"Chen Guangyu, come and measure the size and weight of this fish." Jiang Ran said to Chen Guangyu who was a little dazed.

"Oh, good." Chen Guangyu immediately brought a ruler and a huge steelyard.

"My lord, he is ten feet eight inches long and weighs 760 pounds!!" Chen Guangyu grinned, "What a fat fish."

The green flag marlin sold for more than [-] spirit crystals before, and this red scale fish can be sold for no less than this price.

"This red scale fish is so big!" Yaobao tugged at Jiang Ran's sleeve, "Ran Ran, can I eat it?"

"This one won't work." Jiang Ran said softly.

Yaobao was a little disappointed, its eyes looked smaller in a sluggish state.

Jiang Ran said at this time, "Don't be disappointed, I will show you a more beautiful one if I have a chance."

Yaobao didn't know what Jiang Ran was planning, but when he heard that there was something more delicious, he immediately became amused.

Chen Guangyu and others continued to fish in this area. The watchman set up his binoculars to look around. Jiang Ran looked at the sky. At this time, mottled pink and purple appeared on the sky, as if there was a faint twilight of the setting sun that was about to faint.

There is still about half an hour before dusk, and after dusk, it will soon be dark.

"Do you want to spend the night at sea..." Jiang Ran secretly took out the cat's eyes.

The habitat of the red scale fish is not close to Suyuanhai, and everyone else is mentally prepared to spend the night at sea.

It’s just that the ocean at night is more dangerous. The weather on the sea surface at night changes greatly, and there may be extreme weather such as heavy rain and strong wind.

But this is not the most deadly, if a powerful monster touches this piece and pokes a hole out of the boat, even a god can't save them.

But Jiang Ran still has cards in her hand, one is the teleportation array, as long as she puts one end of the teleportation array on the boat, the group of them can be teleported to Suling immediately.

However, the teleportation array is too expensive, and it is completely helpless to use it in this kind of place, so it is not necessary, and Jiang Ran does not want to use this method.

The other is to go ashore.

At the beginning, when she and Bai Mei drove the Fengling Ship to look for the school of red scale fish, they actually found many small islands, and there was one nearby.

It's just that she was rushing back and didn't check out these small islands one by one.

The risk now is that they don't know whether the island is dangerous or not, but Jiang Ran has a cat's eye, and their humans are more suitable for activities on land. It is safer to go to the island than to stay at sea.

"Chen Guangyu, close the net, we are leaving here." Jiang Ran called back to Chen Guangyu who wanted to continue to open the net.

"Ah... oh, good!" They haven't stayed here for an hour, and the county lord is going back after catching a big red scale fish?
Chen Guangyu, who was in the excitement of a big harvest, was splashed with a bucket of cold water. After calming down, he took a look at the sky, and his face suddenly changed.

"Close the net!"

Chen Guangyu was a little annoyed that he forgot to pay attention to the time, and asked Jiang Ran, "My lord, we may not be able to go back to Suling today, what should we do next?"

"There is a small island near here, let's go there."


Relying on Yaobao's ability to control the wind and Baimei's ability to control the water flow, the two boats sailed for a quarter of an hour, and the lookout could see a "V"-shaped island.

This small island is not necessarily bigger than Suyuan Island. It is not a desert island. The island is full of greenery, and there may be some animals living there.

"Wow, the lord is really amazing, there really is an island!"

"Will there be any danger?"

A cat's eye rose to the top of the island, quietly observing the situation of the city. For a long time, Jiang Ran didn't find anything special, but for safety, she still asked Yaobao, "Yaobao, do you feel anything?" in danger?"

Yaobao shook his head, and later realized that Jiang Ran might not be able to see him hiding in the blue wind, so he said softly, "No Gulu."

The boat changed its direction slightly, and entered the island at the beach with a deep V-back.

A group of people pushed the boat to the shallow water on the beach and fixed the boat to prevent it from being washed away by the waves.

Chen Guangyu: "Be vigilant, beware of poisonous snakes and beasts, Zhao Xiaoyun team, you go to the front to investigate the situation first." Among the fifty soldiers in the naval regiment, monks accounted for one-third, and the rest were also a group of well-trained The soldiers, hearing the words, drew out their sharp knives one after another, and quickly explored within a kilometer radius.

"Zheng Xiaoman, you bring a few people to stand by the lord's side and protect the lord!"

"The rest of the people go to collect firewood and set up camp." Chen Guangyu looked at the young man who was always with the cooking guy, and said politely to Chen Mo, "Chef Chen, please prepare dinner for us today."

Chen Mo: "OK."

"Oh, by the way, Hu Lian, take a few fishermen to drain the blood of the sea fish, and give priority to the red scale fish." The sea fish must be bled in time, otherwise the fish will not be fresh, and today's work will be in vain.


The afterglow of the setting sun turned everyone's faces orange-yellow. Under Chen Guangyu's arrangement, dozens of people took action immediately.

Chen Guangyu made no mistakes in his arrangements, so Jiang Ran kept silent and looked at the environment of this small island.

"Ho Ho~" Hungry~
"I'm hungry too." Yaobao continued.

Jiang Ran acted nonchalantly, "Hold it."

With big blue eyes open, Bai Mei sat cross-legged on the ground obediently, "Ho Ho." Okay.

"Gulu!" Yaobao made a face at Jiang Ran and stuck out his tongue vigorously.

On the surface, this small island looks like an ordinary small island. Seeing that it will take a while for the camp to be set up, and it will take more than half an hour for Chen Mao to have dinner, Jiang Ran simply boarded the fishing boat to see Hu Lian and the others. Handle fish.

With Jiang Ran staring at them, Hu Lian and the others were visibly cramped.

Just as Jiang Ran was thinking about not embarrassing them and leaving here, Hu Lian glanced at her with unique gentle eyes, eyes that looked like wet deer, "That... county lord, the fishy smell here... ..."

"It's okay, I've been at sea all day today, and I already smell fishy." Jiang Ran didn't leave, and leaned lazily on the arm of the boat with her chest folded, without any seriousness as a lord, she looked down Looking at Hu Lian, the future pillar she is very optimistic about, "Your cultivation has improved rapidly, are you happy at school?"

"I am very happy at school, I can learn a lot, and have many friends..." Hu Lian looked very ashamed when he heard Jiang Ran's praise, "Thank you, Mr. County Lord, for the compliment, but I am still far away. If I am stronger , Commander Chen will send me as a vanguard to explore the island... ah... the villain is not dissatisfied with dealing with the red scale fish here, it's just..."

In a panic, Hu Lian almost cut his hand with the fish planing knife.

"It's a good thing to be aggressive, and you don't need to explain anything." Jiang Ran smiled, "Perhaps, Chen Guangyu valued you so much that he was reluctant to let you have an accident, and arranged you here to fish."

"Yes, I am very grateful to Commander Chen for his care."

"How is your brother now?"

"Very good, I don't have to worry about food and clothing. I officially entered the path of cultivation two months ago, and now I am a monk at the third level of the Meridian Opening..."

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