As a lord, I was forced to farm

Chapter 381 Bingzhi Spirit Insect and Machine Grass Spirit Insect

Chapter 381 Bingzhi Spirit Insect and Thousand Machine Grass Spirit Insect
Jiang Ran finally agreed with Qianyu to provide them with a total of six thousand catties of white flour, one thousand catties of potatoes, three thousand catties of corn bran, and two thousand catties of smoked and dried small sea fish this winter.

White noodles cost 30 silver dollars a catty, potatoes 26 silver dollars a catty, corn bran 27 silver dollars a catty, smoked and dried small sea fish 120 silver dollars a catty.

Generally speaking, the price of grain at this price is on the high side, but if you include the cost of transportation with the teleportation array, this grain price can’t even earn a fraction of the cost. , she doesn't even want to make this money.

Qianyu was also very self-aware and did not bargain.

It's just that [-] catties of food is still too little. If we live frugally, we can probably only feed this group of soldiers for a month and a half.

"Your Excellency, can we really not have more food?" Qianyu had an ugly and pleading expression on his face.

People in high positions are a little embarrassed to beg others, but the bitterness of more than half a month has taught Qianyu what reality is.

But Jiang Ran can't help it. Jiang Ran still has to provide food for the new citizens.

It took only half a year for Suling to improve the farming method. Relying on the power of the wheat spirit monster, the wheat production in the territory was doubled, but the time was too short. The wheat was sold once before, and the wheat reserves in the county were too small.

Potatoes and corn are not much in stock in Zhenyuan and Xinhengzhen warehouses respectively, and they also rely on potato spirits and corn spirits, but the reserves are not as good as the wheat that has been stored in Suling for more than half a year.

When Jiang Ran went back this time, she still had to buy food from the people in the county.

"Wheat, corn and other grains can no longer be sold to you, but if you need them, sea fish can be sold to you. The price of different types of sea fish ranges from a hundred silver to thousands of spirit crystals."

The price of sea fish varies so much, Qianyu is a little surprised, "Okay, we want sea fish, but please try to send us some cheap sea fish."

After speaking, Qianyu immediately paid [-] gold dollars.

With the heavy gold in hand, the newcomers were also full. Seeing that the Jia Bing and the others were leading the crowd to dig a hole, Jiang Ran planned to return to the main city of Suling.

Leaving Snow Wolf and others behind in Dongtian Village, Jiang Ran took the four students, Tianyao Baoshou, Jiang Xiaowen, Li Fusheng, Lin Sha, and Ming Xiao who were hiding in the hidden wind, and returned to Suling by teleportation array.

The air was completely new, and dozens of officials gathered outside to clean up Jiang Ran.

Jiang Ran asked Tian Chi and the others to go back to their respective homes, and went back to Jiang's mansion by himself.

Along the way, she heard the officials chattering around her like a swarm of flies. After Jiang Ran ordered some tasks each, she hurriedly let them disperse.

"My sister usually takes care of everything, but at this time she rushed back, and this group of people blocked my sister. It's really ignorant." Jiang Xiaowen puffed her cheeks and said unhappily.

Jiang Ran touched Jiang Xiaowen, and suddenly realized that the little girl was almost 1.4 meters tall, "I've grown taller, so I can't touch your head anymore."

The Jiang family seems to be pretty tall, and Jiang Fucheng is more than 1.8 meters in impression.

Jiang Xiaowen quickly put Jiang Ran's hand on her hairy head, "I haven't grown taller, sister touch it."

Jiang Ran patted Xiaowen's shoulder with a smile, and then took out a few bottles of Zhu Xuedan, "I'm about to have the strength to open the eighth level of pulse opening, this is for you."

Jiang Xiaowen opened her cat-like eyes and looked curiously at the white porcelain bottle.

Jiang Ran said, "It contains Zhu Xuedan, which has the effect of body training. You can go to Master Hu Chi to discuss it and see what you can do to get the best effect of this pill on your body."

