One after another roar came from Xuanminghu's mouth, the vast snowflakes were shattered by the deafening shouts, their limbs disintegrated, and the corpses stained the ground red.

The number of Xuanming Tigers is extremely large, three or four hundred tigers surrounded and killed everyone.

I saw the giant claws attacking, and the heart of a violent bear that resisted to protect its master was torn apart by a giant tiger the size of an elephant.

"Storm bear!" A strong man about 50 years old turned pale with fright and shouted.

As a soul-torn pain swept through his brain, Xiao Ran's face turned pale. He frantically grabbed his hair but couldn't resist the piercing pain and pain. Found a big Xuanming tiger with a heart hooked on its claws...

It slowly raised its paw, and deliberately shook the violent bear's stopped heart in front of Xiao Ran.


The elephant-sized Xuanminghu looked at his distressed performance, and let out a mocking hum, which contained a bit of mockery and terror, and then bit his blood-drenched heart, slowly Chewing, a pair of tiger eyes provocatively looked at the weak and ridiculous humans!
"A bunch of beasts!!" Xiao Ran's eyes burst into red, blood stained his teeth bright red, and he shouted in hatred, "To avenge the violent bear, even if I, Xiao Ran, die! I have to drag two backs!!! !"


A lot of people were lying on the ground with blood, and the situation of harming the people was gone. The tigers of Xuanming's mouth overflowed with saliva, tearing people apart, swallowing their flesh and blood, the scene was extremely bloody.

"Ahhh...don't! Don't eat me——!"

"I don't want to die!"

"Obviously it's all here..." Someone cried in despair.

There is nothing crueler than seeing hope and seeing it shattered.

"Xuan Mingguang, we are worthy of your pursuit, can't you leave us a way out?" Old woman He's arm holding the sword was cut off by Xuan Mingguang's claws, she knelt down on one knee, sideways holding the baby in her arms tightly Closely guarded behind Xuanming Guang.

"I am already in a good mood to let you humans live until now." The deep voice came from the tiger's mouth, and Xuan Ming's eyes were cruelly calm, "Weak and weak, there is no need for existence. Humans, let alone The right to live in the land of the deep."

Xuan Mingguang approached Old Woman He step by step at a slow pace. Under his huge body, the hunched Old Woman He looked extremely humble and insignificant.

"It's your fault to be born human." Its red eyes squinted down, giving people a great sense of intimidation. Old woman He was so crushed that she couldn't move at all, she was extremely horrified.

You know, she is also a sea-conscious person after all!
Immediately afterwards, Old Woman He's turbid old eyes opened wide in shock, reflecting a heavy and huge tiger claw. The tiger claw was facing her head, with a phantom whistling past, but it seemed to be extremely slow, so slow that she Many thoughts flashed through his head:

'Are you going to die? '

'What about Mu'er? '

'Will Mu'er die too? '

'No--! ! ! '

Old woman He's pupils constricted, and snow fell slowly from the gray sky. Time seemed to slow down, and this space fell into silence.

"call out!"

Suddenly, a silver arrow with the brilliance of the dragon chant and shadow sting flashed from a distance. This is a moonlight arrow with power. It broke the suffocating and silent air and stabbed at Xuanming Guang Tiger Claw.

"Overestimate one's strength." Xuan Mingguang caught the protruding attack, and the tiger's claws that were going to hit Old Woman He turned and moved, accompanied by a strong force, trying to slap the flying arrow away.

However, this is a strange arrow, which directly ignored the obstruction of Feng Jin, and accurately pierced Xuan Mingguang's steel-like fur.

Looking at the arrow stuck in his paw, Xuan Mingguang's tiger eyes narrowed dangerously.

"Zhi——!!!" A fiery bird and beast showed its presence in a high-profile manner.

"What is that? A phoenix?!" The people and beasts were startled, and they all looked up, only to see a fiery red phoenix beast coming burning in the wind and snow, burning the distant sky red, and its back On the ground, there are actually several human figures!
"Who is it..." Old woman He came back to her senses, staggered and escaped from Xuan Mingguang's tiger's claws, but her eyes were fixed on the space where a god descended——

In the flying snow and light heat, the wind blows the four people's hair and robes into a mess. The picture zooms in and freezes on a mysterious person wearing a black hoodie. There is a sense of detached and independent refinement, which is completely different from them who are covered in blood and blood!

Seen from a distance, the mysterious person whose appearance is like a painting is slowly retracting his bow, the movements are graceful, and the supreme elegance is accompanied by the wind. People can't see the details clearly, but they seem to feel her pair of hands hidden under the mask and hood. His eyes squinted down.

Is it redemption?
Or a deeper hell?
"...Are you here to save us?" Among the wounded people was a qin girl with various figures. Seeing this scene, her hand holding the qin strings suddenly stopped, and the uplifting and soothing sound of the lingqin suddenly stopped, and she lost her voice. The feeling of fatigue from the blessing of the piano sound came up all of a sudden, but no one felt tired.

The rage of wanting to live resisted all the negative states from the body! !

Perhaps it was the longing for life that was at work, the piano girl Chen Jingyun's eyes were hot with tears, even if her throat became hoarse, it didn't matter if she couldn't make a sound in the future!
Her face was a mess of red and black, and with desperate courage, she shouted hoarsely, "Help us!!! Save us!! Please, save us!! I can give everything!! Please You save us!!!"

This sentence seemed to arouse other people's desire to survive, and they all begged, "Please help me!"

"Please immortal save us!"

The old woman He has lived a long time and knows that human beings are selfish in nature, and the Xuanming light is too strong, these people may not care about them at all, but no matter what, she will try her best to send her grandson to a safe place!
Bite her haggard lips to bleed, and draw up the last few strands of aura in her body, the old woman He passed her voice full of vicissitudes to the top, "Please save my grandson, I am willing to send my He family quasi-sage I will hand over the secret technique of the first level to Your Excellency!!!"

In just a few words, Jiang Ran and the others had already landed safely. Although they didn't respond to the wounded people's words, they stood in the middle of Xuan Minghu and the wounded people quite simply, as if they were about to intervene.

"Oh, the ants who are sent to death!"

Xuan Mingguang stretched out his scarlet tongue, and licked the paw shot by the arrow wantonly. Jiang Ran stared at it, but saw that an arrow that could smash mountains and rocks fell on the body of this Xuanming tiger. But only a little scar and blood were left, and within a minute, the wound had disappeared!

Thick skin and thick flesh, let alone other things, this Xuanming Tiger, which is at the peak of the Sea Consciousness Realm, has a much stronger defensive ability than imagined!

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