As a lord, I was forced to farm

Chapter 403 Big Red Scale Fish

Gradually, the Huoqiong Demon Whale could no longer be seen. Jiang Ran's eyes were far away, and she didn't know what she was thinking.

It can be said that everyone took out all their strength to feed, and fell on the deck after getting out of danger. At this time, there was still a strange silence, and everyone could not extricate themselves from the lingering fear.

Hu Lian also panted fiercely, but the difference was that the light in his eyes became brighter and brighter.

"My lord, do you know this huge monster? I just heard you call it a magic whale." Yaobao hid in the wind, and Chen Guangyu ordered the soldiers to stay by Jiang Ran's side immediately.

Jiang Ran nodded, and repeated what she had said to Yao Bao.

"Sure enough, the ocean is amazing, but it's also too dangerous." They can be said to have walked at the gate of the underworld.

"Is it my illusion? It feels a lot hotter." Someone was sweating profusely and frequently wiped his face with his sleeve.

At this time, everyone was already very close to the Huolei Stone Mine.

"There are a lot of fish under the water." Hu Lian put his hands on the edge of the boat, stretched his neck and looked down, "There are red scale fish!"

The word red scale fish caught everyone's ears at once, and everyone went forward to look at it regardless of fatigue.

A few red-scaled fish jumped out of the sponge, and the waves they set off formed a beautiful rainbow under the sunshine.

"Really, a lot of red scale fish! What a big one!"

When fishermen's luck explodes at the seaside, they can occasionally pick up some stranded red-scaled fish, but those red-scaled fish are not big, basically only the size of a palm, and the jumping red-scaled fish is as big as half a piece. meters long!

"Oh hoo hoo!!! Get rich, get rich!!!" Many people made monkey-like voices, eager to jump into the sea to catch fish.

Chen Mo stopped being silent, his eyes straightened, and he murmured, "What are you doing tonight? Sweet and sour, steamed, grilled, boiled..."

Chen Guangyu was a little jealous, "My lord, do you want to set up a net to catch these red scale fish?"

Bai Mei and Yaobao couldn't wait to pick up two red scale fish from the water, and the tender fish meat stimulated their flesh and blood to writhe.

Yaobao ate his mouth full, "Sure enough, the red scale fish is the best, Gulu..."

The warm atmosphere also infected Jiang Ran, and she couldn't help licking her slightly dry lower lip.

Even though there was a scene of seeing a school of magnificent red scale fish jumping out of the water before, but at this time, he still couldn't completely calm down.

"The speed of the red scale fish is extremely fast, and it may be difficult for ordinary boats to catch the red scale fish." Although the red scale fish is not strong in attack, its speed is too fast. A few minutes faster.

However, there are so many red scale fishes, and you can always catch a few of them once you set up the net.

And this time there is a big ship that can be transported, and more can be caught back, which is all money.

Jiang Ran immediately said to Chen Guangyu, "Catch, use the Fengling ship to set up a trawl, and catch near here. Don't go too far away."

They are currently at the very edge of the red scale fish habitat. Jiang Ran still remembers driving a hundred kilometers further, and there is a powerful ancient red carp in the center.

"Yes!!" Chen Guangyu was beaming with joy, and hurried to make arrangements.

"Boy Hu Lian, come here!" Chen Guangyu yelled, Hu Lian rolled up his sleeves and trouser legs, and ran over in a hurry.

"My lord, what's the matter?"

Chen Guangyu patted him on the shoulder and said, "Your boy is strong and capable, do you want to board the Fengling Ship?"

Although Hu Lian is young, he works steadily. It is said that he is now a monk at the fifth level of the Meridian Opening Realm.

Moreover, his ability to "identify fish by listening to the sound" is miraculous. This is a rare opportunity to be escorted by the county lord to fish. This opportunity should not be missed, and he can catch as many fish as he can.

Hu Lian's eyes lit up, and he said loudly, "I want to!"

"Okay! He is a good man from Suling!" Chen Guangyu laughed twice, then lowered his head and said softly, "The county master is watching, you work hard."

A warm current surged in Hu Lian's heart, "Yes!"

When Hu Lian boarded the Fengling Ship, Chen Guangyu shouted, "Don't take it lightly, little ones, this red scale fish is very big, don't let the big fish slap you into the sea with one tail, there will be no one to save you then you!!"

"Hahaha." Everyone laughed, "I don't know, leader, but if you fall into the water, don't worry!!! We will save you!!"

"Don't be poor! The lookouts on the ship are always vigilant. If they find danger, they immediately wave the flag and ring the bell! The rest of the people are ready to respond. The red scale fish on the ship is caught, and the fish is immediately moved to the live water tank!"


On Hu Lian's side, several sailors poured thousands of crystals into the two Fengling ships. The brown-red haired woman who said she was going to investigate the situation before felt a little bit of pain, "This one-time, thousands of crystals Woolen cloth!"

If a Fengling ship is running at full speed, it will burn seven or eight hundred crystals in a quarter of an hour.

"Zhao Xiaoyun, don't be mother-in-law, if we can catch a red scale fish, we will make a lot of money this trip, you know!" someone shouted.

Zhao Xiaoyun rolled his eyes, "Who is a mother-in-law, can I just sigh!" As he said, he simply poured a bunch of pure crystals into the crystal tank.

Hu Lian was always paying attention to the situation on the bottom of the sea. The Fengling ship set sail and rushed out like an arrow, drawing a white spray behind it.

The red scale fish had never seen such a strange creature, but they had the experience of being chased and gnawed by various creatures, so they fled in a hurry.

It's a pity that the big net is ruthless, and there are always a few unlucky or slower partners who are caught.

"Big harvest." Jiang Ran stood at the bow of the boat, watching Bai Mei dive into the water and drive the red scale fish towards the big net.

The time interval for the Fengling Ship to swim with the net is relatively short, once every half an hour, and it can catch seven or eight big fish at a time.

The average size of these red scale fish can reach fifty catties a piece, and Jiang Ran even saw a giant red scale fish three meters long!

"Clap clap clap!!"

This three-meter-long red scale fish took a lot of effort from everyone to collect this fish.

This three-meter-long giant was still restless on the deck, and it was still struggling wildly in the net bag when it was out of the water. The huge fish tail made a crackling sound on the deck, making the whole ship shake wildly!
The scales of this red-scaled fish are extremely smooth, with a magnificent color.

Chen Guangyu was overjoyed, but saw the red scale fish began to tear the fishing net, and his face changed drastically in a blink of an eye, "It's not good, if it struggles again, the fishing net will be broken!"

There are only three trawl nets!

Jiang Ran didn't rush, and with Yaobao's secret help, the giant fish floated up, and Chen Guangyu untied the fishing net from the red scale fish with his mouth open.

I also saw the power of frost emerging from Jiang Ran's hands, freezing the red scale fish to the ground.

Under the rapid freezing, the fish did not actually die. After the frost melted, it could be alive and kicking again.

The three-meter-long red scale fish with the waist of a large bucket is considered to be a top-grade fish, relatively rare, and it would be a waste of money to directly kill and bleed it.

If it is an ordinary marine fish, it may die as soon as it is caught, but the red scale fish has relatively strong vitality and can withstand the pressure difference when it is caught.

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