As a lord, I was forced to farm

Chapter 380 Substances

After signing the contract, Jiang Ran asked Qianyu to choose the land. After careful consideration, he finally chose a land west of Dongtian Village.

"I still have to cut down trees and weeds here..." Qianyu smiled wryly.

Jiang Ran said that she would not return the product.

Taking in more than 100 people from Qianyu, plus more than 100 new residents like He Laoyu, Dongshan Village has a permanent population of more than 300 people.

It's not that Jiang Ran doesn't want to send He Laoyu and others to Suling, but she still can't trust Qianyu after all, so it's better to let He Laoyu and the others take a closer look.

In addition, there are no extra houses in Suling County now, so it is better to stay in Dongtian Village like this. After all, although the cave is a bit crude, it is warmer than ordinary houses.

It's just that the caves here are not enough to live in, so she asked Jia Han and other aliens to lead them to dig new caves.

In addition, she left all the more than ten tents and heavy quilts in her hands to He Laoyu and others.

Afterwards, she contacted Lin Sha and asked him to send someone to deliver supplies for the winter.

In less than an hour, there was a flash of white light in the teleportation formation, and Lin Sha came with Jiang Xiaowen, Jia Bing and other three strangers.

I brought Jiang Xiaowen because she is the only one in Suling County who has a space ring, and bringing the supplies in the space ring can save me a few times to watch the space teleportation.

Xiaowen rushed over happily, and only when she got close did she realize how reserved she was. She lowered her head coyly and pulled Jiang Ran's sleeve, "Sister, you are finally back, I miss you so much!"

After saying this, Jiang Xiaowen met eyes with a monster with a hidden fox face.


Lin Sha was overjoyed when he saw Jiang Ran, "See the county lord, Miss Xiaowen and I are here with supplies!"

Lin Sha looked around, and saw the flat land of Dongtian Village, the ten tall snow wolves showing their presence, numerous monks exuding breathless coercion, and majestic soldiers in armor Let him be stunned for a moment.

The county head said that he would bring supplies to Dongtian Village, but he didn't say much else. Seeing a big snow wolf come over and lower his head to sniff him curiously, a drop or two of saliva fell out of his scarlet fat tongue. The woman's forehead was sweating, and she almost couldn't hold the snow wolf.

Lin Sha was tall and tall, and his throat slid twice uncontrollably.

Fortunately, he, Lin Sha, was a person who had seen the scene. Although he was a little terrified in his heart, he did not show any signs of expression on his face, and maintained his posture as a virtuous minister.

Jiang Ran nodded and asked Xiaowen to take out the supplies.

There are a lot of things, and Jiang Xiaowen's interspatial ring is not big, so it takes an extra trip to get these supplies, roughly:

Fifty large iron pots, matching spatulas and more than 300 ceramic bowls.

Three thousand catties of flour.

Twenty catties of salt.

Five hundred catties of air-dried seafood fish.

Two hundred thick clothes and one hundred thick quilts.

And a thousand catties of dry firewood.

These things are not particularly valuable, but they are the most needed items for a group of wounded people who have nothing to live on and are living in the cold winter.

Three thousand catties of white flour may not be enough to eat, monks have a huge appetite and have to work, so one person needs to eat three catties of white flour a day, a hundred people may eat this in ten days.

However, the problem is not big. The follow-up organization of these people to hunt, coupled with the food storage in the county, can barely last until the beginning of spring.

Some words are not easy to say in Jiang Ran's capacity, so Lin Sha, who has a delicate heart, came out to appease everyone's hearts, "Dongtian Village is a village that our county will focus on building in the future, and Xiaoliangshan contains treasures worth thousands of dollars." The treasure is waiting for us to dig, and there is a convenient transportation like the teleportation array to connect the main city and the mine. The future of Dongtian Village must be a smooth road. To be honest, I am very envious that you can become the first batch of villagers in Dongtian Village."

Lin Sha clasped his hands and said loudly, "Although it's a severe cold and the conditions are relatively difficult, there is an idiom called bitterness and reward..."

"...We will distribute these materials for free. If there is any need, please let me know, and I will try my best to solve it for you. Next, this Lord Jiabing will help you dig a cave for living. I hope everyone will work hard Together, we will usher in a warm spring soon!"

These people who are not educated, their words are pleasant to listen to, obviously they are thrown in the cold field, but in Lin Shadi's mouth, it is a test like "Heaven will send a big task to the people".

"Thanks to the county lord's attention!"

"This is our new home!"

"What is this tough fish? It is a fish species that I have never seen before. It is fishy and fragrant."

"There are only fifty cauldrons, who would like to live with me as a partner."

"No, you're starting to recruit a wife now?"

"That's not what I meant... Hey, it seems to be like that!"

The new residents were at least monks in the spirit refinement realm before, but now they are missing arms and legs, supporting each other to grab these mortal supplies, happy like children.

On Qianyu's side, his soldiers couldn't help swallowing when they saw that a bonfire was going to be set up to cook noodles.

The wheat-colored woman wiped her saliva secretly, "Master Qianyu, it looks delicious over there."

"Wang Xiaoyan, can you be a little smarter!" Seeing her like this, the other soldiers couldn't help complaining about the wheat-skinned woman.

Little did he know that his appearance was not much better than Wang Xiaoyan's.

Qianyu sighed.

Since they came here, they haven't had a good sleep or a meal.

They dare not hunt prey recklessly in Yunxiang Mountain. First, the prey is not easy to catch, and second, the monsters on Yunxian are too powerful. Catching prey will always be in danger of life.

Then there is no firewood, rice, oil and salt, how can you eat well.

And the food in his space ring has been exhausted, and it will be very troublesome to have no food and clothes next.

"Maybe it's our luck to meet this group of people." Qian Yu secretly thought.

As the city lord of the trade city, he still has a lot of spiritual crystals on him. At least, it will be better if he has food to survive this winter.

Wang Xiaoyan punched the palm of his hand, "Lord Qianyu, since we dare not go out to eat in the mountains, why don't we let them sell us the food!"

Qianyu and the others did not dare to go out to enjoy the mountain at random because they were afraid of being caught by people from Tianchen County or Chaolian County.

Thinking of the culprit who made him so embarrassed, Qianyu felt a pain in his heart, followed by the hatred of being betrayed.

"You wait first, I'll negotiate with that person." Qian Yu licked her dry lips, and walked towards Jiang Ran.

"Want to buy food and clothes?" Jiang Ran looked up at Qianyu, which was a little cramped, and didn't try to rob him while it was hot, "Yes."

Qianyu was a little surprised, she didn't expect the woman to agree so readily.

Jiang Ran said, "It's just that the county's current grain reserves are not much, and it can't be sold cheaply,"

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