As a lord, I was forced to farm

Chapter 406 Millet Wine Marmoset

Chapter 406 Millet Wine Marmoset
Jiang Ran found that the group of little things really worked hard to muster up the courage to drive her away.

"What kind of creature is Gulu?" Yao Bao tilted his head.

"It should be... Millet wine marmoset..." Jiang Ran thought for a while, and found information about this creature in "Spirit Beast Master Handbook" from Mo Jie.

Millet marmosets are small in size, newborns are only the size of broad beans, and adult monkeys are generally about [-] to [-] centimeters in length!

They were delicate and lovely, with bluish-blue hair, white parts of their faces that were hairless, and beautiful amber eyes.

The marmoset's tail is very long, and it can wrap around its body seven to eight times. When it is not in use, it always rolls its tail into a ball and drags it behind.

Millet wine marmosets have a high IQ and a docile personality. They are born masters of brewing wine. The wine they brew is basically expensive spirit wine. They even tend to fruit trees, and then put the fruit in the tree hole and let it ferment with special techniques.

Most marmosets are timid, docile and sensitive. They regard their fruit trees and wine as their treasures. If someone snatches their treasures away, they will be unhappy, and the extreme monkeys will even die of depression.

"The jade bamboos are probably filled with the spirit wine they make. No wonder many jade bamboos have holes in them."

Jiang Ran looked at the group of terrified millet wine marmosets, hesitating whether to fetch some spirit wine or not.

"Forget it, let's talk about it next time."

She is not a kind person. In this world, she has killed countless monsters, but people are all creatures with preferences, and Jiang Ran is no exception.

Looking at the group of millet wine monkeys, she thought, it would be immoral to kill these lovely aborigines for her own appetite - although Jiang Ran usually didn't care if she was moral or not, at this moment she wanted to.

"Hey..." Yaobao was a little unhappy, rolled his eyes, and quietly slipped to the back.

A Celestial Glory Beast that is not stolen is not a good Celestial Glory Beast!As long as you don't get discovered, everything will be fine and everything will be fine.

Jiang Ran watched Yaobao fly away quietly, but she didn't stop her, "It's a bit of a measure."

"Got it Gulu~"

Thinking of something, Jiang Ran suddenly turned around and walked out of the bamboo forest.

In the fruit forest, a group of people were not picking fruit, but gathered together, chatting about something noisy.

"What creatures are these?"


"Is there such a small monkey? It's not as big as my palm!"

"Don't touch it with your hands, it's poisonous!!"

"Hu Lian, quickly leave that big-eyed skinny monkey behind and kill it with a knife!"

Hu Lian glanced at the teary little thing, hesitated, "Listen to me, they should be harmless, and they didn't attack me, can you stop killing them and find out what they are..."

"Where's the county lord?" Zhao Xiaoyun looked around and asked in shock, "The county lord?!"

"Your Excellency seems to be heading there..." Someone pointed in one direction, only to find that Jiang Ran was coming from a distance.

Zhao Xiaoyun breathed a sigh of relief.

"What happened?" Jiang Ran asked.

"Master, we found a strange monkey!"

Jiang Ran looked down at the big-eyed monkey hugging the blue durian fruit and dozens of other monkeys huddled together, "It's a millet marmoset. It has no attack power and is not poisonous. Don't kill it."

Hearing what Jiang Ran said, Zhao Xiaoyun and the others breathed a sigh of relief, and took the sword back at the same time.

"Chichi..." A group of millet wine marmosets looked at these strange and huge creatures stupidly, as if they had survived a catastrophe.

Jiang Ran glanced at the fruits picked by the crowd. The time was short, and he happened to meet this strange monkey, so he didn't pick many.

"This fruit forest belongs to this group of monkeys. Take the fruit and go back." Jiang Ran took out a few crystals and threw them to the monkeys who were terrified.

She didn't ask the millet marmoset if he would sell the fruit to her. This was forced buying and selling, but Jiang Ran didn't care what the little monkey thought.

Zhao Xiaoyun and the others felt that the county lord should not throw crystals back to these monkeys. The law of nature is that the strong prey on the weak.

The county lord, who looks strong and indifferent, is actually a very kind and soft person in his heart.

Jiang Ran led the people out of the fruit forest, thinking that these monkeys really have a good way of raising fruit trees. In the small island, there is actually a blackberry tree spirit monster and a banana spirit insect...

The millet marmoset watched the strange creature go away, holding the crystal that Jiang Ran left behind for a long time, unable to recover.

The big-eyed thin monkey took a look at the middle-length haired boy in brown cloth and the bewildered clansman, curled up the blue pomegranate several times its body with its tail, and followed with a snort.

"Chi Chi Chi Chi!" Where are you going, little stupid monkey!
Big-eyed thin monkey: "Chichijiji." To take revenge.

"This island should be called Water Monkey Island." Back at the camp, Jiang Ran calmly named the island.

Zhao Xiaoyun scratched his head and said, "Very appropriate name, those little monkeys are actually quite cute."

Zhao Xiaoyun rubbed his flat stomach, and found that dinner would take a while, "Master, dinner seems to take a while, I'll wash some fruit for you first."


Jiang Ran noticed that Yaobao was flying back like a thief.

Yaobao showed Jiang Ran a look at his spoils—it really was a jug of wine.

"Take a little from each bamboo, they will never find Gulu~" Yaobao narrowed his eyes.

Jiang Ran: "..." As long as you are happy.

Zhao Xiaoyun put the washed fruit in front of Jiang Ran, and Jiang Ran tasted it.

Prickly fruit, sweet and sour taste, but not astringent, tastes a bit like black grapes.

Blackberries, which look a bit like strawberries, are black and much smaller, only the size of a thumb, exuding a very sweet fragrance.

The blue durian fruit needs to be peeled off the outer layer of blue skin, and the inside is white pulp. It tastes very sweet and waxy. It should be a fruit that can satisfy hunger like breadfruit, which can give people a sense of satiety.

"These three kinds of fruits seem to be very marketable..." Jiang Ran looked thoughtfully at the fruits on the table.

This trip to Water Monkey Island will be a worthwhile trip.


The orange bonfire was beating in the dark night, and finally it was time for dinner. Everyone was already starving, and they happily gathered together to eat grilled fish.

Chen Mo respectfully prepared dishes for Jiang Ran. Jiang Ran took a bite of the red scale fish, and the smooth taste melted on the tip of his tongue. After swallowing, it seemed as if a mass of warm power surged up with the digestion of the fish, repairing every cell in the body.

Bai Mei and Yaobao sat down below, gobbling it up.

"Chen Mao, don't be too busy, sit down and eat together." Jiang Ran gestured for the seat opposite her with her chin.

Chen Mo sat down silently.

Jiang Ran, the red-scaled murloc on the table, thought of the ton of red-scaled fish on the boat, but she actually had other considerations.

(End of this chapter)

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