"Why are there so many outsiders suddenly?"

"It seems that the county lord has come to our Shanpo village, and the village head has gone to entertain the county lord!"

"I heard that the county lord is very beautiful, so let's go out and see!"

"Could it be that some major event happened in Shanpo Village, and the county lord has come!"

The evolution of demon spirits is a relatively confidential matter, and the villagers have no idea that the thousand machine grass spirit insects are evolving here.

It's just that after changing a lord, there are more big shots coming to Shanpo Village, and they seem to value Qianjicao very much.

But other villages also had small officials visiting, persuading farmers to cultivate mulberry trees, and teaching everyone to adapt to local conditions and cultivate rationally.

Moreover, when it was ruled by Yang Hao and when the thousand machine grass was harvested, there were also a large number of people who forcibly took away the thousand machine grass, so the frequent visits of Li Yiniu and others were not so conspicuous.

Jiang Ran accurately found the location of the Thousand Machine Grass Spirit Insect.

Under the white cocoon, there is a faint glint of light, and the body shape of the thousand machine grass spirit insect is changing, developing from a round and fat little insect to a monster.

It's just that it hasn't developed to normal yet, and the hands and feet that haven't grown are a mass of liquid.

Compared to the Bingzhi Spirit Insect, the Thousand Machine Grass Spirit Insect is too weak, and the forest-colored fluorescent light it emits is not normal.

Generally speaking, except for the moment of breaking out of the cocoon, the demon spirits in the process of evolution are reserved, like a miser, unwilling to let go of every trace of energy flowing into their bodies, so the plant it affects will be affected by it. A little more sluggish than usual.

At this time, the Thousand Chance Grass was unable to obtain power from the Thousand Chance Grass because of the cold, so it had to spit out the power of the demon spirit to keep the Thousand Chance Grass alive.

"It's no wonder the number of demon spirits is so small, even if the timing of evolution is unlucky, they will lose their lives..." Jiang Ran's heart trembled.

At this time, Jiang Ran was surrounded by a group of people, and the villagers of Shanpo Village stretched their necks curiously, wanting to have a look at their new lord who looked like a man of God.

But with the guards brought by Jiang Ran, these people couldn't get close.

"County Lord, is the thousand machine grass spirit insect in a bad condition?" Seeing Jiang Ran's frown, Li Yiniu felt a lump in his heart.

"Not very good." Jiang Ran looked at the dwarf Thousand Machine Grass that looked like an eggplant, "The most important thing now is to give the Thousand Machine Grass a warm environment to grow."

"What can I do..." Li Yiniu was also worried, he wanted to light a fire to warm up the Thousand Chance Grass, but in this open field, the temperature lost very quickly, it was useless at all.

"Cover the roof, burn the fire day and night, and wait for the warm air to grow." Jiang Ran's mind spun rapidly, and said, "Hurry up and gather a batch of linen, use wood to build several arched closed rooms, and place charcoal fires at all angles Heat up the shed."

There is no plastic sheeting in Suling like the modern ones, only sackcloth and the like, which have limited thermal insulation effect, and can only store fire day and night to maintain a warm environment.

Li Yiniu was taken aback, he really used fire to warm the Thousand Machine Grass.

That's right, the open and unsheltered field can't lower the temperature, so build a shelter to keep warm!
"Why didn't I think of that!" Li Yiniu couldn't help but slapped himself hard, took out his pamphlet, and asked quickly, "Master, what else can I order?"

The conditions in Suling are relatively simple. If it is freezing cold today and the snow is deep, it may not be enough to build a shed to store fire. "I will bring horse manure from the pasture in Zhenyuan Town as soon as possible, and call the villagers to drench the land with horse manure!"

There are a large number of microorganisms in horse manure, which reproduce, decompose, and ferment, and can generate a large amount of heat.

While solving the problem of temperature, it can also provide the necessary fertilizer for Qianjicao.

