As a lord, I was forced to farm

Chapter 408 Farewell to Water Monkey Island

"Good wine." Jiang Ran actually felt a little drunk, but she was by no means the type to get drunk easily.

Without exception, this jug of wine is spiritual wine.

Jiang Ran gave all the red scale fish left on the table to the group of little monkeys, and even took away the unmoved red scale fish from Bai Mei's paws.

"Ho Ho?" Bai Mei was a little confused.

"Fill a cup of golden liquid, toast the sea tide. Since millet wine marmosets brew the wine from jade bamboo in the sea, it is called bamboo mash monkey wine."

"Hoho~~" Bai Mei leaned her chin on the table, her blue eyes looked at Jiang Ran expectantly, Jiang Ran lowered her eyes, and handed him the wine in the glass to drink.

Bai Mei opened his mouth wide, and Jiang Ran fell in, but Bai Mei slammed his mouth open, and the next moment he passed out like a hot red shrimp.

"Nothing." Jiang Ran shook her head.

Jiang Ran raised his glass to signal for Chen Mo to drink too, and called Chen Guangyu, Zhao Xiaoyun and the others, each of whom offered a glass of wine.

"I've never seen such a good wine!" Chen Guangyu was intoxicated by it.

"It is thanks to the honor of the county lord that we can drink such fine wine." Zhao Xiaoyun was sincerely grateful, if not for the wisdom of the county lord, I am afraid that they would still be a group of frogs at the bottom of the deep well, ignorant of the vastness of the sky.

Chen Guangyu looked at the millet wine marmosets squatting on the table and eating fish, "There are monkeys that can make wine, the world is so big and full of wonders!"

The few red-scaled fish on the table were all eaten by the millet marmosets, even the minced meat on the fishbone. A monkey with a higher status ate more, and there was a dense light on its head, and it broke through under the eyes of everyone!

Don't look at the monkeys who are extremely cowardly and weak in combat power.In fact, although they do not have top-level powerhouses, the monkey king with the highest cultivation level seems to be only at the fourth or fifth level of Gathering Spirits, but more than half of the more than 300 monkeys have cultivation bases, basically above the eighth level of the pulse opening state.
This may be the effect of the spirit wine they brew.

Looking at the advanced monkey, Chen Guangyu's eyes were full of envy.

"Chichi!!" A group of monkeys were overjoyed and looked at Jiang Ran longingly.

They don't look like they're full yet, and they can see that the cutest one is the king of strange creatures!
Jiang Ran looked at the group of pitiful monkeys, and then at the spirit wine inside Hai Yuzhu, "If you still want to eat, you have to exchange for more spirit wine."

Jiang Ran clapped her hands and motioned for Chen Guangyu to ask someone to remove all the red-scaled fish on the boat.

Chen Guangyu's eyes lit up.

It is definitely not a loss to exchange red scale fish for spirit wine, anyway, they will go to sea tomorrow to catch it.

"Little ones, let's work when we are full!"

The red scale fish was moved down, and the bright red fish attracted the millet marmosets.


The monkeys were overjoyed, and hurried into the bamboo forest again, humming and humming to bring out the spirit wine they had stored.

To be honest, Yaobao was stunned.

Looking at the small pot of spiritual wine that he had worked so hard to steal, he fell into deep thought.

It's trying to please Ranran now, will she give it spirit wine?
After the millet wine marmosets, 230 six pieces of Polygonatum mellifera were brought in, and each monkey brought in its own brewed wine.

After removing the weight of Polygonatum japonicus, these wines should add up to more than [-] kilograms. Among them, there are three pieces of wine brewed by Monkey King. Just the smell makes people feel celestial, and it is the best among the best wines!
Chen Guangyu's eyes widened. He didn't expect that there would be so many top-quality monkey wine.

"My lord, how many catties of red scale fish are exchanged for a catty of wine?"

"Two catties for one catty."

The red scale fish on that boat will basically be contracted by this group of millet marmosets.

"Oh my God, these wine containers are so beautiful, like jade..."

"The county lord gave us ten catties of wine to drink..."

"This is spiritual wine. Commander Chen said it himself after drinking it to keep fit!"

"Drink less, keep watch at night, and continue to go to sea tomorrow!"

"I know, there are so many of us, if we take a sip each, we should be fine."

Everyone carefully moved the wine back into the fishing boat, feeling like they were dreaming.

In addition to bamboo mash monkey wine, Jiang Ran and the others also exchanged some common fish for about two hundred catties of fruit.

Jiang Ran wanted to change some more, but most of the fruits on the fruit trees were not ripe, and the millet wine marmosets said that they still need to save a lot of fruits to make wine.

But they seem to hope that they can exchange red scale fish for their wine and fruit next time.

Looking at the millet marmosets cheering around the red scale fish, I thought to myself that they are as big as a palm, how much fish can they eat in a day?
Jiang Ran tilted her head and thought for a while, "This group of little monkeys can't finish eating these red scale fish in a day or two. Now that we have the spirit wine and fruit, let's be a good person and help them dry."

Jiang Ran's idea caused more than 50 men and 20 women to work for her for half an hour.

I chose a ventilated place, hung the fish on the tree firmly, everyone finished their work, drank wine, and at that time, everyone fell asleep on the fishing boat!

In the early morning, facing the magnificent morning glow in the east, the white waves beat against the reef wave after wave.

Everyone had already woken up, had breakfast, digested the red scale fish and a sip of bamboo mash monkey wine overnight, and felt that the aches and pains in their bodies had disappeared, replaced by inexhaustible energy!
The crowd sang an unknown chant amidst loud bronze bells, pushing the two large fishing boats into the ocean.

Knowing that they were leaving, the millet marmosets gnawed on the red scale fish and stepped on their companions' heads one after another, two or three...the monkeys jumped up and down to see them off.

Right now, the boat has gone some distance.


Zhao Xiaoyun's maroon hair was messed up, and he said to Hu Lian in astonishment, "Why did you abduct a little monkey from others!?"

A look of helplessness appeared on the young man's face, and Hu Lian smiled wryly, "Sister Zhao, it has been following me yesterday, and it seemed to sleep with me at night. In the morning, I thought it was gone when I saw that it was not there. I just found out that this little monkey was hiding in my pocket and boarded the boat with us..."

Hearing this, Zhao Xiaoyun laughed loudly, "You saved it, it must have fallen in love with you, so it wants to go with you!"

Everyone looked at the pitiful and innocent big-eyed thin monkey sitting on Hu Lian's head, showing envy beyond recognition, "..." Damn, why am I not so lucky.

But thinking that it was Hu Lian who stopped them yesterday, and the little monkey survived, the little bit of envy disappeared.

Maybe this is God's gift to kind people.

Soon, everyone arrived at the place where the red scale fish was caught yesterday.

"Get busy and get busy!"

It was still Zhao Xiaoyun and Hu Lian who drove the Fengling ship and used trawling to catch fish. The others were vigilant about the ocean and helped to transport the red scale fish to the fishing boat.

And Jiang Ran himself left a Fengling Ship on the sea, took Yaobao and Baimei, and headed for the Huolei Stone Mine...

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