Bai Lifei took down a big stone blue ax from the wall, and handed it to Jiang Ran carefully, "This is the ax that can chop down iron birch trees, called the birch leaf axe."

The birch leaf ax no longer belongs to the category of ordinary utensils. It has carved spirits and special materials. Although it is only a low-grade mortal, it is undoubtedly a magic utensil.

Bai Lifei watched as Jiang Ran took the ax and chopped down a piece of iron birch in his hand. With less than [-]% strength, probably the strength of an ordinary woman, a half-centimeter cut appeared on the iron birch. mark.

Of course, the birch-leaf ax blade was unscathed, still shining sharply and brightly.

Jiang Ran swung it a few more times, about six or seven times, before a piece of iron birch that was as thick as an arm broke completely. There seemed to be a hint of satisfaction on Mingzhu's dizzy face, and Bai Lifei felt quite proud when he saw it.

I just heard Jiang Ran say, "This iron birch branch is really strong enough."

The pride in Bai Lifei's heart suddenly split into two stiffly.

Your satisfaction is not with my axe, but with the branches!
Thinking of his self-satisfaction just now, Bai Lifei was thankful that he didn't show his feelings on his face, otherwise it would be really embarrassing!
However, Jiang Ran swung the ax just now, not only to test the strength of the iron birch branches, but also to experience the use of the birch leaf axe.

A good word is three winters warm, and the skill of controlling one's subordinates lies in distinguishing rewards and punishments.Jiang Ran handed the iron birch branch and the birch-leaf ax to Bai Lifei, and without waiting for him to lose, he immediately praised, "Master Bai is indeed an excellent craftsman, you put your heart into it, and the birch-leaf ax is very good!" It is light, even ordinary women with less strength can swing it easily, which is just what I need."

Bai Lifei turned his worries into joy, "My lord praises you."

It doesn't have to be the best to make a magic weapon with extremely high lethality, the most important thing is the fit.

The main force of the tree-cutting army is not monks, but ordinary people.

Giving an earth-level sharp magic weapon ax to an ordinary person to chop down trees is undoubtedly asking agarwood to be used as firewood-a waste of money.

Moreover, Bai Lifei took into account the lack of strength of ordinary people, so he specially replaced the wooden handle with iron birch, and wrapped a thin layer of tendon leather to reduce the friction damage to the palm, which can reduce pain and allow people to work for a longer time .

The Kering used should be equipped with a weak wind balance technique. The power is very weak, but subtly, it can correct the improper posture and cause the ax to float and fail to cut down trees. In this way, you can concentrate more when cutting trees. Help the user quickly cut down trees, and also slow down the breakage of the axe.

But Jiang Ran asked a question that he was very concerned about, "How much does this birch leaf ax cost, and can it be mass-produced?"

Bai Lifei turned around and took out a scroll from a box, and presented it to Jiang Ran.

Jiang Ran opened the scroll suspiciously, and found that it was the blueprint for making the birch leaf axe, which contained various parameters of the axe, including the consumption and consumption of materials.

Bai Lifei said at the same time, "The wooden handle of the birch leaf ax is fine. The iron birch wood used is inexhaustible on Wulian Qingshan. If this birch leaf ax is made by the county lord, the material itself can be ignored. For cost, the only thing you need is to settle the labor cost. The leather gauntlet can be added or not, and it can also be replaced with rubber bands from other cheap animals. The wooden handle of an ax only costs a few dozen silver coins..."

Jiang Ran nodded slightly.

Iron birch is as hard as iron and lighter than iron, making it more expensive than iron, so there is no problem.

If someone else made a birch leaf ax and needed to buy iron birch from her, the cost of the wooden handle of that ax would definitely increase by another two or three gold dollars.

"...The main part is the axe. You need a magic core of the first and second level of the pulse-opening state, half a catty of Xuanhan iron stone and three gold iron stones. The first-level magic core of the vein opening is worth about [-] crystals. Xuanhan Tiemo About thirty to fifty crystals per catty, iron stone..."

Because the main function is to cut trees, in order to reduce the cost, only a small amount of black iron is needed to increase the hardness of the ax head, and it is generally made of ordinary iron.

Bai Lifei talked endlessly, listing all the materials and costs used in the birch leaf axe, "...the materials, the charcoal and wood energy consumed, plus manpower compensation, the value of a birch leaf ax is between 120 and 130 five crystals. between."

Compared with the price of a few gold dollars for an ordinary iron axe, these more than 100 crystals are ten thousand times more expensive, which seems to be very expensive, but the cost of a mortal low-grade magic weapon is only more than 100 crystals, which is undoubtedly cheap. .

Although it is used to look at iron birch trees, it is also a powerful weapon in essence. Using a birch leaf ax to chop the bones of ordinary cattle and sheep is as simple as peeling tofu!
Jiang Ran frowned slightly, and paid attention to one point, "Is the price of Xuanhan Iron fluctuating so much?"

Bai Lifei smiled wryly, and reminded, "My lord, the value of Xuanhan Iron itself does not fluctuate, but we don't have Xuanhan Iron Mine in Suling!"

At present, most of the materials used by Bai Lifei to refine the magic weapon were brought by Jiang Ran from Mingxiao or Tianchen County.

However, as a lord, the most important thing for her is to cultivate and govern the city-state, so how can she help bring things every day when she is free.

Among the surrounding territories, only Zhuoli County has a small and medium-sized Xuanhan Iron Mine.

But as I mentioned before, as a newly promoted county that makes a lot of money by selling seafood, the high-ranking people in other territories are dissatisfied with this, and they all intend to suppress Suling, so they are unwilling to associate with him.

If it weren't for the salt and iron in Suling, I'm afraid they would have wanted to forbid the merchants in their own territory to do business in Xinheng.

In this way, don't even think that Zhuoli County will export Xuanhan Iron to Suling.

The sun shines into the barn through the gaps in the windows, and the fine dust swirls in the light beams, just like Jiang Ran's complicated thoughts.

I also heard Bai Lifei say, "Xuanhan iron is light and strong. Whether it is used to make axes for cutting iron birch trees or as an auxiliary material for iron birch for shipbuilding, it is an excellent material."

Bai Lifei: "Zhuoli County is rich in Xuanhan iron ore. If we can buy a large amount of Xuanhan iron, ocean-going ships will be within reach, and we at Suling can reach farther places by boat!"

During the month when Jiang Ran left the county, two ships from the county sailed in the waters of Suyuan from time to time.

Bai Lifei had already thoroughly grasped the refining method of the Fengling Ship, and wanted to study some new magic weapons next, but he still had no idea what to refine, and he was puzzled, and saw the faces of the sailors during the day. Excited to pull the boat to patrol the ocean and go fishing.

So out of curiosity, he took a boat ride once and saw the vastness of the sea, and a passion for long-distance sailing arose in his heart.

But...'The existing ships in the county are too fragile in the ocean, and it takes a lot of energy for the boatmen to repair them for almost one voyage. '

'The speed of sailing is also too slow. '

'What if there are powerful monsters in the water, what can be put on the boat for defense and attack? '

'Want to create French boats that meet every need. '

'Is there a ship that can fly? '

'Is it possible to dive the boat deeper? ! '

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