As a lord, I was forced to farm

Chapter 353 Is This Your Ability?

The purple jade magic pupil is a growth supernatural power with infinite possibilities. It is a kind of spiritual supernatural power, so Jiang Ran will be more powerful in using the purple jade magic pupil to release soul-hunting and ghost piercing.

In addition, Jiang Ran can apply the power of the purple jade magic pupil to the gilt cat's eye.

In the past year, things have gone smoothly. To be honest, the Purple Jade Demon Eye hasn't had many opportunities to exercise.

But this crisis may be an opportunity.

'Although it is only [-]% effective, why can Liu Maoyan get the ability of the purple jade magic pupil? '

Jiang Ran opened her fingers to meditate, and sections of Pankong-wrapped silk thread flowed between her slender fingers.

"Using the Pankong thread as a thread to transmit power..." Different from other spirit lines such as wood, water, and fire, the biggest difference of the Pankong thread is that even if the thread is broken, it can transmit energy stably. This is because it With a special spatial attribute, the Pankong Line is not only a "line", it is even more inclined to a "point".

Thinking of this, Jiang Ran suddenly broke the flowing Pankong line into dots. Jiang Ran's fingers seemed to hold the stars in the sky. Although the stars were not connected, they echoed each other.

"Nankong star." Jiang Ran called the broken point "Pankong star", and the purple jade magic pupil opened, and the purple meaning swayed in the middle of the eyes, and she sent two points of the "Pankong star" to the battle Qi Yu's eyes.

Qi Yu was very familiar with Jiang Ran's power of space, so the energy fluctuations that suddenly stuck under his eyelids did not cause Qi Yu to reject him.

Qi Yu's eyes opened and closed, and in the opened right eye, purple ripples cut through the ripples, bursting out lightning and sparks.

The sudden drastic change in things in his eyes brought some discomfort to Qi Yu.

The spirit element molecules dancing in the air are like substance, exuding colorful light, the movement of Xuanmingguang suddenly slowed down in his eyes, and the weakness of Xuanmingguang that Ran mentioned before is as conspicuous as an open fire in the night!
"Don't be distracted!" Jiang Ran suddenly shouted, pulling Qi Yu back from his distracted thoughts!

Qi Yu's eyes changed, controlling the turbulent airflow between the sky and the earth, the spear was raised lightly, and the tip of the spear poured with strong wind and waves seemed to withstand a raging wave.

The sky and the earth were darkened, causing the rocks to pass through the sky, the roots and vines that rose from the ground to restrict Qi Yu's actions turned into powder, and the tip of the spear and the wind blade went straight to Xuan Mingguang's weak point.

Xuan Mingguang's eyes suddenly changed.

From Jiang Ran's point of view, Xuan Mingguang was definitely afraid of Qi Yu's terrifying speed, which was evident from the fact that he specially created a forest of vines.

Qi Yu's moves are rarely fancy, and every inch of energy is refined to the extreme. Originally, the content of spiritual power in his body is terrifying. Coupled with this terrifying control, this is why he can far surpass him in cultivation. Xuan Mingguang still has the strength to resist hundreds of moves.

This blow to Feifengyin has a high damage range and a high accuracy rate. Without the protection of Fuji Hai, Xuan Mingguang had a very difficult time hiding. Under the circumstances, he could only protect the two most critical parts of his body!
Blood flowed like a spring, and Feifeng chant was accompanied by the power of thunder and lightning. Xuan Mingguang's body could not be paralyzed, and the wound could not heal...

Xuan Ming's eyes were fierce, and the murderous intent crushed all the trees in the snowstorm!

Pankong star was connected to Qi Yu, just like Liu cat's eyes, Jiang Ran could see what Qi Yu saw in his eyes!
However, when Xuanminghu's body changed suddenly, her eyes suddenly hurt, and an unbelievable image flashed in her eyes: a terrifying and huge suction force came from Xuanming's body, separated by ten meters Qi Yu's body on the left and right flew towards him uncontrollably, Xuan Mingguang's extremely sharp claws pierced through Qi Yu's chest mercilessly, pinching his heart precisely!
"Boom——" Jiang Ran's heart beat violently, and then felt suffocated and uncomfortable as if it was about to stop!
What was that scene just now?
Looking up, Xuan Minghu's abnormal movements didn't stop, Qi Yu froze and stood there——

What was that scene just now? !

