Chapter 337 Youqinghua (reward plus more)

"Indeed." Jiang Ran also grinned her lips, acknowledging his stupidity in response to his words, rolled over from Qi Yu's body, and lay flat on the grass like everyone else.

Although she didn't use her legs to run, she was still tired. She didn't want to get up now, she just wanted to lie down quietly for a while.

Zhijian stood up unsteadily and then staggered down on Jiang Ran's stomach. Jiang Ran stroked Zhijian's furry head.

Thinking of the arm that protected her at the end, Jiang Ran looked sideways at Qi Yu, only to see pieces of grass stuck to his hair, his clothes hanging on his body in tatters, and his body muscles were still tense In this state, the gully lines are very obvious. At this time, he covered his eyes with one arm, said nothing, and only panted slightly.

Qi Yu seemed to be a little abnormal, Jiang Ran frowned, and changed to a side-lying position, supporting the left side of her face with one hand, unaware that her face under the mask was dyed a bright red, she asked concerned, "Are you still okay?"

"Scent, fragrance..." Qi Yu covered his eyes with his hands, and breathed out two words unsteadily.

"That's right...there's a strong fragrance..." Feng Chi was still panting, perhaps because he had been running for too long, and the heat on his body couldn't be calmed down. He said vaguely, "Yes, who brought the bamboo flower Have you brought it here? Why is it so fragrant..."

The red mud under the body is soft, and several pink patches stained the upper body. The wind blows through the valley surrounded by flowers, and a strange fragrance surges from the tip of the nose. It is different from the fresh bamboo flowers, and its smell is more seductive.

There was a surge of hot flashes in the body, and the skin seemed to be stained with some medicine, and it was crisp, numb and itchy.

Jiang Ran suddenly felt that something was wrong, she sat up suddenly, and the bitch sitting on her stomach was forced to fall a big somersault before she had time to react, "Meow!"

"Hey, there's something wrong with this smell...uh,"

"Huh...huh..." The shadow came from the top of the head, and Feng Chi suddenly turned over and fell on Jiang Ran with red eyes, his abdominal muscles rose and fell, and the rapid and rough breath came out from the nose and throat.

With bravery and diligence, Jiang Ran's stomach rolled like a turbulent wave, but a hot current surged up from his body, overwhelming all senses.

"Get out!" Resisting the abnormal reaction of her body, Jiang Ran frowned and scolded. She bent her legs and kicked Feng Chi's stomach hard with her feet. This kick exhausted all her strength and lost her body like a beast. Feng Chi, who was in control, groaned in pain, and flew ten meters away, knocking down a tree with the waist thickness of two people.

"Isn't it..."

The pain made Feng Chi calm down for a moment, but for a moment, he was quickly pulled into a crazy and incomprehensible impulse, and the fallen tree happened to be crushed under him.

His handsome and coquettish face became unattractive at this moment, he stood up slowly like a wolf, growled, and rushed towards Jiang Ran.

At this moment, a black shadow clenched its fist and slammed into Feng Chi's cheek, Qi Yu's sharp jaw clenched, as if it was the same as usual, but his footsteps trembled slightly.His voice was also a little hoarse, "Calm down..."

The reason why he didn't come, Feng Chi couldn't hear anything, he only knew that he wanted this depression to be released!freed!
After all, he was a sea-conscious monk, Feng Chi was very capable, and Qi Yu didn't want to hurt him, so he stalemate for a while.

The four of Jiang Ran and a Tianyao beast all fell into a strange state, and only the little milk beast looked at them ignorantly.

The vague fragrance lingered in it, the face under the mask gradually became brighter, Jiang Ran's eyes were not so clear, and her flawless beautiful face seemed to be half drunk.

She raised her eyes and glanced at Qi Yufengchi, who was confronting him, and then at Ba Gelian, who huddled herself in a ball, bit her arm, and suppressed it tightly.

Biting his tongue, the smell of blood in his mouth made Jiang Ran calm down for a moment.


The most likely cause of this situation was something exuding a seductive fragrance, and she had to find out this kind of thing before she could prescribe the right medicine.

Therefore, not only did he not reject the scent, but he also sniffed it vigorously. Jiang Ran trembled, holding back the extremely itchy skin, and quickly glanced...

On Qi Yu's side, he grabbed Feng Chi.

When his rationality collapsed, he felt in a daze that Feng Chi was still struggling. He quickly slashed the back of Feng Chi's head with the palm of his hand. With the power of thunder, Feng Chi's eyes turned white, his body fell down, and he passed out.

Then there was Ba Gelian who was about to lose control, and Qi Yu was still a knife in his hand.

The two fell into a coma, Qi Yu looked at Jiang Ran who was rummaging for something, and his body trembled eagerly.

"No..." There seemed to be some fragrance emanating from her body that attracted him tightly. Qi Yu could stop Feng Chi and Ba Gelian, but he couldn't restrain his desire.

The heat waves of breathing spread in the air wave after wave, and the hot breath rushed to the skin.

Qi Yu at this moment is like a volcano that has been accumulated for many years and is about to erupt.


The blue veins on the forehead even broke out from the cortex of the muscles, arching to the top of the sharp lines on Qi Yu's face.

Rationality is fleeing crazily, just looking for the inner instinct to move.

but can't...

A knife appeared in his hand, he gritted his teeth, and stabbed hard at his thigh, his eyes were full of blood, and the severe pain allowed him to temporarily maintain his rationality.

"Hoo!" Qi Yu staggered back a few steps with great difficulty, then turned into lightning, and left this place as if fleeing for his life.

There are a lot of plants in this place. Once you step in, you can reach your ankles. It took Jiang Ran a long time to find a plant called Youqinghua.

Youqing flower, the plant is short, the flower is small, the color is blue, and the shape is like a manjusawa.

"It's Youqinghua..." Jiang Ran's thoughts were in chaos.

She vaguely remembered that Youqinghua was an extremely powerful aphrodisiac.

After clicking into the system, Jiang Ran didn't care so much, and spent tens of thousands of reputation points to buy the antidote. When the pink pill appeared in his hand, Jiang Ran eagerly swallowed it.

The heat from his body was dissipating, and the flush on his face was also fading. Jiang Ran glanced at Feng Chi and Ba Gelian who were unconscious on the ground, and secretly thanked Qi Yu.

Youqinghua is very powerful, as long as one smells it, it can make people lose their minds, its medicinal effect spreads very quickly, if it is not released, the tide of emotion in the body will not dissipate, and even if the weak constitution has sex, it will be crazy and long It is enough to kill under the lingering.

Qi Yu, who was in the Sea Consciousness Realm under Youqinghua, couldn't maintain his sanity either.

And Feng Chi who suffered the most may be that he has always been free-spirited in this regard, and has no resistance to Youqinghua at all, so his body reacted first, so that he did outrageous things like "Sun Tree" .

 Thank you smile, Dorothy, Do not do to others what you do not want to be done to others, Xiaopangdun glutinous rice balls, bitterness spreads throughout the atrium, Pai Daxing, deception, and others for their rewards
(End of this chapter)

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