Jiang Xiaowen has a special constitution, and she can't take any pills at will.

"Okay." Jiang Xiaowen nodded obediently.

Jiang Ran had a full meal in Jiang Mansion, and the first thing she did after resting for a quarter of an hour was to go to Biquan Bay.

The Bingzhi Ganoderma is in the process of breaking through, and it has been brewing in the cocoon for a month. Ordinary people can’t see the Bingzhi Ganoderma. Every once in a while, Yushu will give her feedback about the Bingzhi Lingzhi in the county. of growth.

Normally, Zhang Xiaofan and a group of guards guard the important area of ​​Biquan Bay. At the juncture of the evolution of Bingzhi Lingworm and Thousand Machine Grass Spirit Insect, Li Yiniu will also frequently travel between Biquan Bay and Xinheng Town.

This time it happened that Li Yiniu was staying in Biquan Bay.

"I've met the lord!" Li Yiniu widened his eyes in surprise.

Jiang Ran handed over the demon spirits such as the mulberry spirit insect and the bamboo spirit insect to the guard, and asked him to bring these two demon spirits to the mulberry trees and bamboos where they should be.

"Jiu Mi..." Moso Bamboo Spirit Insect was still a little afraid of other people, shrunk its fat body together, and was taken away in a deceitful manner.

The mulberry spirit insect is generous, its Yunze mother mulberry tree is very close to the ice ganoderma field, and even threw itself into the embrace of the mother mulberry tree.

One of the characteristics of Moraine Spirit Soil is that it accumulates cold, so the range of this soil will be colder than the surrounding environment, which is very suitable for the growth of ice-loving plants.

"How's the condition of Ice Ganoderma lucidum?"

"According to your instructions, I have removed the inferior ice ganoderma and weeds to prevent robbing nutrients. Last year's snow came a little late, which slightly affected the ice ganoderma. Fortunately, Mr. Wei Fengsheng took action in time and used his ice power to I tried my best to maintain the comfortable environment that the iced ganoderma needs. Now, I see that the growth of the iced ganoderma is very healthy."

Jiang Ran used the purple jade magic eye to find the location of the Bingzhi Lingworm.

It is being bred safely and stably.

Unlike the Mailingworm who is eager to evolve at the end of its life, the Bingzhi Lingworm is not in a hurry, so it tries its best to accumulate more energy within its own ability to become a better ghost.

Jiang Ran was not in Suling and had always been worried about this little demon spirit, but now she was finally relieved.

"The coldest winter is four or nine days in January. The ice ganoderma will break out of the cocoon after a day or two of the coldest period. At that time, Li Nongsi, you must stay here without leaving."


"How's the condition of the thousand machine grass spirit insect?" Jiang Ran asked.

Biquan Bay didn't grow many thousand-machine grass, so when it evolved, Jiang Ran still sent the thousand-machine grass spirit insect back to a hillside village in Xinheng that specializes in planting thousand-machine grass.

Li Yiniu was a little hesitant, "The timing of the evolution of the Thousand Machine Grass spirit insects is not very good. According to the villagers who planted the Thousand Machine Grass, the Thousand Machine Grass usually germinates in February and grows most luxuriantly in the spring of March. Harvest every month. Then plant again in mid-August in autumn, grow lush from September to October, and harvest in November."

That is to say, unlike the Bingzhi Lingworm, the wood-type Thousand Machine Grass is a kind of plant that likes warmth and coolness, and is neither cold nor heat-tolerant.

After listening to Li Yiniu's words, Jiang Ran sent someone to fill a few large pots of spiritual spring water, took many guards and Li Yiniu, and hurried to Xinhengshanpo Village on a red horse.

It is very cold in winter, and most of the villagers in Shanpo Village are afraid to go out at home.

However, when they heard that the county lord had actually come to their small mountain village, the villagers quickly wrapped themselves in blankets and went out to see it.

(End of this chapter)

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