Bai Lifei hoped that Jiang Ran could provide stable Xuanhan Iron, "At present, there is a shortage of Xuanhan Iron, and it is very difficult to mass-produce the Birch Leaf Axe."

In this way, Suling faced the same problem as when he was short of iron, but Jiang Ran obviously couldn't extend his wolf claws to Xinzhuoli County like last time.

If this county can stand in the corner of Yunshang for a hundred years, its strength must be impressive.

Jiang Ran secretly thought that it was time to change the current situation.

It is easy to say that a weak country has no diplomacy. Although Suling is still young, can you say that it is weak?
To say it is weak, but there is a sea-consciousness monk and an unknown sea-consciousness monster in the territory, and she and Bai Mei have also arrived at the mysterious bone realm, and a group of powerful fresh blood has entered the town.

However, to say that it is powerful is not always the case.

Su Ling's strength is only in the head, and the opinions of the head are free, although they may not be rebellious, but they may not be concentrated to be driven by her.The loyal limbs are just developing like a baby.

The army is not in scale, the total number of combat power is much smaller than that of other counties, and the logistics cannot keep up.

Jiang Ran said, "I will find a way to solve Xuanhantie's problem. Master Bai is diligent and diligent, and his figure has lost weight. I still have a red scale fish in my house. I will give it to Master Bai to replenish his body at night."

Red scale fish!
This kind of good stuff is rare. Generally, only the Lord's Mansion has red scale fish. Occasionally, one or two are released in the market, but they are always snatched away in a short while.

Bai Lifei's eyes lit up, and he immediately cupped his hands, "Thank you, County Lord, for your kindness."

Bai Lifei and other people in the refining workshop respectfully sent Jiang Ran away.

After chatting with Bai Lifei, at the court meeting the next day, Jiang Ran asked the officials to discuss how to get Zhuoli County to agree to sell Xuanhan Iron to Suling.

A faint crescent moon was falling in the sky, leaving only afterimages, the sky was hazy, and it was very quiet and peaceful at this time.

Officials waited outside the door early, some were lighting lanterns, and occasionally some officials greeted and chatted with each other, and sometimes, one or two unreal cock crows could be heard from a distance.

Qiu Baishui yawned, and said with tears in his eyes, "The chickens in Aojia Village are really on time, and my wife doesn't need to wake me up."

"Don't say it, it's really loud."

At six o'clock in the morning, the gate of the city court opened, and Lin Sha and other officials entered one by one.

The rebuilt court has a lot of style, the color of the painted glass collides with the smooth marble, and the night pearls are bright, like a dream.

In the corner, charcoal fires were ignited in the carved and inlaid stoves, which made the officials cool off their bodies.

The number of officials is still small, but they are uniformly dressed, standing indoors in an orderly manner, not to mention, it really has a bit of flavor.

After all, Suling County is not big, and there are not too many things to do. If there is nothing special, the meeting can be dismissed in about half an hour, but if there are too many things, the morning meeting will last for two or three hours.

As usual, after listening to the reports of the various ministries, Jiang Ran brought up the matter of Xuan Hantie.

Lin Sha was dressed in a purple official uniform, and he was very clear. He stepped forward and said, "Why don't you use Xiang Yun as your envoy and go to Zhuoli County?"

As one of the officials of the Ministry of Rites, Yun Xiang accompanied Jiang Ran when he went to Xinheng Town to buy iron stones.

But Zhuoli County is not so easy to go to. This time without Jiang Ran, it might be life-threatening.

Jiang Ran cast her eyes on Yun Xiang, but saw that the man with gray temples showed no fear on his face.

Speaking of it, it may be because Su Ling is still very young, so whether it is the people or officials in the county, they are all full of aggressive wolf nature, even Yun Xiang, who is over half a hundred years old.

He simply took two steps forward, "I am willing to do my best for the lord."

"Okay." Jiang Ran stood up, walked to the center of the hall, and gave Yun Xiang a few things.

A piece of talisman with the seal of Suling Jade, which is what the appointed ambassador of a representative sent by one city to another city must bring. The Suling talisman is made of a very hard jade shell.

A red dagger is an earth-level magic weapon, which is handed over to Yun Xiang for self-defense. The reason why it is a dagger is because the weapon like a sword is too obvious and may not be brought in.

One rein, Jiang Ran wants to give Yunxiang a horse, Zhuoli County is still a long way from Suling County, it may take two days and two nights to walk.

"My envoy of Suling, you don't need to be too humble. If the people of other cities dare to do something rude, just use this dagger." The fierceness contained in it moved everyone present.

Yun Xiang faced Jiang Ran directly, and was even more shocked by the strength of the words.

What does it mean?If Zhuoli County wants to hurt him, can he be forgiven for stabbing the head of Zhuoli County?
Of course, Yun Xiang would not be so reckless, but as an envoy, the most comfortable thing is undoubtedly that there is a powerful leader behind him who can back him up.

Qiu Baishui stopped dozing off after entering the courtyard.

Recently, the icy aura of the county lord has become more and more restrained, but the oppression of being a superior has not diminished at all.

Qiu Baishui has an arrogant personality, and he likes the "arrogance" in Jiang Ran very much.

He and Lin Sha can be regarded as lord boasting, but in the past there may have been a bit of flattery, but now it can only be sincere.

Yun Xiang's chest swelled twice, lowered his head, and respectfully took the things Jiang Ran handed over with both hands, "I will do my best."

Jiang Ran said, "Yunqing's family is the minister of the humerus in Suling County. The journey is far away, so pay attention to ensuring your health."


Yun Xiang retreated to the team excitedly, but the court meeting was not over yet.

Right now, Lin Sha mentioned another very important matter, that is the annual literary and martial arts test!
Last year's official selection test was given by Jiang Ran herself, but she definitely doesn't have so much time and energy to compile the test papers now.

The literary test and the martial arts test are staggered. The military test is scheduled for June, and the literary test is in April. The literary test is still two months away, and the time is very urgent. It is better to leave it to Lin Sha and the others to draft the test papers first. Finally handed it over to her.

The one-hour court meeting ended, and the next day, Yun Xiang got into the carriage and led two guards, facing the strong rising sun in the distance, and disappeared into the horizon.

At the same time, Tian Chi and other Mingxiao students are going back to Mingxiao City.

Tian Chi's father, Tian Jing, was stationed at the Fenghuang-Zhenyuan border and had not returned. It was his mother Gu Yulian who came out to see him off.

Mrs. Tian looked kindly, and gave Tian Chi a word of advice, "Go to the academy and study hard, and don't disappoint the little lord's expectations of you."

Touched Qingming's head, and looked at the little spider on top of his head, "Treat your two friends well."

"Oh, I see, mother, you have said it many times!"

Mrs. Tian blamed her, and deliberately covered her face and wept, "Look at you, when you grow up, you will dislike your mother's verbosity."

Tian Chi: ...

My mother is a showman, it's really annoying.

He said helplessly, "Okay, mother, don't cry, if my father finds out, he will break my leg."

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