As a lord, I was forced to farm

Chapter 407 Spiritual Wine

Chapter 407 Spiritual Wine
Although the weather is slightly cold now, the fish meat can be kept fresh for a period of time after bloodletting and the ice-making ability of ice monks, but the red scale fish is not easy to sell in Suling and nearby areas.

It's not that the red scale fish is not good, it is too good to sell.

Jiang Ran, like salmon and yellow croaker, is not worried about not being able to sell them. Not to mention that she has a population of 9 in Suling, and eating one fish for every twenty people can consume this fish. Moreover, there is a trading port in Xinheng Town, which can be exported to outer cities, and Qianyu has also ordered a large number of fish.

But the red scale fish is different from ordinary fish. Its function is too strong, and Jiang Ran cannot and cannot sell it cheaply. With such a high price, only a small number of people can afford the red scale fish.

Chen Mo is a chef, and he must know more about meat preservation than Jiang Ran. She asked Chen Mo, "If you want to keep the red scale fish as delicious and nutritious as possible, is there any way to preserve it?"

Chen Mo was stunned, "There are many ways to keep the meat from going bad. For short-term preservation, frying or wrapping fresh meat with vinegar-soaked cloth is fine. For long-term preservation, air-drying and smoking are the most common methods. You can also cook the meat and put it in a sealed container filled with soy sauce, which can keep it from going bad for one to two months; or use honey..."

While thinking, Chen Mo said, "Master, I have no way to completely preserve the aura and delicacy of the red scale fish for the time being, but [-]% to [-]% can be preserved through special methods. The honey method and the pine smoke method. The honey method requires the use of honey and salt. The best honey is the honey produced by the spirit bee, and the salt can use Zeyan County's salt. Zeyan is very pure, without a trace of bitterness, and I found that Zeyan has a miraculous effect of 'water-locking'. The meat preserved by the honey method can restore the taste and aura of fresh fish as much as possible. .The pine smoke method needs to use the leaves of the pine needles and the salt..."

Zeyan is fine, but there is no way to get a lot of honey and pine leaves.

Jiang Ran frowned slightly, thinking that this ship of red scale fish had to be sold as soon as possible, and then she had to go to Mingxiao City, which had a strong purchasing power, or ask the group of Yunrong beasts in Shenmu Realm if they wanted it.

But Jiang Ran didn't expect that the red scale fish in this boat would soon have a solution.

The aroma of the dishes attracted a group of timid millet marmosets, "Chichi..."

"It's the group of monkeys just now!"

"So you guys are not lying, there really are such big monkeys!"

"Look at that little monkey in its mother's arms, it's only as big as my thumb!"

"Didn't you say that these monkeys are very timid?"

"I'm also surprised how they came out."

"...they seem to want to eat our fish..."

Hundreds of little monkeys, about the size of a palm, looked at the crowd eagerly, and called out in soft clips.

This suddenly aroused everyone's sympathy. Some kind-hearted people tried to throw a few grilled fish to the monkeys. Hundreds of monkeys swarmed up, and there were no fish bones left. The few fish were eaten in an instant.

But a few fish are not enough for these hundreds of little monkeys to eat. The monkeys who did not catch the fish sat on the ground pitifully, their big wet amber eyes moved with the movement of the fish.

"These monkeys don't know how to catch fish. It's not the first time they eat fish."

Although the little monkey is very pitiful, the fish cooked by Chen Mo counts the number of people, and the lives of the people in Suling have only improved in the past half a year. Thrift is engraved in their bones, and when they can hardly eat enough, there are not so many people who are generous enough to throw their dinner to the monkeys.

Seeing that no one was feeding them, the marmosets were very disappointed, but their timid and docile nature prevented the group of marmosets from going up to snatch fish for food.

"Chichi..." The monkeys scratched their heads and jumped up and down. They were thinking about how to let these strange creatures give them fish and meat! ?

Suddenly, the big-eyed thin monkey who had been following Hu Lian weakly handed over the blue durian fruit that he was protecting like a baby, and his eyes stared and stared at the piece of fish on Hu Lian's chopsticks. "

"Huh? Do you want to change it with me?" Hu Lian froze for a moment, then tentatively handed the fish to it.

"Chichi~~" The eyes of the big-eyed skinny monkey shone with joy, dropped the blue durian fruit, took the fish meat and lifted it above its head, hopped its legs left and right a few times, and finally sat happily on Hu Lian's lap, and ate it with big mouthfuls.

Feeling baffled, Hu Lian picked up the blue durian fruit and wiped it on her body, then took a bite.

The little monkeys were very surprised to see that the big-eyed thin monkey got the fish.

"Hush!!" Then, the monkeys rushed back like the wind.

For a moment, the wild land that had seemed extremely empty just now suddenly became extremely silent.

Everyone was puzzled, "What happened to this group of monkeys?"

But within 3 minutes, the chirping calls of the monkeys appeared again like the wind.

Under the light of the bonfire, everyone looked at the ground, blue durians, bananas, thorns, blackberries... a lot of fruits were piled up in front of everyone.

"Oh my God..." Everyone was stunned, and Fox asked, "Are they trying to exchange fish with us?"


On Jiang Ran's side, there were more monkeys. Almost half of the monkeys surrounded Jiang Ran, and the remaining half were because there were too many monkeys to squeeze in. The monkeys stared at the red-scaled fish on the table, and the saliva from their mouths fell like a faucet.

"Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi!" !

Jiang Ran tilted her head to look at the group of monkeys, thought for a while, and pointed to the red scale fish on the table, "Fruit is not good, but wine is fine."

The monkeys couldn't understand human words very well, so Jiang Ran pointed to the water on the table, made a gesture of drinking, and then took a piece of fish and handed it to the monkeys.

After going back and forth several times, some monkeys finally understood, and there was another burst of turmoil. When the monkeys reappeared, a strong smell of wine filled the air.

"The smell of wine!" Chen Mo's eyes lit up all of a sudden. In many dishes, wine can be used to enhance the flavor and remove the fishy smell. Chen Mo is considered a half-master of wine tasting. He smelled the smell of wine in the air, and suddenly became energetic.

The container for the millet wine marmosets to hold the wine is Yuzhu Haiyu. More than a dozen monkeys worked together to bring a piece of bamboo, jumped up and put the spirit wine on Jiang Ran's table.

There is about eight liters of wine in this piece of bamboo, which is a lot.

Then, looking at Jiang Ran with big expectant eyes, "..."

Jiang Ran raised her eyebrows, poured out a little into the cup, and took a sip.

The aroma of bamboo, the sourness and sweetness of fruit, and the taste of fermented wine are mixed together to balance out a very unique mellow aroma.

The entrance is a sweet and sour taste, but gradually, there is a coldness that gradually dilutes the initial sweet taste, the wine fills the mouth, moistens the throat, leaves the fragrance on the teeth and cheeks, quietly sneaks into the blood, and the charm is long.

[Digression: The currency conversion in this article has been reset. One thousand silver dollars = one gold dollar, one hundred gold dollars = one crystal, and one thousand crystals = one spirit. (The conversion between mortal currency and spiritual coins is only theoretical. In fact, the value of one hundred gold dollars is slightly greater than 1 crystal, because the spiritual coin will disappear due to the practice of monks breathing.) The exchange ratio between gold coins and crystals has been adjusted. I have revised the previous article, and the reading of the following will not affect it. 】

Sorry for giving you a bad reading experience. (bow ninety degrees)
 The digression is less than [-] words, so there is no charge.

(End of this chapter)

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