As a lord, I was forced to farm

Chapter 349 If You Want, I Can Try 1

"Those people..." Jiang Ran and the others came out of Yunxi Valley, and before they had walked a few steps, they saw the Xuanming Tiger Clan hunting and killing humans. The four of them prostrated themselves on the ground, carefully overlooking the wilderness thousands of meters below jungle.

Qi Yu said in a low voice, "The land of Hanyuan is in unprecedented chaos. Various races are robbing the land, and the living space of human beings is being squeezed. These people probably escaped from a broken city."

Feng Chi has never been in good shape, but at this time, there is no smile on his face, and his whole body is serious, "We are people from Mingxiao College, and sometimes we will go on missions with our instructor to the land of Hanyuan. In the past two years, we have experienced There have been too many tragedies where families were destroyed and wives were separated, and we saved one or two people, but we couldn't change the whole situation of Han Yuan."

"Hanyuan's peace lasted only 20 years."

In just one or two minutes, another member of the same family was swallowed by the giant tiger, and his body was torn in half by the giant claws.

Some people resisted hard, but everyone could see that these people were just at the end of their strength, as long as they continued to consume, all of these people could be buried here without breaking a sweat.

Jiang Ran didn't go deep into the land of Hanyuan, but when he was eating in a restaurant in Mingxiao City, he heard others chatting about the land of Hanyuan.

The land there is barren and the number of demon spirits is scarce. It is not easy for the human race to rely on planting to fill their stomachs.

Under the famine, it is easy to breed wars, and the various human forces cannot unite. Coupled with the raging monsters, the Hanyuan human race is completely in a desperate situation!

They have no room to live! !

The snowflakes did not fall to the back, and the melted snow water poured into the skirt of the clothes, got into the mask and flowed to the cheeks, covering Jiang Ran's somewhat confused expression.

This world is too dangerous, and peace is too short-lived. It has only been 20 years since the last catastrophe in the Cangwu Continent.

The monster has occupied the land of Hanyuan today, and it can extend its claws to Yunzhang tomorrow.

Jiang Ran thought of herself.

If Yunshang's peace can last for ten years, but in just ten years, Suling will continue to develop step by step. When facing such a crisis in the future, will Suling have enough strength to resist?
People are knives and I am fish and meat... Without power, the power of life and death is always in the hands of others, and you can only be slaughtered.

But why can't I be the Daozu! ?

...but where does the power come from?

In fact, the power is in front of you, but it may take your life to win it.

Jiang Ran already had the answer in her heart.

But Xuanming Tiger King is very strong, and Jiang Ran can't fight against him at all.

She wanted to close her eyes and block her ears, not to see or to listen, but the color of blood had already imprinted in her eyes, and the mournful cry was endless in her ears, as if it wanted to pierce her eardrums.

Followed by the bitterness between the lips and the tongue and the blood filled the nose.

And, the skin is colder than the snow.

All five of her senses were screaming.

The sky is getting darker, different from the night, this kind of darkness is like a collapsed snow mountain, breaking the trees, strangling the beasts, and devouring the mountain peaks.

drown everything.

It's beyond her sanity.

Her five senses were screaming.

But it immediately became hot and clamoring again.

He sticks out his tongue and gently licks Jiang Ran's chin, his golden eyes are tacitly acquiescing to everything.

Jiang Ran came back to her senses, touched Xiao Zhu's head, and had already made a decision in her heart.

"Qi Yu, can you fight against the Xuanming Tiger who is at the peak of the Sea of ​​Consciousness?"

Qi Yu looked sideways at Jiang Ran, "It's hard."

The more you cultivate to the later stage, the greater the gap between each minor realm. Moreover, the Xuanming Tiger is a high-species monster with amazing combat power, and it already has the strength to crush opponents of the same class.

He is the peak of the second level of sea consciousness, and it is difficult to fight against a Xuanming Tiger who is at the peak of the ninth level of sea consciousness.

Once afraid of being unable to move in the dream of death in the Southern Crown Secret Realm, Qi Yu was afraid of death, and he never took the initiative to risk his life.

"If you want, I can try."

This impulsive statement seems to have been carefully thought out.

The handsome man on the snowy ground was dressed in black and lightly painted with pencil ink, like a few strokes drawn on white paper, stern and soul-stirring.

Fighting for his life with a beast stronger than himself, he didn't have to.

Jiang Ran tried to find the look of "just kidding" on his heavenly handsome face, but she looked straight into a pair of firm eyes that were impassive.

Those eyes are extremely beautiful, swaying like a comet, leaving behind fragmented shadows that cannot be extinguished.

They were the deepest eyes Jiang Ran had ever seen.

Unable to move her eyes away, her heart was beating like a drum, and in an instant, she swam into the dark.

"I think." Jiang Ran closed her eyes lightly, and when she opened them again, she was completely insanely calm, "I want to save those people."

"Yeah." Qi Yu didn't ask Jiang Ran why she saved people who had nothing to do with her, "I'll help you."

Jiang Ran straightened her lips.

"Let's make a contract with Wu Xian." When Wu Xian was born, the kitten's body had grown to the size of an adult cat, and the golden seal on his forehead exuded an incomparably sacred and mysterious light.

At this moment, it stopped very obediently on Jiang Ran's arm, waiting for the existence that would become one with it.

Handing over the title, looking at Qi Yu's handsome eyebrows lightly frowned, and interrupting him before he could say no, Jiang Ran entrusted him very seriously, "Qi Yu, this is not a deal."

"It's that you deserve it."

"It fits you."

"And you fit into it, too."

"It will help you, and you will help me."

"Only if you are its partner, its family member, and its master, I can rest assured."

Because of the urgency of the situation, Jiang Ran's voice is not a hoarse voice that has been deliberately modified, but a spiritual charm of Guizhen. Her speech is fast, and the words are intermittent or even disconnected. It is not ambiguous or slow, but it can be conveyed In Qi Yu's ears, there was a sense of intoxication that made the scalp tingle.

Qi Yu couldn't tell what his unstable mood was at this time, and he didn't have time to sort out the problems involving his blind spots in knowledge, so he jumped into Qi Yu's arms, and the magic circle on his forehead touched Qi Yu's forehead .

The next moment, the contract was concluded, and there were sporadic golden lights emitting from the bodies of Wu Xian and Qi Yu, as if something had changed invisibly.

Bat Gelian and Feng Chi watched this scene quietly, until Qi Yu opened his eyes, and happily kissed Qi Yu, Feng Chi opened his mouth and said in a low voice, "You guys are going to do such exciting things later, bring them together." Can I have one?"

The taciturn Ba Gelian didn't speak, but looked firmly at his master to express that he wanted to advance and retreat with her.

Jiang Ran's dark eyes looked at Feng Chi, "Maybe he will die."

Feng Chi put his arms around Qi Yu's shoulders, Qi Yu was his sweetheart, and he Feng Chi was for his brother, he resumed his habitual unrestrainedness, raised his head and said, "Oh, people are mortal, they have to die sooner or later, it doesn't matter Slightly."

"Master, do you want to dispose of this Tianyao treasure?" Ba Gelian pointed his chin at Yaobao who was trembling in his arms and dared not make a sound.

"Just let it go."

The eyes were as wide as copper bells, and the big eyeballs of Tianyao Beast moved with Jiang Ran's fingers, but Jiang Ran gently touched its head, and then untied the magic chain that bound it, "Don't be afraid , get out of here quietly."

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