Chapter 354

Xuan Mingguang's red pupils became terrifying and deep, I saw him jumping straight up to the sky, his huge body was like a burst of storm clouds quickly covering the sky, forming a gloomy and oppressive darkness in the world!

His speed is very fast, and he is not a strong wind element, but the hurricanes brought about by his flying body seem to drill countless holes in the space covered by the Hunyuan golden shield!
Jiang Ran stood close to the Hunyuan golden shield formation, and for a moment, Xuan Mingguang's huge tiger claw with terrifying golden energy seemed to smash Jiang Ran's head!

At that time, Xuan Minghu was only about one centimeter away from Jiang Ran.
The distance of a mask.

Ba Gelian's eyes burst out with blood, and he rushed up crazily, "Master!!!"

At the same time, a clear voice came from afar, "Baby!"

"Roar—" Master——

Jiang Ran's heart was beating slowly, and the strong wind blew her robe loudly, the hood on her head fell in the wind, and her long black brocade hair was scattered, wantonly in the wind and snow.


There was a vision, a distant sound of dragon chant came from the center of the storm, and the hearts of all the people and beasts present couldn't help but tremble violently, but seeing the white light flourishing, a chaotic light was printed on the flying robes. The abdomen of the masked man flashed, and a lengthy white shadow rushed out from it.


There is wind and snow, which is the taste of cold winter.

The snow was pressing down on the branches, and the air seemed to have been washed. The snow had stopped at this time, but because it was five o'clock in the morning, the sky was still dark.

As a schoolboy, Ma Yunzhen got up earlier than Jiang Nancheng, seafood porridge was bubbling in the pot of the courtyard, and the fragrance permeated the entire courtyard.

While Young Master Nancheng was washing up, Ma Yunzhen carried a shovel to shovel snow at the door.

"I don't know how sister and mother are doing." Ma Yunzhen wiped the sweat from his forehead, "The last communication was half a month ago."

Jiang Nancheng is a good master. When communicating with Jiang Xiaowen, thinking that Ma Yunzhen would miss his family, he would ask Jiang Xiaowen to call his family and let Ma Yunzhen have a conversation with his family.

Therefore, Ma Yunzhen is very grateful to the masters of the Jiang family.

Since my sister worked in Liushang Pavilion and he became Mr. Nancheng's book boy, the family situation has improved.

And he entered Mingxiao Academy with Lord Nancheng, and the Lord County Lord gave him a salary increase, and as a monk in the third-level realm of opening the veins, the Lord provided him with an extra thirty crystals for his cultivation every month.

Although Thirty Crystals can't be bought in Mingxiao City, it's more than enough for a little cultivator in the third level of opening the veins to practice!
He really didn't expect that the respectable county lord would pay attention to a lowly bookboy servant.

He kept in mind the words of the county lord, "Although you are just a handyman, it is a very good opportunity to study at Mingxiao College. Don't let your family down on you... I am also very optimistic about your future. To be the partner who is by Jiang Nancheng's side, I hope your existence can play a role in supervising Nancheng..."

Be optimistic about my future... I can play a supervisory role for Mr. Nancheng! !
"Oh!" Ma Yunzhen was encouraged every time he thought of this sentence, and this time was no exception, waving a shovel, dancing vigorously.

Jiang Nancheng named Qilei bluebell flower spirit insect Xiaolei. After washing up, he scratched Xiaolei's chin, fed it a little food, and then went out to watch Ma Yunzhen sweep the snow, and then asked, "Xiaozhen, Is the porridge ready?"

"All right!"

So the master and servant prepared to have breakfast.

The kitchen in the dormitory is public, but the students here basically pay to eat in the cafeteria of the Spiritual Academy, so few people usually use the kitchen.

So the two sat in the kitchen and ate. As soon as Ma Yunzhen had set the dishes, three heads popped out of the door.

Jiang Nancheng stood up in shame, "Senior Brother Li He, Brother Gu Yu, Brother Zhu... Good morning, if you haven't eaten breakfast, why not..."

"Okay, then respect is worse than obedience, Junior Brother Nancheng!" Li He's eyes lit up, and he put his hands in his hands, and he was waiting for his words when he saw it.

Ma Yun on the other side has long been familiar with it. With the lessons learned from the past, he made a big pot of seafood porridge this time, so he cleverly took three more pairs of bowls and chopsticks.

"Then thank you, brother Nancheng!" Gu Yu said with a smile.

"I'm nagging..." Zhu Zhu bowed embarrassedly.

Both Gu Yu and Zhu Zhu are handsome in appearance. Gu Yu seems to be a child from a wealthy family, with a bright and enthusiastic personality like the sun.