The spiritual spring water brought over is now useless.

But using linen to build a greenhouse is accompanied by the problem of light. The linen avoids the light, and the plants cannot grow.

"I don't know if the red and blue luminous pearl can replace the sunlight..." Jiang Ran secretly said.

"Besides... Qianjicao grows on slopes with good drainage, so it's quite difficult to build a shed..." Jiang Ran sighed, and took out another pink stone from Mo Jie.

It is Xiangfei Lighting Stone.

As the name suggests, the Xiangfei Lighting Stone directly acts on the demon spirit and fills it with light.

At that time, Jiang Ran got two super-quality demon spirits, the hundred-year-old wood pith powder and Xiangfei light stone, from Yaobao, and later gave the century-old wood pith powder to the mulberry spirit insects, moso bamboo spirit insects, and holy cotton spirit insects. In order to improve their aptitude, and this concubine Xiang's lighting stone was originally for the Bingzhi spirit worm—after all, it was the demon spirit that followed her at the beginning, and Jiang Ran still prefers the Bingzhi spirit worm.

It's just that she saw that the development of the Bingzhi Grass spirit worm was just right, and adding another Xiangfei Lighting Stone was too much, so she didn't do anything about it, but she didn't expect to use it on the Thousand Machine Grass spirit worm.

The Xiangfei Lighting Stone is the size of a thumb, and it is placed near the white cocoon. The Xiangfei Stone seems to have a natural gravitational force, like a satellite guarding a planet, keeping a distance of three inches, emitting a gentle red light.

With the strange power input, the light of Sen Ying in the Qianjicao cocoon became weaker.

"It works..." Jiang Ran breathed a sigh of relief.

Next, look at the work of other people.

Regardless of whether the Ye Mingzhu works or not, after the greenhouse is built, it is better to get a few Ye Mingzhu and try it out.

It depends on God's will, whether the Thousand Machine Grass Spirit Insect can evolve into a monster or not depends entirely on one's own good fortune.


During the cultivation, a few more days passed quickly, the first three days of the coming-of-age ceremony.

Under the leadership of Jia Bing, the new residents of Xiaoliangshan opened up three more caves, squeezed together, and with tents, they could barely survive this winter.

Another batch of supplies was sent to Dongtian Village, along with the food ordered by Qianyu.

The thirteen snow wolves have great appetites, and the food Jiang Ran sent over did not have the same share as the snow wolves. Fortunately, the new villagers would ride the snow wolves and let them hunt for food. Surprisingly, they could even give it to the villagers of Dongtian Village. We bring some meat.

On the Qianjicao side, the shed with a radius of about 500 meters around the spirit insect was quickly built. The warm fire in the shed was burning, and the frost quickly melted.

The light of the forest firefly around the Thousand Machine Grass Spirit Insect completely disappeared, but there was a steady stream of green light linking the Thousand Machine Grass and the Thousand Machine Grass Spirit Insect, forming a network to transmit energy to the demon spirit.

On this day, Wu Yun anxiously brought a volume of essays to the Lord's Mansion.

On Jiang Ran's first day back in the county, all the officials were asked to perform their duties and arranged some work respectively, while what Wu Yun had to do was to prepare the budget.

"My lord, please read." Wu Yun handed in the notes.

The income of the territory is increasing, and without a prior budget, it is easy to make troubles.

At present, the territory can steadily earn [-] spirit crystals every month, and half of the spirit crystals earned by the territory must be distributed to the lord in advance, that is, there are [-] spirit crystals remaining for the construction of the territory.

On this basis, the monthly expenditures of the territory are allocated.

To be honest, it was too difficult for Wu Yun, who is a "money fan", to allocate funds. After compiling this budget table, I almost killed myself...

After Jiang Ran read it, she adjusted and increased some expenses appropriately.

Under the final version, it is mainly divided into seven categories, and the main expenditures and percentages are:

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