Chapter 338
Feng Chi and Ba Gelian were only in a coma, but their love poison was still unresolved. Jiang Ran fed them the antidote one after another, and finally glanced at Tianyao, who had red eyes, struggled constantly and couldn't do anything because he was bound by the spirit chain Bao Beast, "Gulu!!!!!!"

"Qiyi, watch over the beasts of Tianyao, don't let them run away."

Wu Xie was tickling himself with his hind legs, when he received the order, his eyes lit up, "Meow~"

After saying this quickly, Jiang Ran hurried towards Qi Yu's departure direction without waiting for Wu Xian's reaction, following the blood on the ground.

She finally found Qi Yu leaning against a boulder in a far away place.

His face was flushed abnormally, his already precarious clothes were even more disheveled, his trousers were slightly unbuttoned, and he was no longer cold.Qingjun's face was wet with sweat, his eyes were red and wild, and there was a kind of wonderful sexy that made his throat tickle, unique to men.

How powerful is the medicinal effect of Youqing Flower?Feng Chi lost all his senses, so much so that he did something outrageous like "Sun Tree".

Qi Yu first knocked out Feng Chi and Ba Gelian successively, and then stayed away from her calmly. Jiang Ran searched for an antidote for a long time, but after so long, there was still some reason in his eyes.

The blood was still mixed with him, like fine suet white jade dyed red for a moment, and as she approached, a bitter and dangerous aura dispersed indistinctly.

Jiang Ran paused, but still didn't dare to delay.

Although it looked like a trapped beast pierced by thorns, fortunately, Qi Yu didn't show any intention of attacking her.

Jiang Ran squatted down, took out the antidote and put it in Qi Yu's mouth.But his lips had already been bitten to death because of patience, and there were little blood stains on the edges of his lips.

The dizzy Qi Yu seemed to have lost touch with his body, drifting in the ocean of unconsciousness, staring blankly at Jiang Ran with blood-red eyes, his eyes were a little broken.

Jiang Ran tried many times but couldn't get Qi Yu to open his mouth, so some ice cubes appeared in the palm of her hand, and she touched Qi Yu's forehead with the ice cubes, trying to wake him up with the cold, "Qi Yu, be obedient, open mouth."

But if the cold was useful, Qi Yu wouldn't stab himself with a knife.

Qi Yu frowned and squeezed his mouth tightly, as if this would prevent him from moaning like a beast, so as to maintain his dignity as a human being.

Jiang Ran was a little annoyed, threw away the ice cubes, grabbed his chin with his hand a little fiercely, and forcibly opened his mouth with the force that almost removed his jaw.

Jiang Ran felt as if she was taming an unbecoming wild dog.

Qi Yu tried to push Li Jiangran to hurt him several times, no, or he wanted to get closer and cherish, or both.

But every time he reached the edge of the cliff, there was a bottom line to save his sanity.

He couldn't hurt her.

Jiang Ran finally stuffed the medicine into his mouth this time, and forcefully gulped him down with water. In order to prevent him from spitting out the medicine, she covered his mouth tightly again.

Jiang Ran didn't let go until he saw that he was swallowing obviously.

After such a toss, Jiang Ran was embarrassed enough to sit down beside him.

After a while, the antidote took effect slowly, the strange flush on his face seemed to have dissipated a bit, and the blood-red ulcers in his eyes also gathered a little.

Jiang Ran tentatively called out softly, "...Qi Yu?"

"" After a long pause, he spit out a hoarse syllable from his throat.

Only then did Jiang Ran look at him carefully, but was surprised to find that his desire was not calm, and his reason was not completely gathered.

The antidote is obviously effective, and his answer is the best proof.


What kind of creature is man driven by desire, and what about men?
Qi Yu obviously has an ascetic face, and he may not be keen on certain things usually, or even bother to touch them by himself, but he is a healthy man. Jiang Ran is so smart, and somehow he associates it with When it came to the water yuan turtle eggs and green fin marlin that had been eaten up before, Jiang Ran's usually plain face twisted for a moment.

It turned out that the culprit was myself?
Jiang Ran felt a little guilty and guilty for no reason, so that her words lost their usual stability, "...This is a normal physiological phenomenon, and you can relieve it yourself, and you will be fine soon."

What the hell is she talking about?
What kind of relief, just hold it in and hold it in, hold it back for me!
But her mouth and brain were separated for a moment, "Feng Chi and Ba Gelian are still in a coma, no one will know."

Sweat dripped down Qi Yu's cheeks, outlining a grim and bewildered expression.

Jiang Ran was a little unnatural, but felt that since he had said so, he might as well just leave and let him calm down.

"Uh, then I'll go first..." Jiang Ran was about to get up, but Qi Yu held her hand as if disturbed, "Don't go..."

Qi Yu only felt a faint breath coming in that made him dizzy. He had smelled this fragrance for a long time, until he had plucked out his senses and his reason. He was addicted to it without knowing where the fragrance was.

Qi Yu told her not to leave, but Jiang Ran really didn't leave. Maybe he was about to regain his sanity, and proud people always don't want to end up in a mess.

Then what happened next got completely out of control.

Jiang Ran had been waiting for a long time for the snow to fall now.

The fluffy snowflakes rustled, soaking the hair of the two of them, and a white blanket was soon spread on the ground.

Qi Yu pressed Jiang Ran's hand flat on the ground. He didn't do anything to her, but quietly put his hand on her finger.

But he wasn't completely quiet.

After all, people have two hands.

The trousers were spread even further, he raised his face, and slowly exhaled the turbid air in his chest, a few flakes of snow gently fell on his eyelashes, and the pupils that had been infested with coolness in the past were somewhat melted by the heat wave.

Jiang Ran didn't look at Qi Yu, but bent one leg slightly, and leaned lazily on the rock behind her, as if looking at the beautiful first snow.

But in fact—the fingers in contact with the snow are cold, while the temperature from the other person's fingers is extremely hot. The two completely different feelings pull Jiang Ran's body, making her no time to appreciate the snow scene, but not to be affected by it. Controlled thinking: the more serious and colder people look, the more colorful they are when they breathe.

The snow is still falling, as if it wants to make up for all the missing snowflakes, until the pines and cypresses are bent by the falling snow, and the emerald colors are hidden in it; To resist the indistinguishable sense of depression, attribute all flavors to the domain of snow.

Qi Yu slowly closed his eyes, the slender neck was connected to the clear and smooth jaw line, and his reason was gathered, but everything was lost, "..."

 This chapter is about the addition of Dorothy, the first rudder owner of the starting point. I don’t often read it at the starting point, but I will specially read your comments every two days (although the comment area is very cold), but I have always been very grateful for your support.

(End of this chapter)

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