Generally speaking, because a craftsman needs to hold tools such as hammer heads and carving knives, his hands will become very rough after long-term work.

However, Jiang Ran noticed that Huang Yi's hands were well maintained, her fingers were as delicate and long as a delicate girl, and her nails were extremely neatly trimmed.

The clothes on her body are not like ordinary things, a beautiful brown dress, if there are pearls to protect her body, it is clearly a robe of the prefecture level.

Huang Yi is good at clothes, and specializes in magic tools such as hairpins and clothing, and her well-maintained hands seem to be her secret skill.

Jiang Ran nodded lightly, motioning for them to sit down opposite, and then asked Huang Yi, "How is Master Huang here? Is there any inconvenience in life?"

Huang Yiping seems to be the unspoken and smiling type in daily life, with little expression on his face, recalling Jiang Ran's words, he is also straight and upright, "Yes, thank you for your care, the old man has no worries about food and clothing, Master Bai treats me with respect And, everything is fine."

"Well, that's good." Jiang Ran was not very good at getting along with such people, so she lowered her head and took a sip of water.

Unexpectedly, Huang Yi said with a serious face, "Jiang County, I heard that you have a top-quality spirit cloth called 'Suxiang' in your hand, can you borrow it?"

Jiang Ran was a little surprised that she made such a request, but she did not refuse, and took out two bolts of Suxiang cloth from Mo Jie.

The two bolts of silk have the same natural purity and incomparable delicacy.

With a solemn expression, Huang Yi carefully took two bolts of plain silk from Jiang Ran.

Very good color, very soft to the touch, but very flexible... There is no temperature fluctuation, as if immersed in the fluctuation of water.

Huang Yi was secretly amazed.

Then, her fingers brushed across the cloth, and a gentle spiritual force suddenly flowed into it, and every strand of the cloth could be transmitted very well and evenly.

Burning fire but not burning, soaking in water but not getting wet.

However, Huang Yi's expression suddenly turned ugly, with a distressed feeling that good things were being ruined, and the wrinkles on his face became more obvious because of this, "Waste the world! Waste the world! This weaving technique is too rough, it's a waste of time." Such good material!"

Jiang Ran just lowered her head and drank her tea.

She also feels that the weaving technology needs to be improved.

Suxiang Silk can do better.

In particular, the current Silver Crystal Phantasmal Butterfly and Magic Silkworm are currently magical beasts of the Meridian Gathering level. If they are cultivated at a higher level, they can spit out better silk.

And if the magic silkworms and butterflies want to grow up quickly, it depends on what kind of quality mulberry leaves the mulberry spirit insects can breed.

Huang Yi returned the two bolts of Suxiang silk to Jiang Ran, but hesitated to speak at the same time.

Jiang Ran put down the porcelain cup, "Master Huang, if you have something to say, say it."

Bai Lifei, "Aunt Huang, the county magistrate is an open-minded person, you don't need to worry too much, just say what you want."

Seeing this, Huang Yi sat up straighter, "The old man just said it straight. Mr. Jiang County, can you hand over the Suxiang cloth workshop to the old man for management and teaching? In addition, the old man wants to create another one by himself. The refining room is dedicated to the refining of clothing and accessories."

Suxiang cloth workshop is the largest cloth workshop in Suling, and it is also a cloth workshop managed by the government.

Jiang Ran looked at Huang Yi steadfastly. Her facial features were deep and her eyes were deep. When she looked directly at people like this, her eyes were very sharp. Create a refining room for you, what can you bring me?"

"Suxiang silk with higher quality, if Jiang County provides continuous silk, within a year, I can bring no less than [-] bolts of Suxiang cloth to Suling."

Huang Yi's voice was hoarse and deep, "As far as I know, there is no one in Suling who can make robes at present. If Jiang County can help me to set up a refining room, I can make Jiangxian a Bring fifty earth-level robes."

What Huang Yi said about building a practice room for her was not just to give her a house, but to provide her with people, equipment, and funds.

It's almost the same as what Jiang Ran gave Bai Lifei, but Bai Lifei's presence with her is equivalent to a ten-year contract of prostitution.

Jiang Ran raised her left eyebrow lightly, "Where does the refining room belong?"

Huang Yi: "The refining room belongs to the old body. Within five years, the old body can only pay a fixed fee for each magic weapon."

Jiang Ran lost interest, lowered her eyes and said, "Don't talk about it."

Bai Lifei laughed secretly at the side.

The county owner has a tough temper and doesn't like to bargain with others.

Huang Yi's series of plans seemed to bring a lot to Suling, but after careful planning, it was the county magistrate Jiang who contributed money and effort, and paid her, but she clearly only wanted to work for the county magistrate for five years. After finishing the work, take all the refining room away.

They are very short of talents in Suling, but under the encouragement of County Lord Jiang, they believe that talents will always flow in.

Huang Yi didn't expect Jiang Ran to refuse so quickly.

Jiang Ran waved his hand, "Master Huang, Bai Lifei and I still have something to discuss."

Huang Yi got up indifferently, and when she went out, she still couldn't help but said, "Don't talk about the refining room, what about the cloth workshop...?"

"Lin Sha will look for you."

Huang Yi was no stranger to the name Lin Sha, turned around and cupped his fists, "Thank you, Lord County Lord."

There were no footsteps outside the door, and Bai Lifei couldn't help laughing, "Master Huang probably doesn't want to be restrained, and he doesn't want to hand over his hard work after five years."

This painstaking effort includes cultivating successful apprentices, developing new instruments, and so on.

"People, funds, and equipment are all provided by me, and I have also paid for it. Is there any problem?" Jiang Ran was not soft-hearted at all.

Of course, it's okay for Huang Yi to fight for his own interests, but Jiang Ran can choose not to accept it.

Huang Yi is not the only refiner, at least there are a lot in Mingxiao Academy, and she is also a "buddy" with a heavenly refiner. Is she proud?

"Of course it's okay." Bai Lifei naturally stood by Jiang Ran's side, and he took a sip of water and asked with a smile, "The county lord came here specially this time, what's the matter?"

Jiang Ran asked, "Is the ax for cutting down the iron birch ready?"

"Of course." Bai Lifei stood up, "You follow me."

Bai Lifei brought Jiang Ran to the warehouse.

Jiang Ran's eyes immediately locked on the four Fengling ships in the warehouse, "Are these four Fengling ships finished?"

"There is another one that has been completed, but it has not yet tried its voyage. The other three are mid-level earth-level spirit ships." Bai Lifei was quite proud when he saw the four wind spirit ships.

Jiang Ran, "Have you reported it?" Only after reporting to the higher authorities can Bai Lifei get the money from the Fengling ship, because it was agreed at the beginning that it was a commission agreement.

"Except for the Fengling ship that has not yet tried its voyage, all others have been reported."

Jiang Ran's eyes brightened slightly, "So, then I'll take it first."

Mo Jie is big enough, and the three Fengling ships can still fit there.

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