice is precious, and red blood bamboo rice is naturally a treasure among bamboo rice.

"Sure enough, knowledge is power..." Jiang Ran murmured.

The plot of the Blood Ring Grand Canyon is relatively heavy. There will be a lot of people, beasts and things in the middle, and some harsh plots will be mixed in behind, but it is temporarily far away from the infrastructure of the territory. Let Wen come in again, that's it... this month's monthly pass... it's only been two days, and it's still double the activity, just vote for it.

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