Zhu Zhu is more restrained and shy. According to what Jiang Nancheng accidentally learned, Zhu Zhu was an orphan. When he was a child, he worshiped a farmer who could read and write as his teacher. Later, because of the war, his master died, and Zhu Zhu was displaced and came when he had nowhere to go. Arrived at Mingxiao.

Zhu Zhu dared to come here for dinner this time, it must be Gu Yu's instigation.

Both of them were students who entered the Spiritual Academy in the same class as Jiang Nancheng, but they were two or three years older than Jiang Nancheng, and they were relatively close.

This simple dormitory is the residence of low-grade spiritual college students. Jiang Nancheng was surprised when he saw that senior brother Li He lived next door to him.

It is said that the few of them have such a good relationship, and they all got close through food.

"I am awakened by this fragrance every day, but only you, Junior Brother Nancheng, can eat delicacies such as seafood."

"Yes, yes." Gu Yu puffed his cheeks. Logically speaking, he had eaten a lot of delicacies, so he wouldn't come here every day for a meal, but seafood does have a unique flavor, at least he hasn't gotten tired of it yet.

"There is a Hongjia wonton restaurant on Lianshang Street in Xiacheng, Mingxiao. Next month, they will launch a seafood feast, including Rushan oysters, midge shrimp sauce and so on." Jiang Nancheng also promoted his own seafood to brother Hong Yuan.

"Really? Then let's go together in a while, Senior Brother Li He treats you." Gu Yu opened his eyes wide and couldn't wait.

Li He also opened his eyes wide, pointing at himself, "A treat?"

Gu Yu nodded obediently, "There is no reason for an adult to let a minor pay the bill! Brother Li He, if you pay the bill, we will worship you!"

"Gu Yu you boy, I find you quite shameless." Li He shook his head helplessly, but agreed to treat him.

Li He asked again, "The holiday will be in a few days. During the clothes-giving leave, what do you plan to do? Stay in the academy or go home?"

"I'm staying in the Lingyuan." The homeless Zhu Zhu replied in a low voice without hesitation.

"Of course I'm going back, my family has come to pick me up." Gu Yu finished his porridge in two or three mouthfuls.

Jiang Nancheng was a little hesitant.

Of course he really wanted to go back, he was homesick, and January 23 was his sister's coming-of-age ceremony, so it must be very lively.

But there are Ruolan trees planted in Lingtian. This tree is delicate and cold in winter. If the cold wind blows away the tent cloth on the saplings, or blows the tree over, then his two months of hard work will be in vain. up.

And Qilei blue bell flower, he hasn't recruited this farmer yet.But as soon as the snow melts, he will have to start planting immediately. In the next eight years, he may have to rely on the seven buds and bluebells to pay off his debts.

"I don't know yet..." Jiang Nancheng was a little depressed.

"Are you worried about Ruolan tree?" Li He became more serious. He knew that if Junior Brother Nancheng had really taken care of Ruolan Tree, he said, "I advise Junior Brother to stay in the academy."

Jiang Nancheng shook his head, "Let's not talk about this now, Senior Brother Li He, do you know the Blood Ring Grand Canyon, and what about the land of Hanyuan?"

Jiang Nancheng was very worried when her sister went to the land of Hanyuan and hadn't returned yet.

"Blood Ring Grand Canyon? Why are you interested in asking about this?" Li He said in surprise, "Blood Ring Grand Canyon is a dangerous place. Junior brother, your cultivation base is low, so don't be tempted to go there."

"Are you very interested in Hanyuan's current situation?" Gu Yu took a big sip of seafood porridge, looked up and said, "Although Hanyuan is chaotic, it is hell for human beings, but it is only limited to human beings."

Jiang Nancheng frowned, "Why do you say that?"

Li He said solemnly, "Under the county can be called the lord, under the province can be called the king, but the title of the king can only be called the lord of the country."

"In the vast land of nine continents, there are only three territories that can be called the upper kingdom." Li Hedao, "One of them is in Hanyuan, which is the kingdom of ten thousand beasts."

"The monarch of the Ten Thousand Beasts Kingdom is a candle-crossing evil dragon that reaches the holy realm——Zhu Gu!"

"The Ten Thousand Beasts Kingdom is called the Ten Thousand Beasts Kingdom because it is a country composed of countless beast clan city-states. The Ten Thousand Beast Kingdom is very powerful. In addition to Zhudu Shalong, of course we have to talk about its four major guardian beast clans."

"That is, Xuanming Tiger, Sword Jade Lion Mastiff, Bone Erosion Two-Headed Wolf, Moon Howling Peacock."

Li He lost his appetite, "If you want to say that the strongest of the four national guardian beasts is the Xuanming Tiger Clan, and the Xuanming Tiger Clan can't tolerate our human race the most, so the human race in the land of Han Yuan..."

(End of this chapter)

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