As a lord, I was forced to farm

Chapter 405 Protecting Our Treasures

Chapter 405 Protecting Our Treasures

It seems that the two brothers are both cultivation geniuses.

As a lord, he had to personally understand the life of the people below. After chatting for a while, Hu Lian and the others were also quite fast, and the red scale fish they caught were not small, so their work was not so detailed, and it was relatively easy.And in the process of fishing before, someone was bled on the side of the fish. Hu Lian and the others only had to deal with the last few nets.

So Hu Lian and the others have almost done their work.

Finally, Jiang Ran glanced at the red scale fish in the living water tank, and felt that there was a ton of red scale fish in more than an hour today.

Although Suling’s fishing boats look like paper, driving in the sea is always frightening, fearing that they will be sunk by powerful monsters, but a medium-sized fishing boat with a length of 45, among other things, is quite capable of carrying fish, not to mention thousands of tons, but hundreds of tons of fish.

Therefore, Jiang Ran and the others are not in a hurry to return to the voyage. It is best to catch more fish and go back.

There was some movement outside, as if Zhao Xiaoyun's team came back from investigating the situation.

Jiang Ran got away from the lazy state half leaning against the side of the boat, straightened her clothes, and stepped outside, "Come out as soon as you finish handling the fish, dinner is ready, go grab a good place to pick up vegetables."

The people who killed the fish watched Jiang Ran get off the boat and disappeared. A mustache stared at Hu Lian with wide eyes, and patted his shoulder with a wet hand enviously and jealously, "Boy Lian, are you so familiar with the county lord?!"

The others didn't intend to kill the fish, so they all came over and asked Hu Lian, "This is the first time I've seen the county lord look so friendly!"

"I usually don't dare to look up at the county lord, but this is the first time I've been so close to him! Oh my god, that pampered fair skin, the aura like flowing clouds... I dare not breathe..."

Hu Lian was a little flustered, but she was strangely proud in her heart, "..."

After arguing for a while, the fish planers followed Jiang Ran off the boat to grab a seat for dinner.

When Jiang Ran stepped into the soft sand again, she saw Zhao Xiaoyun flicking her long maroon braids and shaking off the weeds on her head. She seemed to have discovered something, and ran over excitedly, "County Lord, Commander Chen, we found a fruit forest on the island with many fruits growing!"

"Oh?" Jiang Ran became interested.

There are not many fruits in this season, and they are huddled in Suling. To be honest, Jiang Ran hasn't eaten a decent fruit for a long time.

"Is there no danger ahead?"

Zhao Xiaoyun shook his head, "There are a few snakes, but they should not be poisonous. We caught them and gave them extra meals."

The person behind her was carrying several dead snakes that had been thrown to death.

Zhao Xiaoyun continued, "I didn't see any large beasts."

"Then go and have a look." Jiang Ran ordered a few people to go pick the fruit together. In addition to Zhao Xiaoyun's team who led the way, she also brought Hu Lian, and Chen Guangyu, who was at the eighth level of Juling, stayed where he was just in case.

Hu Lian was a little excited by being clicked, and picked up his small iron sword and carried it on his back.

The 15 people excitedly walked towards the fruit forest that Zhao Xiaoyun mentioned.

Rows of low shrubs stand, bearing clusters of black berries.Looking up, a green fruit in the shape of a thorn ball is formed on the tree, and opposite to the thorn fruit forest, there are more than a dozen blue pomegranates with thick blue skins.

Looking further into the depths, clusters of banana trees vaguely bore short, young green fruits.

And some, densely packed with various wild fruits.

"It's really shocking. Such a small island has far less fruit than Suling, and it's still in this season." One person exclaimed in surprise.

Now that he came here, Zhao Xiaoyun immediately ordered everyone to start picking fruits without Jiang Ran's words.

Jiang Ran glanced at it, but didn't stop her. She just looked at the green-eyed fruit pickers and said, "Be gentle, don't break the fruit tree."

She felt that it would be a pity if such a rare fruit forest was ruined by a fruit picking operation.

"Yes!!" Jiang Ran's words were absolute, everyone knew that they had to restrain themselves, and the people who climbed the tree next tried to be as gentle as possible.

Jiang Ran turned her head and sniffed.

She always feels that there is a very fragrant smell here, which is refreshing.

But it shouldn't be the smell from the fruit.

She wants to find out the source.

Jiang Ran searched for the scent and walked out, but was surprised to see a bamboo forest...

But at the fruit forest side, because Hu Lian is relatively light, he was assigned to pick blue durians.

The blue durian fruit tree is relatively tall, almost more than three meters, and the tree is relatively straight. It took Hu Lian a lot of effort to climb up.

"This blue durian fruit is really big. It would be great if Xiao Yi was here, he would be very happy..." Hu Lian thought that with so many blue durian fruits, maybe he could bring some back to his younger brother.

The blue durian fruit is not small, as big as two fists. It is a standard football star. When Hu Lian picks one, he has to throw it into the soft grass below. He picks the big and ripe ones and picks more than ten in a row.

"Huh?" Hu Lian felt strange, and used even more strength to tear the fruit off.

"Why is it so difficult..." Hu Lian looked down at the blue durian in bewilderment, but met a pair of wet amber eyes! !
"Chichi..." The little guy gave a weak cry, but he hugged the blue durian tightly, only to see amber showing fear, and tears streaming from his eyes.

Hu Lian was so frightened that he wanted to shout, "..."


Jiang Ran didn't expect that there was a bamboo forest here.

"Ran Ran, those bamboos are so fragrant." Yao Bao suddenly said, "It feels like there is something good inside."

"A good thing?" Jiang Ran picked it strangely, "Although it's true that Yuzhu Haiyu is relatively rare, it shouldn't be considered a good thing for you."

Polygonatum odoratum, a kind of Polygonatum odoratum that grows by the sea, the texture and appearance of this bamboo is like ice jade, and each bamboo is as thick as a thigh.Different from the bamboo with even and straight joints, a section of Yuzhu bamboo is thin at both ends and fat in the middle, and looks like an upright lotus root from a distance.

Because of its unique appearance and jade-like texture, the stems of the jade bamboo can be removed and used as bracelets.

"No, no, something inside the bamboo!" Yao Bao shook his head quickly, dragging Jiang Ran in.

"Chichi!!!" However, when Jiang Ran approached and stroked a piece of Polygonatum japonicus, suddenly, a group of creatures descended from the sky! !
"Chichi!!" Invaders!Go away, no, or I, we will kill you! !
Small stones were thrown out by them aggressively...then rolled to Jiang Ran's feet...

Jiang Ran took a look and stepped on the stone.

The group of guys turned pale with fright, "Chi Chi Chi!!" Good, such a powerful enemy!
I saw the leader shouting loudly: "Chi-Chi-Chi!!" Don't-don't be afraid, I-I'm not afraid, protect-protect our treasure! !
(End of this chapter)

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