The foresight brought by the purple jade magic pupil? "Run away!!!"

Jiang Ran roared loudly, and Miao Yueshuang bow appeared in her hand, and the arrow, which was stained with the poison of the demon copper sea urchin, quickly hit the bowstring——

Qi Yu also saw the event that appeared in the next few seconds, and when Jiang Ran uttered the first word, he quickly retreated!

A black cat-like title suddenly appeared on Qi Yu's shoulders from his robe. The black turbine spun rapidly, and the time spirit liquid stored in it was almost squeezed out, and the sundial on its forehead was shining brightly. Lead to Xuanming Guang.

Xuan Mingguang's fluttering hair stopped suddenly, and the stronger aura on his body suddenly stopped!

Xuan Mingguang and the time within one meter around him seemed to have stopped for a moment!
And in an instant, Qi Yu retreated tens of meters away, until he was pasted in front of the Hunyuan golden shield formation.

Time flowed again, and Qi Yu stood on a piece of land where he was standing a second ago. He flew straight to Xuan Mingguang, and Xuan Mingguang's claws pierced through the boulder!

At the same time, an arrow with a dragon's chant hit the center of Xuanminghu's lips.

Qi Yu: "That scene just now was your ability?"

Jiang Ran: "That scene just now was your ability?"


Qi Yu looked back, and looked at Jiang Ran who was puzzled.

"It's not the time to pursue this issue." Jiang Ran put the Hunyuan golden mask on his ear, and instead of saying quickly, "Xuan Mingguang may have been poisoned. A monk can be poisoned, but there is no guarantee how much it will affect him. No matter who the reason is for the scene that just appeared, if it can be applied, it will definitely be a lore weapon. Don’t forget, Xuanming Guang The biggest weakness. It has been paved long enough!"

"I believe in you." Qi Yu put his finger on his stomach, and a wave of time-fluctuating energy appeared, which actually traced Qi Yu's physical state back to half a minute ago.

And half a minute ago, it was the time when Qi Yu was not seriously injured!
Qi Yu turned into a black lightning and rushed out.

'The ability of time is indeed terrifying. Jiang Ran's eyes flickered, "and Qi Yu, who can apply time to this level, is even more evil." '

"What happened just now?" Xuan Mingguang crushed the earth and rocks in his hands with an ugly expression.

Then he pulled out the arrow on his lips, and the moment the arrow was pulled out, it turned into a little bit of starlight and disappeared.

Xuan Minghu's eyes slid over Qi Yu who was violently thundering, and then fell on Jiang Ran.

"What did you just say?" Xuan Mingguang Xuan Mingguang felt a strong sense of ominousness from Jiang Ran.

Qi Yu raised his gun, lightning exploded in the air continuously, and the terrible thunderstorm attacked the position under Xuanming's navel. Xuanming's body froze for a moment, and he could only protect himself at the price of injured claws. live.

'His movements are even more agile than before! ? '

'No, not only that, my speed has become slow...'

Seeing that Qi Yu insisted on only attacking the position below his navel, Xuan Mingguang simply gave up other defenses.

'It's because I said a few words to that masked man that he suddenly acted so swiftly. 'Xuan Mingguang's uneasiness grew stronger and stronger.

Fire erupted from Xuan Mingguang's body, blasting Qi Yu away, his eyes frantically passed by Qi Yu, and fell towards the place where Jiang Ran was like a meteor, the coercion descended, and the terrifying attack was enough to tear apart the mountain— —

"Be careful!" Feng Chi shouted.

Ba Gelian, who was healing the wounded people, raised his head and narrowed his eyes, "Master—"

I'm going bald writing this chapter, and fighting scenes are harder to write than emotional scenes.

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